Who's Basenjis' actually howl/yodel?
All my males do, Penny and Cleo…..Cleo doesn't do it a lot....Penny does:rolleyes: .
I've never heard Raven Baroo.....she sort of talks to you, I don't know what you call it...??? -
Ruby always yodels when I get home from work. In fact, the whole family tries to be the one that gets a song whenever they come thru the door. My father and I are usually the ones who get it…but once she did 4 long yodels for my brother. :D I wasn't a witness so I joke that he made it up that he got that much from her.
Also, ever since I changed Ruby's food to Evo, I say, "tell me" right before I put her dinner in her crate, and she yodels and then runs to the crate.
Anytime she yodels, she gets lots of praise and usually gets a treat of some sort as well.
Ruby is definitely vocal...and I LOVE IT!!!
Any vocalization from a basenji is a treat (except demon growling)
They make so many sounds, Our male is 99% silent, except when he "meows" like a cat, kind of whining. Also, I like the grunting they make when you pet them. We once raised a baby squirrel and the squirrel grunted just like the basenji does when content. Ironic!
Our male is also a big time snorer. We are going to get him some of those nose strips to stop snoring.
Miles HOWLS like crazy when we crate him. Every day. Still.
Although this is not him, this IS exactly what he sounds like:
http://youtube.com/watch?v=fJ2GrU1UlN4Lexi only "talks". http://www.dogster.com/video/379313/Lil_talkershe_really_wants_some_chicken
Except for some whining on occasion Tosca is generally silent. However, whenever I am in the kitchen she will let out a big long yodel, wanting food. May not be a good idea, but I usually reward her for it by giving her a small taste of whatever I am making. Drives my husband nuts cause she does it all the time now, but its cute, and the only time she does it. I think I would get annoyed too if she did it all day long, but since its just when we are making food I think its kinda cool :)
As you can tell by his name, we get lots of Baroooooos! Mostly when he is playing or wants attention. I love it! He came with his name, and I didn't like it so much at first, but after I heard him it kinda stuck! When I tell "non-basenji" people his name they look at me like whats up with that? I always have to explain! Even at the vet they asked "how do pronounce his name?" It figures, one of the girls there came around the desk and saw him and goes "oh a basenji, I have never seen this breed before." I guess thats how you know I live in a small town!
Here is Kwame howling along to a soap that we get in the UK. Cali doesn't howl or yodel but she gives you lots of sqeeks when you come home!
http://s14.photobucket.com/albums/a334/kwame1/?action=view¤t=CIMG0101.flv -
Here is Kwame howling along to a soap that we get in the UK. Cali doesn't howl or yodel but she gives you lots of sqeeks when you come home!
http://s14.photobucket.com/albums/a334/kwame1/?action=view¤t=CIMG0101.flvDuke makes sounds very similar to Kwame in this video - ONLY - when I "cock-a-doodle-doo" like a rooster. The longer and louder the "doodle-doo", the more sounds Duke makes. I feel like/look like an idiot doing it, so no video. :o Daisy doesn't do or mumble anything when we "sing" - just watches. :)
My Cody is virtually silent. I have to mimic a basenji howl and hit just the right pitch for him to howl and yodel. And the pitch is different on different days. So I look/sound like a crazy person trying to get Cody to make a noise. Aurora has never howled or yodel. But her back of throat growl grumble sounds like something you hear in a horror movie and she's the evil monster.
Trixie finally decided at 6:00am this morning to become vocal. She has done the barooo sound for a while but this morning my alarm was going off. I don't know if she did'nt like the sound or what but she suddenly gave 4 very long and very loud!!!! siren sounding yodels. It was great!!!! She also does that low I call it devil talk when she does'nt agree with something. Kind of scary!
If you read some of the comments on the video's one person commented "This is the reason I would never get a Basenji."
It's not even close to reason not to, but something all basenji owners cherish, as 99% of time they are silent.
I like the "dirty looks" my dog sometimes give other non stop barking dogs, like they are saying "Shut up!" or what's wrong with you.
Lenny's breeder can make one of her dogs howl on command and then they all join in… Mojo (the ring leader) is off to the left of the screen...
Layla talks constantly, talks back too when she's in trouble she howls all the time. Caira growls a lot becuase shes a cuddle hop and queen of our house. and Ramsey talks a little and every once in awhile hell belt out a howl but he is loud and sound beautiful.
My dad can get Senji to start howling, if he mimics a howl. Sometimes, my brother will join in too. It's hilarious to see 3 "men" howling together. My mom gets mad because she thinks all that howling is hurting Senji's vocal chords. I also noticed that Senji is more vocal when there is a full moon.
Lenny's breeder can make one of her dogs howl on command and then they all join in… Mojo (the ring leader) is off to the left of the screen...
Cute, cute, cute video!!! :D :D :D
Duke makes sounds very similar to Kwame in this video - ONLY - when I "cock-a-doodle-doo" like a rooster. The longer and louder the "doodle-doo", the more sounds Duke makes. I feel like/look like an idiot doing it, so no video. :o Daisy doesn't do or mumble anything when we "sing" - just watches. :)
Nexa and Leo thank you for this tip, they thought I was crazy last night when I started "cock-a-doodle-dooing". Leo cocked his head sideways, probably thinking his owner has gone off the deep end:D Not a peep from either of them.