In 3 shows, Kobey (Emerant Fopaw TriWizard At Tanza,JC,RN*,CGC) (*pending AKC confirmation) completed his Rally Novice Title with scores of 95,98, and 89 (and in the ribbons all three with a 4th (95) 1st (98) and 3rd (89).
Way to go Kobey, Kev and I are so proud of all you have done. I suppose we have to give much credit to those humans in your life like Pat and Anne, hugs to you all and we can't wait to hear more successful lure trial stories.
Therese and Kevin
(Kobey's proud co-breeders)
Has Tillo been showing lately? How long before Lycia goes home? I'm sure Tillo's going to miss her.
Thanks you all for the congrats :)
Tillo hasn't been shown lately, he just turned 27 months so he can now win his last CAC for his Dutch Championship.. His first big show is at the end of June :)
Lycia will leave the second or third week of April. Tillo will probably miss her very much and hate me for it :(
Go there & click on the events tab. It lists all the upcoming events & shows that there are trials in Leesburg on the 31st & 1st :)
My curry comb has short little nibs very close together. It collects a lot of those little hairs and then I just rinse it under running water using a finger nail scrub brush to clean it out. Takes a less then a minute.