My brother's dog, Annie
Hope it all goes well.
Hugs. -
Latest update from my sis in law:
"The latest is that they are giving her antibiotics as well as Prednisone to treat both possibilities (infection or auto-immune). Tomorrow they will do the spinal tap. They found no masses in her abdomen. Their feeling is that it's more than likely an auto-immune disorder. They actually said we may be able to take her home tomorrow if she responds to the treatment. I hope we're not getting our hopes up for nothing. It still could be irreversible."
I would have assumed that they have ruled out Vestibular? Of course the rapid eye movement is a dead give away for this disorder… and common to older dogs with no known cause other then age. For anyone interested here is a link:
My Mickii just had a bout with this, recovered completely in 3 wks… but I will say that they are correct in the "after care" being the most important
Latest update:
"They think she has GME. If you google that, the prognosis is not very good,
but some dogs live for a few years with daily medication. I'm still hoping
it's infectious in which case, by today we would see an improvement from the
antibiotics. That would be totally reversible."I hope that GME isn't the case. If it is, I hope it's a manageable form of it.
All about GME, if you are interested: -
So they were able to take Annie home early this week. Seems she's still weak and has some minor trouble walking, but she's definately on the mend - but not 'the same old Annie' just yet. Spinal fluid test results have not come in yet. They have her on massive doses of various drugs and it seems to be helping a bit. She's not out of the hot water yet, but she seems to be improving. More later…
Glad to hear Annie was able to go home and is doing better!