• ROFLMAO, ET says HEY you have a child and a cat, can't you take a bit more dog variety and make it a FAILED foster? ๐Ÿ™‚ Wonderful pictures.

  • First Basenji's

    Do you do photography work or is it just a hobby? Great camera/ Great shots! and I never saw a human that made a Basenji look so LARGE! Your son is a doll-baby! What a great looking pack, agree with Debra, she must become a failed fosterโ€ฆ...............:)

  • First Basenji's

    Amazing, beautiful photographs, excellent lighting and you have a great pack leader in Ryan. Thanks for sharing.

  • Great pictures. Your Bs are so gorgeous. I love Chaffie as I have a big soft spot for brindle dogs.

    E.T. has the most beautiful amber eyesโ€ฆ

  • gorgeous photos as usual. Your family looks so harmonious. How on earth do you manage to get them to pose so nicely together

  • Soooo cute!!!!! Love the one of Ryan having his 3 basenjis sit for a treat!

  • ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Thank you all so much ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    How do I manage to get them all sitting nice? euh,.. You don't want to know how much time I spend to get these pictures and how I was crawling at the floor..
    At one moment, I tried to make a picture of E.T., with Enya steeling the treats from my pocket, Chafuko sticking his nose in the camera (I want too I want too) Buana sitting as a gentleman behind ET (he wants too) and a child lying on top of my back because it's way too funny when your mom is down on the floor with the camera ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  • Kim I LOVE all your photos! The dogs look great and Ryan is a little "dog whisperer" already, he obviously has a wonderful relationship with them.

  • Great pictures! Personally I find the hardest thing with dogs (or kids!) is that they get bored with the whole thing easily. I generally get my best pictures in the first few minutes, unless I can get an assistant to do something very interesting or make an unusual noise. Horses are easier. I can usually get that alert look with an umbrella or a mirror. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • First Basenji's

    Yay! I'm always so happy to see pictures of your pack. Enya is growing up so nicely! E.T. has amazing eyes.
    I always think there's no such thing as a "problem" dog (or cat?) in your home! They always look like they get along so well.

  • I love all your pictures and all your pack but something about Chafuko has always seemed extra special. I very much believe eyes tell the story. When I look at Chaffie he seems wise, And of course Enya still has the puppy eyes of wild independence. Love them all : )

  • Chafuko does look wise, doesn't he? However, I have learned not to be fooled by Basenji expressions. They are very good at "innocent", too. Doesn't mean a thing! ๐Ÿ˜‰ It is great to see everyone getting along so well and looking so comfortable together.

  • ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Thank you all!

    Chaffie IS very wise, he is a special boyโ€ฆ still warns me when I get an allergy attack or an attack with my stomach (really don't know how you call that in English ๐Ÿ™‚ ) but also his big people indicator.. Chaffie can tell me in a second everything I need to know about a new person ๐Ÿ™‚

  • These are beautiful pictures - I'd no idea how you always manage to get such good shots - now i know your secrets!! All I have to do is to get a little boy on top of me while crawling on the floor with my camera!!!!

    Yes Chaffie is certainly a special boy amongst a special family.

  • That doesn't surprise me about Chafukoโ€ฆI know basenjis have great poker faces but there is something innate about some dogs eyes that shows they are windows to the soul. Unfortunately, my little Oakley isn't a window but a brick wall (lmao), but I love him nonetheless. My first dog had that look and he too could sense my childhood seizures and was always by my side when I was sick. I usually find that look in the older ones but even then it's few and far between.

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