Emergency in GA
my mom was on her way to the atlanta airport to pick up her new puppy, heard on the radio that the road she lived on was hit by a tornado. she turned around home. most of the homes in the area were destroyed, hers is without a roof but probably repairable. the puppy is supposed to arrive in 15 mins. they will hold her till midnight. i called brat headquarters they are trying to get someone to help. i also tried to robyn, bc i know she is close to atl. no luck :(
anybody out there who could help?
i need someone to pick up the puppy and keep her overnight. thank god both my parents are okay. -
The puppy is fine. She was tired but not overly stressed about her ordeal. I let her play in the kitchen a while to stretch her legs and relieve herself. She had a great time playing with the "Unnamed Kitten" aka Trouble, Shoo, Mischief, Pest, Scat Cat, Getthehelloutofthere.
:pAttached are a couple of pics of their encounter.
She is sound asleep in a crate now. I hope she stays that way but if not, I still have some earplugs!
PS Those of you who have been on the boards a while may remember the "Unnamed Kitten" as the Orphan Kitten and bottle fed. He's grown alot.
She's adorable –- and the kitten looks great, too! ---- she has just the kind of face I love best.
How great for you to go pick her up. And how fortunate that Amber's mom was on her way to the airport and NOT in the house when the tornado hit.
What a nightmare! -
Hi All. I can testify to the terror yesterday as we had at least 14 people killed here in Alabama in Enterprise at the high school. There were tornadoes all over the state yesterday. When the sirens came on I grabbed Abbey, my purse, the picture albums and all the pictures of my boys off the walls and headed for the bathroom. The tornado that went over Birmingham was pretty far north of my house but I saw the funnel cloud as it dropped down.
How tragic it is that so many people lost their lives there in Alabama. It is so sad for those who've lost their loved ones. I saw on CNN this morning that 8 students were killed at the high school.
How lucky Amber's mom is that she was not too badly affected. Her home sounds as if it is repairable.
Robyn is a wonderful person to help out with the puppy pickup. It would be tough on everyone if puppy had to wait hours in a crate or worse, returned. I love that we get to see the new puppy so quickly. Thanks! She is a real cutie pie and looks good, considering the day she had.
Robyn, I thought you weren't going to keep the "Orphaned Kitten". What a real cute kitty! Glad she found you . . . ;)
Amber's mom wasn't able to come due to tornado damage blocking the route so Amber's aunt came. The puppy and aunt are heading back to Alabama right now. The puppy was no trouble at all. She was a good little girl and I'm sure she will be an enjoyable companion. :)
PS Amber's aunt suggested the puppy be named Stormy. I have to say I like it!
i am proud to announce that Mooncreek's Stormy Weather is home. my mom is soooooo happy, she thinks she is gorgeous and sweet. even my dad and his JRT (empty nest dog-the one mom did cpr on last summer after she got bit by a rattlesnake) love her! they have a tarp on the roof and i am sure everything is going to be okay. we are very thankful to robyn, for coming to the rescue for a perfect stranger. it so nice to know there really are good people out there. i will be with them in 2 weeks, i will take lots of pictures. i know how you guys are, and she is such a cutie.
I've been away for a few days and just caught up on the posts…thank goodness your family is okay and for Robyn! There really are angels here on earth! The pups are beautiful - keep us posted on how everything goes...and of course, more pictures! ((Hugs)) to all!