This is going to sound very strong and angry, and I don't mean for it to, but I'm trying to seriously explain to you the possible consequences of your dog being loose and chasing stock.
Since Memorial Day I have had several geese killed and eaten and two sheep mauled by either dogs or coyotes. Neither sheep was killed, just really torn up. Last week I had sit down in the pasture with a sheep my daughter raised on a bottle 8 years ago and put it to sleep rather than watch it suffer. It was in such bad shape we couldn't even lift it up to put it in the truck for a trip to the vet.
We are trying to decide how to stop these animals without putting our own dogs at risk. Poison is one alternative, but there's always the chance my boys could end up with it. Shooting is another, but something I really can't bring myself to do. We're also talking to animal control about coming out to put traps out. They would then put the animals to sleep. As much as I want to protect my animals, I have a very soft heart and it's hard for me thinking about killing these attackers. Most people I know wouldn't think twice about it.
Honestly, if you can't figure out a way to keep your dog from chasing and potentially harming other people's animals on their property, there is a strong possibility either your neighbors or the animals themselves will hurt or kill Scarlett.