Does my Rafael have enough Bisenji ffor this forum?
My family got this dog at a local Mass. shelter. He was about three months at the time. We were told a family surrendered him and he came from Penn.. He was labeled as a parson/jack Russell Terrier mix. The first months with him were insane. I wonder if that is why they gave him up! I would not do it again. My second dog was a piece of cake as a puppy. Rafael has calmed down a bit with age, now 8. He does have some quirks, like he makes funny noises and barks funny compared to our other dog and dogs in the neighborhood. He turns around when outside is raining or wet, it's the only time he uses the dog house- to get out of the rain. Our other dog could care less. He likes to climb stuff. He sits on top of the dog house. He almost always goes after other dogs when he sees them on walks. Those dogs can be completely silent and Rafael is trying to take off. My daughter thinks he isn't trained but he does follow commands at home. I know most dogs like to hunt. I always ask him what he is tracking on our walks, and of course he sees or hears things in the dark, from across a very large 2 way street with a park (in between the ways) and he starts running toward whatever with me behind him hanging onto the leash. We have had a lot of rabbit sightings in the neighborhood these past few years. I have no clue what he sees or hears until it's in front of me if it hasn't fled. My brother said he looked like a Bisengi mix the first time he saw him. Some behavior is dog behavior but when I look at photos I think he looks Bisengi.

He most definitely has Basenji mix in him and he's a beautiful dog.
My Basenji mix as a puppy was a nightmare to train. He's the smartest dog we've ever had and is a pure joy to be with now. -
It is so unfortunate that there are careless dog owners. But I agree with you that it's not the dogs fault and I commend the owner for adopting a rescue - he should consider the dog a gift. Rafael is a living creature who deserves a loving home. He is a beautiful dog. -
Well, interesting thoughts and opinions here. First of all, that is a very handsome and obvious Basenji mix. Lots of Basenji DNA in that cutey. And the behaviors are pretty spot on. I have a 3/4 Basenji mix, a rescue, who is the most delightful dog ever, in life. I don't know her history (somewhere in Iowa) but I am forever thankful that she ultimately landed in our home.
It's a unique breed that is not far removed from its origins in Africa. I totally support the idea of sustaining the purity of the breed. But I suspect these many mixes are the result of escape accidents or ignorant irresponsible back-yard breeders. And those people are LEGION, across America, working with all breeds. But, you know, mixes are not a bad thing. I had the opportunity to engage with a Basenji group, and almost all of those dogs were grumpy grouchy and anti-social. My mix was the friendliest dog in the house. Izzy absolutely loves everything and everybody. Purity can have some drawbacks, and that's a fact.BUT, whatever, I positively adore my Basenji mix, Izzy-Bella, smartest, funniest, best dog ever. Thank you, careless breeder/owner/whatever for
providing the opportunity for this little canine treasure to become part of our family. -
@antigone - Are you saying that Basenjis were on the Endangered Species List? If so that is far from the truth. Yes Basenjis were imported back in the 80's and for a many years after that. (And many will disagree that many of the recent imports are really Basenjis, but that is another conversation). They were not imported because they were endangered, but to increase the gene pool due to health issues. However at that time there was no DNA test for Fanconi or PRA, so breeding was hit and miss for those late onset afflictions. With the addition of DNA testing for Fanconi and for PRA breeding Basenjis that would never get these horrible afflictions a reality. Of course that is as long as breeders test before breeding. And we now know that Fanconi is a recessive gene (as is PRA), therefore as was not in the past, using an afflicted male (personally I would never use an afflicted bitch) to a clear bitch, you get carriers, but that will never get Fanconi but still be be used in a breeding program as long as again bred to a Clear bitch.
To Max Sturmius, very cute pup.... could have Basenji mostly looks like Jack Russell but you are most welcome here
@kembe I agree and no matter what if you Adopt, Buy or Rescue and Animal of any Species you have the ethical obligation to take care of the Pet for its life. This crossbreeding must be stopped. Now there are Puppy Mills that have allegedly Basenjis.
The Breeders in the US are so protective of their Dogs that they control who is allowed to buy a Puppy. Some awful person somehow came across a Female and crossed it with another type of Dog. I am absolutely horrified to know these Dogs are in Puppy Mills. I wish that I could investigate this myself but there are so many locations of these Mills that they are not only hard to find but this is also a generational thing where the 'Business' stays in the Family. USDA has Four Vets the last time I checked and they have to go and check on the Mills. There are not enough Vets to check all of the Dogs and Cats.
Wherever you find Animals there is always someone there trying to sell you something. I retain Ownership of my Horses and I free lease them and there is no money and I have the right to take a Horse back and if the Lessee cannot take care of the Horse any longer I take it back. This has always worked out well for me and my Horses.
I bet everyone here would love to come back as one of our Basenjis!
@tanza They were on the Endangered Species list when they were in the Belgian Congo. The people that owned the dogs did not want to part with them. Also in Norway, they would hang the dogs from a fence until their hackles showed and then they would kill them and skin them to make Fur Coats.
The gal I used to Board my Horses with had them when she was a Child. Her Dad had been in Africa for one of the many Wars and he brought home a breeding pair. That was in the late 1950's so they have been here for a while.
I am aware of the genetic problems of the Breed and Imports are now very difficult for obvious reasons. The Islamic State is in The Democratic Republic of the Congo and that is horrible for all the Dogs. They are eating the Dogs so the owner can no longer use the Dogs for Hunting.
It is a sick World and I wish I could keep them all safe. I have successfully shut down the last remaining Horse Slaughterhouse in NJ. It took me 10 years but I got it done.
replied to Max Sturmius on last edited by
Welcome to the forum. Anyone can join. :) Thank you for rescuing.