Becoming a 2 basenji

  • Currently have a 2 yr old basenji male and picking up a 9 week old basenji girl to join the family! Any tips or stories about the first few weeks with 2 basenjis at home together would be appreciated!

  • At the time I was bringing home an 8-week old basenji male into a house with an 8-year-old basenji female. The most practical advice I got was from the breeder. The breeder stated that I should introduce them (given the known issues I had in the past with my girl not permitting other dogs around her things) by walking in the door, setting the puppy down and immediately going over to my 8-year-old girl and greeting her in the normal manner. It helped that my good friend was at the house and keeping her occupied. My new puppy eventually found his way over to us and although she was startled to see him, she went to him, smelled him and then played with him.

    The bottom line is that her advice was to make the situation as nonchalant as possible. And it worked. They have become the best of friends... mostly ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Be ready for the noise, it will sound like the puppy is being murdered.... remember the tips when you have a puppy and mouthing issues.... yelp loudly .... that is what the adult basenji is doing... teaching the pup manners... unless you see real reason that the pup is being hurt, don't let them work it out.

  • @tanza said in Becoming a 2 basenji

    unless you see real reason that the pup is being hurt, don't let them work it out.

    Pretty sure she meant DO let them work it out. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Congrats on your new puppy!

  • My boy was so lonely we got him his half sister the next year. At first he thought cool something to play with. The first night he was like, shut it and let me go to sleep. The next day after being chewed on all night he looked at me like ok when is she going home? That night he was depressed like I get it she is never leaving. The next day we went to work and put them in a giant kennel together. We came home, she had. Bruise on her hip and they had worked it out. Best friends until the day they died. My current basenjis are litter mates, we got one and the breeder kept one. 5 years later out beagle died and we needed another dog for our basenji. I brought him home and hey looked at each other sniffed and curled up on the couch together. Basenjis are very pack oriented and would rather have a buddy then be alone. They are very easy to introduce new animals to. Good luck!

  • @Sass7656 said in Becoming a 2 basenji

    The next day we went to work and put them in a giant kennel together. We came home, she had. Bruise on her hip and they had worked it out. ... Basenjis are very pack oriented and would rather have a buddy then be alone. They are very easy to introduce new animals to. Good luck!<

    I am very glad you had a good experience. But anyone reading your post needs to know you lucked out. You could easily have come home to a dead puppy. Basenjis may or may not easily meet another dog.. it depends on the dog and on the dog they are meeting. Please never assume that your style of introduction is in any way a safe one or what any breeder or trainer would recommend. Locked in and having to "work it out" is a recipe for a disaster.

  • @DebraDownSouth - Thanks Debra, exactly what I meant

  • @Sass7656 - Many a Basenji would prefer to be only dogs..... and certainly I agree with crate training, I do not believe in leave 2 in one crate regardless of the size.... next to each other but in separate crates.... I agree with Debra, you could have just as easily come home to a disaster....

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