• Hi Carol!!!!!:D How are the pups doing?

  • Gracious, you must be busy with all those mouths to feed, and watch so they don't tear up your house. haha!!!! Welcome to a real Basenji expert, please lots of stories, and also some pictures, we love, love pictures. Has a Basenji ever won at Westminster?

  • Welcome to the Forum, always a good thing to add years of experience to our group…...we thank you for joining us!:D

  • Welcome to the forum - oh great basenji owner! I'm sure we'll all benefit from your experiences.

  • Welcome to you & your basenji family 🙂 It's nice to have experienced members join. It helps new basenji people like myself gain knowledge on this wonderful breed 😃

  • @youngandtired:

    Gracious, you must be busy with all those mouths to feed, and watch so they don't tear up your house. haha!!!! Welcome to a real Basenji expert, please lots of stories, and also some pictures, we love, love pictures. Has a Basenji ever won at Westminster?

    I looked that up yesterday and they have never won at Westminster and only one (1972) did they win group

  • Welcome! My goodness you must be busy! I'm sure you'll figure it out…if I can post threads and pictures (not that I do pics often), anyone can!
    Looking forward to hearing about your wealth of experience...you must have some great stories to tell!

  • Hi Carol!!

    Liz and I came to visit you and your dogs back in November, remember us?? I'm from Maui, she's from Atlanta…
    I love your username! I still think of you and your dogs when I see the movie "Eragon" 🙂 I remember that you loved the narrator's voice in the book on tape.
    We ended up with a four year old brindle girl from Denise and we're already thinking about number 2, as soon as we have the resources. One could say we are definitely basenji crazy, and in only 3 months!
    Welcome to the forum! I hope all is well with you and your B's.

  • Welcome! Got pics? I need a puppy fix

  • Welcome to the forum, Carol!

  • Hi Carol,
    Glad you found this! I've been on for awhile. Don't worry about your tech skills, it's pretty straightforward….


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