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My first girl…

Basenji Talk
  • As some or you may or may not know or remember, I had to put my BRAT Boy Zander to rest back in Dec. when he was just a few days short of 6 years old, due to diabetis. Broke my heart to the point where I swore I'd never get another B at my age….cause it hurt way to much for me to say goodbye.
    My first boy Peanut made it to almost 16...I was somewhat expecting his when it was his time to go wait at the bridge, I was more ready for it.

    So now I just have our 10 yr. old Ridgeback boy 'Tucker' and he's diggin being the only dog for the first time in His life.
    He was raised with B's his entire life, so for him, no little Red & White brother was an adjustment...but real doable. Dad on the other hand, not so much. I missed my little buddies and as much as I love 'Tucker', he don't fit in a lap that's half full of Dad to start with. The other thing I missed the most was the smell of my B's. There is something about the smell of a Basenji that to me is the most soothing, warm, loving scent I've ever encountered. I'd fall asleep at night with their scent and wake first thing in the morning to was better then sunshine to me.

    After about 10 weeks I couldn't stand it any more and told the better half I needed another B....but no pup this time....I'm too old for that. I started watchin the BRAT site closer and while their were several older B's needing a home. There were few that I felt would work out to good with Old Tucker. Called my BRAT Coordonator and Dear Friend Barb and told her what I was wanting to do. She was glad to hear I was reconsidering my earlier stand on 'No More B's' and said she'd start lookin too. Then another Dear Friend & his wonderful wife offered me one of their show quality pups, but I had to say no. To put a pup in our home would in no way be the right thing to do for the pups sake. Everyone here is old and a pup needs to be in an enviroment with young, or at the very least, somewhat active people to really have a quality life.

    Then one day while I was talking to Barb, she gave me an idea. Why not see if any breeder/show folks had any older dogs they may want to retire into a loving forever home like mine. I had never even considered it but what the heck...can't hurt to check. So I went to the BCOA site, got their e-mail, and sent off a note explaining what I was lookin for, and did they know anyone that may consider this. A very nice lady (who's name I can't remember..please forgive me) sent an e-mail back sayin. "Here's a list of breeder/show folks within about a 300 mile radius...check with them".

    Well, I sent out a mass e-mail and don't you know I got a response almost immediately from a Great Lady, (Toni) in King George, Va.. She at first asked if I'd be interested in one of two younger dogs she would make available. I explained that as much as I'd love to have them both in my family, I would need to pass due to the age of those of us already in our household. Then Toni came back with an offer I could never have imagined anyone would make. She had a little 7 year old Champion Girl she called 'Thing', that she'd love to see spend her days in a home like I was offering. This little girl was her all time favorite, sweet, gentle and ready to be the 'Queen of the Hop' in a retirement setting. There were a few things Toni insisted be taken care of first, but after we spoke for a bit, we decided to let 'Thing' come be 'Tuckers' little sister.

    "I'M GETTIN A GIRL"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Never had a girl B.....wife only had one female in all the different dog she'd owned over the years, so 'ye ha' goes. Last Wednesday I went down to Toni's and was introduced to 'CH WAKAN If Wishes were Butterflies' and got to spend the afternoon with 'Thing'. Toni was right, she is a sweet, little, gentle, snuggle pup, who loves to be loved. Next morning Toni gave the untimate display of love for her 'Thing', and gave her to me, to love and care for for the rest of our days.

    Since then I have been in Basenji Heaven right here at home. 'Thing and I have bonded right from the start. She came into our home, has been taking her time getting to know 'Tucker' & his mom, but has really been a thousand times more special then any of us could have imagined. She pretty much has Ol Dad wrapped around her sweet little paw, and I'm sure she'll have the other two under her spell in no time. This is Tucker's first experience with a girl too, so him and Dad are on our toes. I realize I'm probably puttin you all to sleep with this way too long post, but I needed to share just what a wonderful difference even an older B can make in your life, if you'll just give the right one the chance.

    Like I mentioned earlier.....BRAT has several wonderful older B's on their site that desperately need a loving forever home. It really is easier in so many ways gettin an older pup. They'll still have some challenges that will need to be dealt with, but for the most part, they know what needs to be done...all you need to do is show them how you'd like it done. If you have such a home that could use some more love...please consider an older dog. If your half as lucky as me...find the right people to help you find the right B...I'm sure you'll find that very same piece of Basenji Heaven I've found.

    I want to give my heartfelt Thanks to my wife Loretta, Toni, Barb, Gary, Gail the BCOA, BRAT and especially my Peanut & Zander for makeing it possible for me to now be a Basenji Dad to 'Thing'. Without any one of you, I would never again have experienced the wonderful smell of Basenji love!!!!!!!

    Want to get a look at my 'Thing'????? She's second to last on this page..

  • Oh what fun!

    Let the princess diaries begin!

  • How wonderful. We have two sisters, our first dogs, and we can not imagine now a life without them.
    We sniff our dogs all the time, too!

  • I got my current boy at 5 yrs. old. Gotta say, it was certainly better then my first, who was about a year old, had been living in a barn. Of couse, my first, was my first and I had no idea about basenjis with that first guy. We learned to live together, this site helped me a great deal back then, He lived to 16. Had put down a couple of dogs growing up but that guy was the hardest as he was truly and only my dog. A month later my vet's office called (Dr. Tracey Leonard) actually Becky, and said I have the perfect Basenji for you. Doncha know, he has been my best friend since. He was the perfect basenji for me. Mellow to a fault, not at all destructive (believe it!) except for tissues: there's no stopping that with almost any breed. and calm as the day is long. there will never be another like him, I am sure.

    All that said, I hope to also find another older B when my fella fulfills his bucket list (catching a squirrel, rabbit,my neighbor's sheltie–see he's not alowwed to fulfil these things - he has to stay with me the rest of my life)

  • Congratulations on your first girl! I completely agree with you about older dogs. I've adopted two that were past the puppy stage, although not as old as yours. Like you, I am at an age where I wouldn't consider a pup, but an older dog can be a "win win" situation. My current boy is the least destructive Basenji I have owned…...he doesn't even do tissues.....and a wonderful companion. We got him from his breeder when he was three. She had planned on keeping him, but he had some show faults and didn't fit into her breeding program.

  • Congrats…. Thing is lovely... I even remember when she was just a baby girl!

  • such a nice history, thanks for share, and yes, basenji smell.. i love that..

  • Such a happy story - thank you.

  • I happened upon your story about Thing and can relate totally with adding an older B to your home. I am like you, blessed to have open my home to Things brother WAKAN IFWISHESWERE BULLFROGS aka Jeremiah "the Jer-bear". Jeremiah came to live with me about 8 months ago from his show home in Virginia. While he never did many shows (he was more interested in chasing birds) the few he did enter he ribboned. But his claim to fame is actually in his photos that have graced many major websites and even made the front cover of this years BRAT calender.

    He spends most his day now enjoying the run of the house and keeping me fit with constant walks. I lost my beloved B "Rain" the early part of last year and was totally devastated. He lived a good long life of almost 16 years and was loved immensely by all that he met. He was there to grieve with me when I lost my parents and wife, so losing him was especially hard on me. After a few months I knew I needed another B to fill such a void, but being in my 50's decided a pup would be very taxing and wasn't sure I would be up to keeping one step ahead of a young rambunctious child.

    After much searching on BRAT daily and every other adoption site that was reputable I found Jeremiah through his adopted breeders website. He is much like his sister and fills the house with Basenji mischief but he so smart and well behaved, never having an accident or destructive. To all of you deciding whether to adopt an older B don't think twice.

    If you get to see this reply here is a picture of Things brother. Not sure if the pictures I attached will show up (this is one of my first posts here). The first picture is all Things brother and sisters when they were young and also the cover of this years BRAT calendar.

    This link will bring you to the BRAT 2014 calender page if you wish to purchase one and a great way to support their fine organization.

  • What a beautiful girl!

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