Florida Lure Coursing?
New Jersey
Borzoi Club Of Delaware Valley, BCDV
Region 8, Member
Barbara Ewing
312 Juliustown Rd
Columbus, NJ 08022-1502Garden State Sighthound Assn, GSSA
Region 8, Member
Tracy Rudzitis
647 6th Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11215Irish Wolfhound Association of the Garden State, IWAGS
Affilate, Region 8
Eileen M. Flanagan
168 Blau Rd.
Hackettstown, NJ 07840Jersey Rag Racers Whippet Assn, JRRWA
Region 8, Member
Libby Kirchener
591 Aura Road
Glassboro, NJ 08028New York
Coursers Of Central New York, CCNY
Affiliate, Region 9
Renee McCartin
PO Box 11
E Syracuse, NY 13057Big Apple Sighthound Association, BASHA
Affiliate, Region 9
Denise Flaim
81 Lafeyette Ave
Sea Cliff, NY 11579Eastern Whippet Assn, EWA
Member, Region 8
Richard Whritenour
381 Elwood Rd.
Fort Plain, NY., 13339Empire Saluki Club, ESC
Region 9, Affiliate
Rosemary Larkin
1226 State Rd.
Richmond, MA 01254Greyhound Club Of Canada, GCC
Affiliate, Region 9
Inez Hoffman
45 Heath St.
Buffalo, NY 14214Lake Country Lure Coursers, LCLC
Member, Region 9
Cathy Sanderson
2690 Townline Rd.
Stevensville, ON LOS 15O, CanadaThat's what I could find… not sure if those help any but here's hopin'
I just knew where to look, we joined a Lure coursing organization a few months ago. If it wasn't for a co-worker who belonged to S.H.O.T. (Sight Hound Organization of Tidewater) I would not have had a clue about ASFA. I still don't understand all of it but I am learning.
Does anybody know of lure coursing in Miami
Is lure coursing generally restricted to registered B's?
Iluvmali, you have the right idea but there is an easier way. Take a string about 8-10' long and tie it to the end of a pole or fishing rod that has the reel and line removed. Tie a white plastic bag to the end of the string. (I use small bags such as those you get from shopping at Wal-Mart or a grocery store.) Standing in one spot, you can whip the bag all around you for the dog to chase and you will be able to keep it in front of the dog. You can also run and whip the bag around if you desire. Let the dog catch the lure once in a while and if the dog shows excitement by tearing up the bag, praise heavily, then replace the bag and start over. Be sure to stop before your dog loses interest. You want the training to end on a high note with the dog wanting more.
Have fun!
Robyn, I made Otis one of those "flirt poles" you are describing…one question though...Should I drag the bag on the ground or whip it up into the air, still within his reach? What would be more "lure-y" ( homemade word, btw)? I hope the ? makes sense.
That is what I thought…I have yet to see an actual lure coursing event, being that it is so darn hot here...but will this late fall. meanwhile I will "play" with Otis..
I lived in Florida when I first got Jibini and had a lot of fun bringing him to lure trials. Coming over from AKC Obedience/Agility with my Boxer, I was pleasantly suprised how helpful, welcoming and friendly the other participants were to "newcomers". Most everybody was friendly, warm, helpful, didn't mind answering questions & generally "cheered" each other on.
I will say I think it would have been easier to "keep going" with Lure Coursing if I'd had 2 Basenjis of my own. In my experience the Basenji entries at Florida trials were limited to one, MAYBE two handlers…..all with their own "pairs".
I never DID meet anybody whose Basenji would "run clean" with a strange male dog (even a neutered adolescent puppy)....and believe me, I approached and asked every Basenji person I met, if either of their dogs would be able to run with Jibini after the trial on a practice run. Everybody was friendly & genuinely wished they could help, but I definitely understand not wanting to risk running with a strange dog, now that I know this breed!!! So I was never able to run Jibini with another Basenji so he could qualify for his JC.
However, he did run a practice run at every trial we attended- and THAT was a blast in & of itself!! He took to it like a duck to water- we worked with a flirtpole but it was so neat to see him "turn on" and chase the lure like he knew exactly what to do. The very atmosphere of a Lure trial is amazing....even if you DON'T have a dog to run, it's worth it to just go as a spectator.... set up a lounge chair, sit back & watch graceful hounds do what they love most, all day long. I could watch it every day and never get tired of it!!!
And I THOUGHT it was tough to find "local" trials in Florida because the state isn't centrally located- but now that I DO have 2 Basenjis and live in South Dakota (more "central" than Florida) I have still been unable to find any trials scheduled that are closer than 250-300 miles from me!! Oh well :)...there will always be more Basenjis in my future!!!
In order to get a JC your dog does not need to run with another dog. A JC is earned by your dog running the course by itself. It must pass 2 JC tests to earn the title.
To certify a dog for ASFA the dog must run with another dog and show that it will not interfere. It is too bad that in some places there are not people willing to let their dog run with another to certify it. Though I would want to know the dog well enough to know that it is focused on the lure and not aggressive, my girl Rally has run many certification runs with basenjis new to the sport.
In order to get a JC your dog does not need to run with another dog. A JC is earned by your dog running the course by itself. It must pass 2 JC tests to earn the title.
To certify a dog for ASFA the dog must run with another dog and show that it will not interfere.
D'oh! I got the two mixed up :) But that's what I meant, lol….
Most of the lure trials we attended were ASFA trials....I think we did do practice runs at ONE AKC trial, but Jibini was less than 1 year old so I am pretty sure thats why we never did a JC "qualifying" run.
I'm tempted to get back into it now that I have my own "pair".....but it always seems money is an issue that makes a 300-400 mile weekend jaunt a bit out of reach!! I also found it disheartening that there were so few Basenjis entered in Florida lure courses, and among those I met, nobody had dogs who could run with a strange dog.
However, I enjoyed the time I spent at Lure trials and letting Jibini run....it was fun, even if we didn't get any "alphabet soup" for Jibini's name!!! Defintely an experience well worth it :)