Can't hold it anymore - new fancy crate - will Lenny pee in it too?
No prob Michelle! If you change your mind and could use a "vacation" let me know. :) Also when you figure out about when you'll be passing through Toledo, we can certainly come down for a pit stop visit.
Yes, any time you need help just holler. You can always drive here and then be free to visit family, etc. or fly out from Metro to wherever you need to go.
So I got the floor grate in the mail today and just assembled it to the crate. I think it will work well if Tayda has an accident. I think the grids might not be too comfortable if they had to stand/lie on them directly, but I put their two big dog beds in and they pretty much take up the whole area of the crate floor. I put the towels under the grate so that if she has an accident it will hopefully fall through onto the towels. It's actually quite a good idea - I had no idea they made these add-on floor grate things until just last week! Tayda has been really good about peeing under the beds onto the towels so hopefully she will still do that now that they are in a separate little compartment. There's about 2 inches of space between the new floor and the old floor so it didn't take away too much of their headroom. I was worried about that.
Thankfully - Tayda has been holding it while I've been at work for the last couple days, so maybe it was due to the UTI that she couldn't hold it before. Fingers crossed. But the "just in case" grate thing will be in place just in case she has an accident! Here's some pics of their new digs!
Thanks to everyone who chimed in on this thread while I was having a nervous breakdown about Tayda. It really helps to have all of your support/ideas/comfort!
Do you ever worry about the water dish in there? You might want to get on of the "lick" bottles to hang in there on the side of the crate like I did for Mickii when she has problems after a episode with Vestibular.
Here is a link to the pictures -
You also might want to get puppy pee pads for easier clean up for you.
When I had the fanconis b…I always kept water for him...he would get frantic if it wasn't where he could get it... just my 2 c. -
That looks like a great setup.
I second what Sharon says about the pee pads (or paper towels, or newspaper)…give yourself a break so you don't have a ton of laundry. ;):)
Oh, for water, I use hanging flat sided 1qt pails in my kids crates. I think they are $4 each at
Do you ever worry about the water dish in there?
Worry about what happening? The dish getting knocked over or them chewing on it? I did at first, and I put the bowl in there until I could get one of the hanging things or hamster type tubes, but the bowl has never been knocked over once…
That looks like a great setup.
I second what Sharon says about the pee pads (or paper towels, or newspaper)…give yourself a break so you don't have a ton of laundry. ;):)
Oh, for water, I use hanging flat sided 1qt pails in my kids crates. I think they are $4 each at
Yeah, I could put newspaper in there now that it's separate - I tried it before the new floor grate and they just ripped it to shreds - now I guess they can't get to it so it would be a good idea now….
I just want to add that reading this thread breaks my heart. Don't ever feel bad about letting out frustration or being upset. Being a caregiver (whether for a sick pet or sick human) is exhausting both mentally and physically. And when you can't take part in things you love (traveling, etc.), it makes any normal person resentful at times.
We all know…Tayda is lucky to have such a loving and caring mom! :)
Worry about what happening? The dish getting knocked over or them chewing on it? I did at first, and I put the bowl in there until I could get one of the hanging things or hamster type tubes, but the bowl has never been knocked over once…
Yes, worrying about being knocked over… and they sell the hanging ones (like the one I got for Mickii) for larger(dogs) animals. It took her about 2 minutes to figure out how to use it.
Yes, we have wonderful 'bolt on bowls' for in the travel crates. We got them at Wal-Mart, I think they were under $10. I was afraid that our dogs might not 'get' the whole bottle thing. Besides that, the ones I had for rabbits and such ALWAYS leaked, and I didn't want the dogs to have lie in a puddle, so…the bowls were a find for us.
Yes, we have wonderful 'bolt on bowls' for in the travel crates. We got them at Wal-Mart, I think they were under $10. I was afraid that our dogs might not 'get' the whole bottle thing. Besides that, the ones I had for rabbits and such ALWAYS leaked, and I didn't want the dogs to have lie in a puddle, so…the bowls were a find for us.
We have the kind that hang on the sides also, and for much the same reason.
They're easy, don't leak, don't spill, etc.
They work very well. -
Wow - so I guess it's unusual that Tayda and Lenny don't make a mess with the bowl? It's never spilled or even moved from it's original spot!
Wow - so I guess it's unusual that Tayda and Lenny don't make a mess with the bowl? It's never spilled or even moved from it's original spot!
I don't know. I don't think mine would spill. I got the hanging kind so there'd be more room on the bottom of the crate for them, not because they were spilling from the regular bowl.
Ok, well I went to the pet store at lunch and got them a hanging bowl for their crate! You guys convinced me! :)
I'm also reverting back to the Wellness Core - it is the only food that Tayda would ever eat willingly. I think she's been revolting against me because Lenny gets to still eat it and she doesn't. Gotta keep those BUN/CREATININE numbers down but I figure I'll give her the Wellness core and cut it with other veggies and non-protein things so that overall her meal is still "lower" protein.
She wins - again. :rolleyes:
Bless your heart, don't worry about sounding bad for being frustrated… I know you love Tayda, it's just difficult when dealing with an illness.
The crate idea is a good one.:D I wish Bella would learn not to wet her crate... sometimes she will even do it the minute I turn my back after putting her in there!:mad: I don't know what she would do if I put her bed in there and set up an arrangement like yours. I wonder if she would even pee on the bed???:confused:
Right now I am putting the fleece blankets in there and washing them all the time... Does that grate remove easily so I could fold up the crate when we travel? How much does it cost and where do you get them?
Does that grate remove easily so I could fold up the crate when we travel? How much does it cost and where do you get them?
I got the one I have off of It's for a crate that is 36" long by 24" wide:
It was around $40 after you added in shipping. It does remove easily - you just fold out one of the end panels and it comes right out.
Thanks, I bookmarked the page… How's it working for ya?!?!?
Well it's been a few months now that we've been using the new system w/ the floor grate and it works great! I got waterproof covers for the pillows so if she pees in the crate it spills through the grates and they don't have to sit in it! I replaced the towels in the bottom part with newspapers and it takes 20 seconds to slide the tray out, fold up the wet paper, throw it away and re-line the tray with more newspaper.
It's great. yay
Well it's been a few months now that we've been using the new system w/ the floor grate and it works great! I got waterproof covers for the pillows so if she pees in the crate it spills through the grates and they don't have to sit in it! I replaced the towels in the bottom part with newspapers and it takes 20 seconds to slide the tray out, fold up the wet paper, throw it away and re-line the tray with more newspaper.
It's great. yay
I'm glad it's working out for you.