Not good news.
wrote on 15 Nov 2008, 05:42 last edited by
We are praying for both you & Lycia to pull through this.
wrote on 15 Nov 2008, 06:30 last edited by
fingers are crossed! I hope you can handle this somehow! My thoughts are with you.
wrote on 15 Nov 2008, 07:28 last edited by
When I am following part of the lives of the others basenjis through the forum I always feel like they are part of my pack and always get tears in my eyes when bad news come up.
I am keeping Lycia in my thoughs, keep us posted! -
wrote on 15 Nov 2008, 23:47 last edited by
wrote on 15 Nov 2008, 23:48 last edited by
Thank you so much for all your positive outreach..I can feel it! I'm keeping my fingers crossed, and doing research online.
Otherwise, Lycia seems in good spirits, she is eating like a horse and had a excellent time at the dog park today. We are trying to keep things as normal as possible I suppose.
wrote on 16 Nov 2008, 16:54 last edited by
Prayers and virtual hugs going your way. Keep us informed.
wrote on 16 Nov 2008, 18:33 last edited by
You and Lycia are in my thoughts and prayers.
wrote on 16 Nov 2008, 21:19 last edited by
Love and good wishes and prayers coming to you and Lycia. Hugs to you.
Anne -
wrote on 17 Nov 2008, 22:45 last edited by
Holding you and Lycia in our hearts - hoping for better news this week.
wrote on 19 Nov 2008, 22:40 last edited by
Hello All -
Today Lycia went in for her whole body scan.. She came out of anesthesia pretty ok - she was dizzy and disoriented for about an hour but perked right back up and was looking for food stat.
I'm SOOOO happy to say that the vet believes the mass has SHRUNK by 50% and that's with out medication. He isn't confirming anything to me yet until the films and the biopsy results come back from a specialist in the United States.
but all and all, my vet looked pretty darn happy - even if he didn't say so. =)
When I get the results on Monday, I'll let you all know.
wrote on 19 Nov 2008, 22:46 last edited by
That is great news… fingers cross that the good news and her recovery keeps happening
wrote on 19 Nov 2008, 23:03 last edited by
And everyone should certainly keep the prayers up! Hang in there Lycia, people and curlytails all over the world are pulling for you. And you've done such a great job so far.
wrote on 20 Nov 2008, 10:17 last edited by
That's good news. Hope the results will confirm the feeling of the vet monday :)
wrote on 23 Nov 2008, 00:02 last edited by
Lauren, what good news!! I'm still keeping up the good thoughts and prayers to you and Lycia. I hope the reports from the states flies on basenji angel wings to you with good news!!
wrote on 26 Nov 2008, 08:01 last edited by
Any news, Lauren?
Esther -
wrote on 26 Nov 2008, 12:04 last edited by
I haven't heard back from the specialist, but me and Lycia are just pluggin along. She seems to be doing beautifully, and I'm not a expert but im pretty sure her masses have been getting smaller. =)
All and all I'm a happy girl, we'll have to wait and see. Funny thing was when they went into do the scan - my vet said he gave Lycia enough sedative to pacify any normal dog - but she just refused to go down =) He said he has never seen anything like it - she has that Basenji iron will of course.
wrote on 26 Nov 2008, 13:02 last edited by
I keep my fingers crossed.
Esther -
wrote on 26 Nov 2008, 13:56 last edited by
We're all here for you; our hopes and prayers for a good conclusion.
wrote on 26 Nov 2008, 19:21 last edited by
I have brilliant news. :0) I only got a message from the vet, I'll be talking to him later but he told me on my voicemail that they are only good results!! So we are in the clear people. =) And her mass just up and disappeared along with her infection =)
thank you all so much for your warm words, thoughts, prayers. You guys were such a big light these last few weeks. I feel very lucky to be involved in such a supportive community.
our very best,
Lauren & Lycia -
wrote on 26 Nov 2008, 20:08 last edited by
What an extra wonderful way to celebrate Thanksgiving!! I'm so happy for you both.