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Use of Rescue Remedy

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  • Seeka is 3yrs and still chewing furniture when left alone. We’ve tried everything. The vet prescribed a medication with horrible side effects. I never gave Seeka the medicine. I just couldn’t. Recently I’ve met a trainer quite knowledgeable of dog behaviors. She has recommended Rescue Remedy, 2 drops a day for 2 weeks. This is to help with Seeka’s anxiety.
    Has anyone else used Rescue Remedy and if so what was your experience ?

  • @serenjane I don't have experience with that in particular. How long are you leaving her alone? Have you tried crating her? (What have you tried?)

  • Rescue remedy is harmless. One of those things people swear works but in research, precisely no better than a placebo.

    Tiring her out and using crate training are better.

  • I have good experiences with flower remedies. RR might help, but also specific 'alone training' like Debra suggests. Also, if available, have an experienced practitioner test her for a specific remedie - that might work deeper.

  • Rescue Remedy DOES WORK !!! Research,duh !!!
    I've used RR for 41 years,on myself and my dogs,absolutely works.
    Also, Ignatia Amara which is another homeopathic remedy.

    ps. Debra just how any basenjis have you had over the years, I'm sure it
    wasn't over 100 like mine.
    I have used many remedies over the years and I only use what works.
    Don't want to be cruel but please stop sounding like you know it all when
    you clearly have had only a couple of B's and the rest " just dogs".

  • @debradownsouth

    I take her to a doggie park for 1 1/2 to 2 hrs every morning. She has a group she runs and plays with all this time.
    I was never able to crate train her, another story.
    She never seems to tire until bedtime. This is why I’m trying the Rescue Remedy.

  • @rocky1
    I’m glad to hear someone has used and gotten results with RR. Thanks so much.

  • @elbrant

    No luck with crate training. She would bite the crate and injure herself. She would cry and even
    choke at times. I couldn’t stand it. Tried for a couple of months.

  • My first B, I got her at six weeks, she slep with us the first 4 or 5 months , than we got a crate put the bed she had been sleeping in, and after her basenji 500 run through the house every night she got in the crate and went to sleep at exactly 8:30 every night, when I go my two rescues boys, she shared the crate with them, I guess I was fortunate to have such a bright girl!

  • In addition , I use Rescue Remedy for myself and when the B’s are stressed !

  • @rocky1 said in Use of Rescue Remedy:

    Rescue Remedy DOES WORK !!! Research,duh !!!
    I've used RR for 41 years,on myself and my dogs,absolutely works.
    Also, Ignatia Amara which is another homeopathic remedy.

    ps. Debra just how any basenjis have you had over the years, I'm sure it
    wasn't over 100 like mine.
    I have used many remedies over the years and I only use what works.
    Don't want to be cruel but please stop sounding like you know it all when
    you clearly have had only a couple of B's and the rest " just dogs".

    How about you please stop acting like a jerk telling me what or how to post?
    You aren't being "cruel", you're just showing your disrespect and ignorance.
    You say you owned over 100 dogs in 40 years... So? I have had Rottweiller, chows, Basenji and Samoyed and fostered others. Don't let it shock you, but they are still all dogs.

    I know it is annoying that you say something works and I can show research that it's a placebo effect. It obviously bothers you a lot, because if I disagree, instead of you acting like an intelligent adult, you start the personal attacks. It isn't cruel, it's sad, and inappropriate.

    I can discuss either without chest beating, I've had more basenji than you, blah blah blah childish tantrums, and trying to insult you or tell you not to post.
    You don't agree with what I said, debate it, show me proof I am wrong, or admit it is just your opinion/experience. Ignore it. But the childish nonsense and pathetic attempts at insults, let it go. It's old. It's boring. And it sure is against the forum rules.

  • This post is deleted!
  • My pack (we had eight Basenjis at one time but age catches up in the end) were all spaced out on Rescue Remedy on Bonfire Night (5th November). The village organisers were always kind enough to remind me of the festivities. Only a couple over the past 36 years have actually been upset by the bangs but I didn't take chances. It worked !

    We had one boy with a total phobia for long-distance lorries. He was fine in the car, but let me pull into a service station and all hell broke loose. I found a drop of RR before we embarked on the journey prevented mayhem.

    Try getting a large bone, and only producing it when you are going out. So she equates being left alone with something very pleasant. I recommended this to a family when they had similar problems with a new puppy. The lady learned to grab her lipstick in one hand and the bone in the other - so as she got ready to go out, the puppy knew the bone was coming. It worked very well indeed. No more damage.

    Placebos - Hmmmm Not sure now you explain a placebo to a dog. Many years ago we had a stray - Lurcher - we found on a campsite in Ireland as a puppy. The site was closing and the puppy had been abandonned. So we took it home. Like Topsy, he grew and he grew, and he helped me bring my son up.

    But he was car sick, very very car sick. He hated to be left at home so I piled up newspapers in the well of the passenger seat (his prefered seat in the car) and folded each paper and disposed of it as the journey progressed.

    Then someone suggested tying a length of chain to the back of the car, the sort of thing one used to do for children. So it touched the road every so often. A Placebo !

    But it worked ! Garman was never sick again.

  • Rescue Remedy didn't work for me. I tried it, but my girl didn't even like the smell. I also tried a DAP diffuser, a thunder shirt and all sorts of calming treats, but the only thing that worked for us was crate training. It was a challenging process-- for her and us.

  • I could put pages of old wives tales, home remedies, etc that people swear by...but science has proven doesn't really work. One great one they actually used only people who swore they had a food additive allergy...totally bogus. But when they knew they were getting it, or were lied to, both groups had reactions.

    Do dogs get placebo effects? Honestly, yes. Because if the person expects it to help, their body language, feeling calmer...the dogs benefit. Our being calm may be the best medicine possible.

    I'm not saying that RR never helps beyond placebo. I'm sure there are rare people and pets it might help. But when you give people who think it works fakes and it still works, study after study, logically you have to at least entertain the possibility that your expectations are a big factor.

    That also doesn't mean I don't do things I know there is close to zero support for. But at least I know it, don't present it as proof and I acknowledge there is no proof. If something works for you, great who cares if there is no science behind it?

  • @zande said in Use of Rescue Remedy:

    Placebos -...Then someone suggested tying a length of chain to the back of the car, the sort of thing one used to do for children. So it touched the road every so often. A Placebo ! <<

    People try really nonsensical stuff and then credit a change to it. I had a Chow who was horrifically car sick. Behavior training (get in car, treat, get out of car...get in car, back down driveway then pull back in...eventually drive around block. No help, she had streaming mucus even with meds.) So like you, I just put padding down (though I used towels and kept adding to plastic bag). On the way from Tennessee to visit my grandmother, she just suddenly stopped. Never threw up or even drooled in the car again. So was going to grandma's the magical cure...or did she just get over it as it often happens with tons of things.

    That's called a coincidence, not a placebo.

    I am sorry Sally, you are someone I look up to. Your dedication to the breed is inspiring. But even for you I can't believe a chain touching the ground does anything medical.

    But I still make a wish on shooting stars, birthday candles and pulling on a wishbone, so I have my own things. I can't judge yours. The things I tried for restless leg syndrome I'd be embarrassed to admit, but I am honest enough to admit there was at least a flicker of hope with each one. And if I ever get another dog with car sickness, I can't say I wouldn't try your chain.

    There are things beyond science. I'm really okay with that.

  • Debra,
    Not everything that is "researched" is factual.
    I bet you think that Chemo/radiation is great too because "Big Pharma" has researched it.
    I believe that GOD put everything on this earth to heal us. I'm so glad that I went the natural route
    with my Rocky because if I would have believed the Vet he would be DEAD right now.
    My S.O. Tony was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer last March. We went to a world class surgeon
    in NYC and was told his only option was surgery/chemo/rad.
    Thankfully we went the other way and found an alternative medicine doctor and now he is cancer
    as well as my Rocky.
    Just because something is research doesn't mean that it is the end all be all for the solution.
    Stop acting like you have all the answers, you don't.
    Experience wins out every time and I'm not saying that you don't have have any, I'm saying that
    you come off like you know it all and no one else knows anything. Oh, it has to be researched.
    Be listening to you for years now and that is how you come off.
    I don't know it all but what I do know is that I have experience not research to back it up.
    Have a nice day.

  • This post is deleted!
  • People died young and horribly before antibiotics. Science is a good thing. Not much isn't powered by greed, but an intelligent person takes the benefits and tries to avoid the bad.

    The problem is your belief that you have a right to repeatedly attack me. Just because you interpret my posts to be saying I know it all doesn't make it true. You getting nasty every time someone (me, and I'm sure everyone else you run across) who offers science and research is a far worse problem that someone who believes in research over home remedies.

    I have never SAID I think I know jack (giving research/science is offering professional/experts views, not pretending that I freaking know everything or anything other than how to research!), but you attack me for something I haven't said. You have actually repeatedly attacked me.

    So if you don't like how you think I come across, that's your problem. If I say something and you disagree with what I say, that's fine. Your abusive responses to how you "take" my posts... not so much.

    Want experiences? MY experiences tell me you're a bully, and I don't have to "take" how you come across, your actual abusive attacks are here for the world to read.

    This is a freaking BASENJI BOARD. How about you talk about basenjis, keep your opinions about my posting style to yourself. Go bully and attack someone who gives a flip about your "take" on things.

  • @debradownsouth said in Use of Rescue Remedy:

    And if I ever get another dog with car sickness, I can't say I wouldn't try your chain.

    I am delighted to hear that, Deb ! But I am almost certainly a great deal older than you and motorcars were a great deal less sophisticated in days of yore. Back then, there WAS a medical explanation for the chain on the back of cars (for children, yes but also for a Lurcher).

    It was supposed to release static electricity. Which I found totally plausible but was unable to explain it in any meaningful way to Garman.

    Frankly, science keeps finding new explanations for everything and I am more than happy to believe in old fashioned ideas.

    I use the eye dropper thingie in the lid of Rescue Remedy and pull the side of the dog's mouth open to drop it right in. No, they don't care for it by the time the realise what they are getting - they've had it !

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