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First speeding ticket

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  • This afternoon I got my first speeding ticket ever in almost 20 years of driving. I was in a line of cars that were all going fast but I was the one who got pulled over.

    I was distracted because the Blue Angels are in town (my last tour before I got out of the Navy) and I was kind of driving a little fast to meet a friend to see if she wanted to go over to the airfield.

    The police officer in the unmarked car told me that since I have a clean driving record I could go to court and just try to get traffic school or the ticket reduced. I was doing 59 in a 45. :eek:

    I guess I should not have left work early today! LOL! :rolleyes:

  • jees that's all. It dosen't seem so over the limit that you should get a ticket or even pulled over but then again I am from NY.

  • That wasn't over by too much! I'm suprised they didn't let you off with a warning. I got pulled over doing 90 in a 35 and I got it reduced-more than once. Guess you'd better watch out for that stretch of road!

  • @ChaseandZahrasmom:

    . I was doing 59 in a 45. :eek:

    Geez, maybe I'm a goody-two-shoes, or maybe I've seen too many near accidents… but I think 14 over the speed limit is sufficient for a ticket.

    15 over in Washington state is a $140.00 ticket.

  • A few months ago I was going 10 or 15 mph over the limit and was pulled over by a CHP. I had my pup in the backseat crated but as soon as the officer came to the window he started to howl. The officer didin't like that too much and told me to shut my dog up. Of course you can't get out of your car so there wasn't much I could do and we all know how B's can scream! There was no way I was going to get off easy with this cop due to my pup. I ended up paying over 200.00 bucks for that ticket and now watch my back anytime I am driving through that town in California.

  • Look into traffic school, some you can do on-line. You will get the price reduced and avoid points on your license (at least in Fl.)

    Anne in Tampa, whose husband gets a speeding ticket at least once a year!

  • I admit total guilt, I was in a pack of people speeding, I just happened to be the lucky one pulled over.

    The dumb part of all of this on my part is it is right when I come off base and I knew that the cops always sit there. I was just in another world at the moment.

    I think I am going to take the cops advice and try court and see if I can get it reduced or take traffic school.

  • I actually got a speeding ticket on the way to my first basenji national. It was years and years ago when it was a 2 day event in Pecatonica (just west of Rocford IL). I had a new car and in the end it turned out that the spedometer was off - but anyway I was driving along - in a pack of cars - I knew that the police were behind me and in front of me was a truck pulling a utility trailer and junk was falling out everywhere - I thougth 'hey I'll move over to the right lane and let the cops get that guy." Ha - we were in Wisconsin and that truck was from Wisconsin - I however was from MN. Now the rule if you are out of state is you have to pay the fine on the spot.

    I had very little cash - no credit card and they don't take checks. I did however have my son (I think he was 12 or so) another person (young lady about 18) and 4 dogs in a stations wagon - the cop decided a check was just fine- I don't think he could imagine what he would do with 2 teens and 4 dogs in the police station.

    Since my speedometer was really off - I could have gotten something from my local law enforcement to that affect and fight the ticket BUT I would have had to take the day off work and drive over there so it would cost me more money than the ticket.

    I will say however that whenever I drive through Lyndon Station in WI - on hway 94 - I make sure I'm in the right lane and driving the speed limit.

  • Hey Jen, I was Christmas shopping last year in Chesp. VA and was sitting the first one at a light by a gas station. I was in a mad hurry to get home, had to go to work as I worked nights. So instead of waiting for that darn light, I crossed over to the gas station and pulled out on the next street. Well, I had no longer pulled out when I saw blue lights. I think that officer must have been at the gas station and I didn't see him. I got my first ticked that day and I have been driving well over 30 yrs. I couldn't believe it, here I had spent lots of money in a state that I don't live in and now he has given me this ticket for doing so. To this day my hubby knows nothing about it, don't feel like a lecture. I paid it online, but it was expensive. That sale did me no good. haha:D :D :D

  • I received my first speeding ticket about 2 yrs. ago while on my way to work. I was on the service road next to the highway going 45 when the speed limit was 35. Can't remember the amount of the ticket. When I got to work and told everyone they all knew this "trooper". They were surprised he was back because onnce he gave someone a ticket and "by accident" the person rode over his foot! Guess he felt it wasn't that dangerous to continue hanging out in the same spot!

  • @Jodie:

    I received my first speeding ticket about 2 yrs. ago while on my way to work. I was on the service road next to the highway going 45 when the speed limit was 35. Can't remember the amount of the ticket. When I got to work and told everyone they all knew this "trooper". They were surprised he was back because onnce he gave someone a ticket and "by accident" the person rode over his foot! Guess he felt it wasn't that dangerous to continue hanging out in the same spot!

    OH MY! He had his foot ran over! I bet that person just paid the ticket and didn't go to court to just get traffic school! LOL! How horrible for the policeman but a funny story much later for the person who did it. Much, much later!

  • Jenn- I got a ticket about 18 years ago for passing a school bus with red flashing lights. It was for $ 350.00 and alot of points. I fought it, took pictures and went to court. I won! First, I live down the block from the school and I know the lights were not on. I have a child of my own so I am aware of this law. Now, besides the red flashing lights, there is a stop sign that comes out from the sides of the bus. I can't begin to tell you how many people do not observe this. I was scared to fight it but was confident that I would win. The policewoman did not show up the first time (2 times and I would have automatically won). She did show up the 2nd time but I guess I was more convincing. Thankfully because that is a steep ticket! Good luck! I have been to many defensive driving classes to reduce my insurance rate. BORING!

  • Bummer…my sister fought a ticket here in VT and had it reduced or cleared! She had her records sent another just to prove that in her previous resident state that her driving record was clean as well. The only problem for her was a day off and her husband too and neither got paid. Lots of luck...

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