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At the emergency vet

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Glad that he is OK… and yes, as they say "**** happens"... no matter how careful we try to be... And when you least expect it, these critters do something new (like opening doors) just to prove to us that they can!

    ps...Chealsie508, can you email me privately? Email addy on my website.

  • So Oakleys blood glucose levels were fine from the start and continue to be normal however we are continuing the dextrose drip throughout the next 24 hours to ease any strain on his liver. Updates from the vet say that he is doing well. Can't wait to get him home!
    P.s. Thy tied his leash up for a second to get his drip ready and within a moment he chewed through the leash and ran off… Only my Oakley!

  • Kipawa, Oakley has crate anxiety, it has much improved and is practically been redirected into tolerating his crate however, I had an unusual long day ( working 9-6) then an appt. From 645-730. I had no dog walker or caregiver available to come on this day so I dogproofed the kitchen and living room and put out peepads hoping that he would be more comfortable for being alone such along period of time. I have definitely learned a lesson and it really is the best policy for Oakleys " sense of adventure" that he be crated.

  • Pat, sent you an email

  • @Chealsie508:

    P.s. Thy tied his leash up for a second to get his drip ready and within a moment he chewed through the leash and ran off… Only my Oakley!

    Definitely not a unique to Oakley incident. Took Nicky to the vet when he was young, specifically told them do not use a noose or leash to tie him if you need to be away from him or have your back turned, he will be out in of it in flash. They took him back and I hadn't even finished with the tech in front before he was racing down the hallway to me with the other tech holding a chewed through leash. He also was sent home with sub Q fluids the one time they wanted to keep him overnight on an IV for hydration after eating 2 elizabethan collars and 3 IV lines in 45 minutes.

    When I took Rio and Cole in for the OFA hip x-rays the vet had the one on a leash tie while the other was being x-rayed, Rio came to lobby with only half her leash to wait for her brother's x-rays to be done. The tech rushed out to apologize.

  • I have seen an impatient Basenji chomp through a leash when the owner stopped to talk to a friend. The ones that do this, do it quickly!

  • Cody bit through his leash when I stopped to use a pay phone on vacation many yrs ago. I had walked about 15 ft before i realized that although he was walking beside me, the leash was not attached to his collar.

  • The vet tech left Buddy tied up for a minute and came out with him by his collar and the leash chewed into three pieces. :eek:

  • Prince can chew through a new leash in about 15 seconds flat. He reminded me of that when I turned my back to slip Haley's halloween costume on her!

    Hope Oakley is OK!

  • Thanks for the get well wishes, updates are ok, they're adjusting dextrose as needed!
    That was three leashes and two collars this week alone… I have to buy a new one before I pick him up because I only had three sets! Luckily I order his collars on and they replace them for free whether they chew them or not... I like their color selection because yellow is "his color" and they are the only ones who seem to have the right color...I'm thinking of getting him a leather set but I don't know of the investment will last long
    I'll update as soon as I get any news

  • Glad he is doing OK! And basenjis are 'gifted' when it comes to leash alterations!

  • So they said Oakley is curled up sleeping, he has been highly anxious all day and they suspect he wore himself out, he's chewed up a couple IVS already and every blanket and towel they put in he tears up ( which he does even at home if confined) they are keeping him on the dextrose and fluids because the only thing keeping the levels normal is the dextrose… Tomorrow is bloodwork and hopefully if that is promising I may get to take him home tomorrow night

    The night nurse asked if he's always this anxious.. :( I told her yes, he is an anxious dog... My poor baby, I miss him so much, I feel terrible he is so upset

  • So, this is where I ask for help and information from everyone:
    I am almost ashamed to admit that Oakley is an anxious dog, he takes his anxiety out in destructive ways ( if he is in his crate he will ruin the carpet underneath the crate by chewing at it or chew up blankets in his crate.) he has crate anxiety and even separation anxiety with me. The nurse noticing this is even more an awakening that I need to do something to change these behaviors. Does anyone have any suggestions once I get him home that I can implement to help him not be some frantic confined or away from me?

  • I have had two…...both boys......with similar problems. The solution, for both of them, was to work towards leaving them loose in the house. Confined to a crate, both were destructive and anxious......ripping up any bedding, soiling the crate, "rock & rolling" the crate around the room, etc. Both graduated to freedom which reduced anxiety, and both proved to be "good" in the house. My first I did limit to certain rooms, current boy has the run of the house, and has seldom abused the privilege. The exception proves to be if we are doing something outside which he can see.......he is far better if we are just "gone". His roller ball keeps him amused and occupied when we are leaving, which seems to be the hardest time for separation anxiety dogs.

  • McConnell's booklet I'll Be Home Soon
    DAP diffuser
    A Thunder shirt may help
    Control Unleashed book/class (if you're lucky) may help
    Crate Games dvd would help with the crate anxiety

    I don't know that any/all of those are the total answer, but probably part of the answer.

  • Thanks to both, I'll definitely get a DAP, and look into all the suggestions. Ideally I would love if Oakley could be loose in the house but his Houdini skills concern me. Currently he is locked in his crate with Two masterlocks ( which he's almost chewed through!!) and ten zip ties so he can't collapse the crate to get out and still he manages to get out once in awhile, on top of his abilities to open doors and inevitably take the safest situations and turn them around. This past week he has been free to the living room and kitchen with minimal destruction; he takes my dish towel off it's rack, moves his food bin around the kitchen, maybe chews up a plastic bag if he gets one… But after this I just don't know if I'm doing him any favors by letting him stay loose. We clicker train and is great at commands, we have done the whole " eat in the crate/ positive association" but he never made the connection. I tried to move the crate into the living room to get him to go in it to rest and it didn't stick with him and I've clicked every time he steps in it "just because" but none of that he solved the problem. It used to be that he would flip out, and I would give turkey as a treat and it would still be there when I got home- he was so distraught. Now, he will eat the treat, sometimes as I give it to him in the crate and always will it be gone before I get home. He also is less frantic about being in it but his tolerance; albeit better is not quite considered relaxed. I will try crate games as I've heard on the forum it is a good tool. Funny thing is I've seen the thundershirts and it may be useful, he has NO anxious tendencies towards thunder, lightening, loud noises, excessive stimulation or anything of that nature. He is well socialized to handle stress but the only two triggers involve his separation anxiety towards me and his being confined ( confined in anything- a room, a crate, an expen... Any barrier)

  • New marketing gimmick - Thundershirts, not just for thunder any more<gg>

    The DAP may help take it down a notch, but it's not going to make this dog happy alone in his crate by itself. Crate games should help him be comfortable going in and out of the crate and staying there while you're around. When you go away, I'm not sure.

    CU I think is so great for many things. You can also google Overall's Relaxation Protocol, which I think will help him. You can also try the RP in the crate, but McDivett suggests making the crate look different when doing the RP versus doing Crate Games. Drape it with fabric and/or a big fluffy pad versus a small flat pad, etc.

    Also, try Through a Dog's Ear book. Interesting read and you need to do the music when you're around to start with, perhaps in conjunction with the RP before you just leave him with the music on. (besides, the book has 2 very cute r/w basenjis on it)

    Otherwise, there are certain pharmaceuticals that may help while you install new habits of relaxing.

    all the books should be available through or amazon</gg>

  • I should add that, in my head at least, I think all of my suggestions can be integrated and work with each other.

  • I know mine have little razor blades or scissors in their mouths… they can cut through one in about a nanosecond. That's why I have the chain on it.

    Hope all is okay!

  • Wow Chealsie508! You've got a little angel one minute and a Tasmanian Devil the next! What a dilemma! Only thing I can add is that the one thing we tried that CURED Haley's separation anxiety is: we got another dog!!!!!!!!! :eek: Extreme, I know! Just sayin'…. she no longer rips everything up and pees all over the house when I'm gone! ;)

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