Chillin' in Florida
Tiggy is good in the 50-60s, if it is in the high 40's he's alright as long as it's not windy, anything below 45's and even without a coat he really wants to do nothing other than dive back under the blankets. He'll go out to pee, but trying to get him to poo is a whole different story. I've walked him around for 30 minutes before he would poo, needless to say I can be more stubborn than a basenji
How absolutely adorable your kids are!!! Stormie is doing pretty well so far in the cold - yesterday he was not liking the rain that came along with the cold. I was actually thankful for a squirrel that raced in our path as it got Mr. Stubborn Storm moving along - quite briskly I might add! My arm? Slightly "dislocated" ;) but at least I got a good potty out of him! :D
Betsey, It was warm at the park today, the boys would have loved it! None of my 3 will wear any sort of 'clothes', fortunately they are not cold-natured. They have been loving this 60-70 degree weather. Of course, they don't have to get up early and go out, they can wait till the sun is out and it has warmed up. I bought nice fleece lined, water repellant coats for them last year before we went to the mountains. I put the coats on them one damp cold morning and tried to take them for a walk. Not. They looked miserable and refused to move till I took the coats off!
Like Caesar, they do love to curl up in soft blankies!
Anne in Tampa