• Senji's poo seems to get like that when he eats too much wet food and not enough dry. I just recently bought him some Merrick's for the first time. He wasn't too crazy about the turkey/chicken dinner, but he ate it anyway. I opened a can of the duck with brown rice tonight, and he gobbled it up. I'll have to check tomorrow if things are OK.

  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    Yeah, seems logical that it would be the food, but the Merricks is supposed to be so good! They've never had issues with food before… and I switch them every 6 months or so between the Avoderm, Natures Variety, Solid Gold, Pinnacle.. etc etc But this is the first time they've been on the Merrick...

    Just seems like that might be the trigger… and regardless how good, sometimes it just doesn't agree with all dogs... but that said, interesting that it is both your dogs... but that still would lead me to think, food related... but then again I am not a big fan of changing the food all the time...

    Again, if they were mine, I would go back to the Avoderm and see what happens, unless the problem gets worst... if that, off to the Vet...

  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    Yeah, seems logical that it would be the food, but the Merricks is supposed to be so good! They've never had issues with food before… and I switch them every 6 months or so between the Avoderm, Natures Variety, Solid Gold, Pinnacle.. etc etc But this is the first time they've been on the Merrick...

    Why do you change the foods so often?

  • I think I read here that some people switch foods like that to avoid allergies developing. I've never done that–if a food is good, and my dogs are having no problems--I just stick with it.

  • I change foods so often on the advice from my breeder - each food has its strengths and weaknesses and if you switch from time to time, it helps their nutrition be more balanced? Im not sure, but it makes sense to me, and I also throw in raw eggs, some meat, olive oil, pumpkin, veggies and whatever else… so far it has never been an issue and they seem to like the variety. I got the Merricks based on the thread on this forum where everyone was raving about it - so it will be sad if thats really what the problem is.

  • Shadow used to get very strange mucousy, loose poo during the day. Since switching to the sensitive stomach stuff he's not too bad anymore.

  • cottage cheese is great for a sensitive stomach, and of course so is the pumpkin if you are looking to add fiber and get rid of diahreah.

    keep in mind, giardia is another option if they have both eaten grass or water togehter. that will make poop funky and turn into diarhea

    The changing of the food is important for the basenji breed with IPSID running around out there. You may not see IPSID until your basenji is 4-5yrs old and the intestinal track will slowly become allergic to the food that has been eaten for so long. To help the intestines, my vet recommends changing the diet every 4 months to help the body adjust to different foods and not have enough time to establish an allergy to the food.

    If you change any food without doing it slowly, you will get the runs.

    What is important with changing foods on a regular basis is the consistancy of the quality of food. If you are changing the food and trying to be helpful, spend that money and get the best brand you can afford. Smaller poops, better coat, just better.

    Basenjis in the wild dont eat the same thing every day. Feeding your basenji the same dry food every day is a corporate ideal. Giving your basenji additional foods seperate from dry food is great. Removing a lot of grains is great, especially corn which is one of the most common fillers in dog food and isnt easy to digest.

    If you cant afford Natural Balance or Innova and you want a grade higher than grocery store, but only can afford Petsmart foods here is a good rule of thumb. Read the ingredients. The first three ingredients are the most important. Try to find the first three that are meat as opposed to grain. I find the Eukanuba Performance foods are higher meat content than Maintenance etc.

  • I am going to disagree with your comment about IPSID… changing the food is NOT going to make any difference and it is not going to stop the onset.. It is consider to be genetic and it is recommended that one this is diagnosed that food (hyperallergic) be changed one a month by one ISPID DVM expert…

  • I thought the Avoderm, Natures Variety, Solid Gold and Merricks were high quality foods… thats why I got them. I can get Innova or Natural Balance... I do look at the labels and make sure there's no by-products or grains in the first couple of ingredients... they seem to be over their yucky poo phase...I'll keep an eye on them. They are due for their yearly vet visit anyway,

  • @Tayda_Lenny:

    I thought the Avoderm, Natures Variety, Solid Gold and Merricks were high quality foods… thats why I got them. I can get Innova or Natural Balance... I do look at the labels and make sure there's no by-products or grains in the first couple of ingredients... they seem to be over their yucky poo phase...I'll keep an eye on them. They are due for their yearly vet visit anyway,

    Those are good foods…. not sure why you might think they were not, but remember high quality or not, they might not suit all dogs... and it very well might have just been a bit of a tummy upset for both of them, not even related to the food.. just something to keep in mind...:)

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