In 3 shows, Kobey (Emerant Fopaw TriWizard At Tanza,JC,RN*,CGC) (*pending AKC confirmation) completed his Rally Novice Title with scores of 95,98, and 89 (and in the ribbons all three with a 4th (95) 1st (98) and 3rd (89).
Endeavor, you represent the dangerous part of CM. People without a lot of experience don't see with the same eyes. He is actually borderline abusive, imho. He is dangerous to the dogs and to the audience. His techniques will eventually get someone killed and certainly dogs euthanized.
Rather than reinvent the wheel, how about you read this thread :)
At the very least, the OHIO STATE COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE on professionals' opinions of Milan. :)
Went to another rally trial in the thunderstorms tonight, Xander earned his second Q. He was the only hound entry of the 32 dogs and held his own with the border collies and GSDs. Not to be outdone, Trog is now going thru rally class with our eyes on 4 days of rally trials over labor day at a show we are attending for the whippet specialty.
Good to see a Basenji giving those BCs and GSDs a run for their money!!! Well done you and Xander! Looking forward to hearing more of your successes in the future.