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Moved Basenji Talk
  • I have an incredible Basenji and like most others on this forum - you will understand the challenges of figuring out who else can care for our basenji when we are away! Bailey is a 2yo tri male - playful, affectionate, smart, aloof, alert and not trusting of any strangers! He does not think he is a dog... you get it. Any ideas on what to look for when attempting to find a place to board him? We have been very lucky and had a pet sitter/family member come in our home but this summer our timing is not working out so need to find a place to board him for a week or figure out an alternative option. Would welcome any tips and ideas?! #ilovebasenjis #northshoreIL #lakecountyarea

  • I would continue to find a pet/house sitter.... and don't board him... find one and have them visit and meet with your boy...

  • Our boy is 8 years old and has never stayed with anyone outside of a family member and that was only twice. We moved from IL to AZ 4 years ago and now find ourselves needing to go back to the Midwest this summer for our son's wedding. There seem to be a lot of people out here who will take dogs into their homes, but that is not an option for us since our boy is very wary of other dogs. I considered having someone stay in our home but have read too many stories of dogs getting out and those aren't even this breed. He rode secured in the car with us when we moved here so we have decided we will be driving and he will be coming with us. Might not be a helpful answer but we decided we would not be able to really enjoy ourselves worrying about him and our son is delighted to be able to see him.

  • @lmerrick
    Can you find another basenji owner in your area who might be able to baby sit for you (assuming the basenjis would get along)?
    Or can you ask your breeder (if local)?

  • If you can find a good pet sitter who will stay in your home that is the best alternative. Many (most?) boarding kennels these days want to let dogs run together and socialize, and that works for some but not all. Back in the day when most had individual kennel runs with tops on them, that would work for my Basenjis for a short stay. More recently I resorted to having my dog walkers stay with my boy when I had to be away. He was dog aggressive so a kennel would not work well for him. As it was, he had three walks a day and company all night, which worked well for us. And yes, my sitters slept with my dog. Not an unusual request, they assured me.

  • Thank you all! Great tips and fingers crossed I can find a good pet sitter to come into my home!!!

  • @lmerrick - I would say that you tell any house sitter that they can never leave door open.... and verify what they think is the best for a home sitter?

  • Yes, agree that anyone moving into your home needs to be Basenji savvy. Dog walkers usually have a clue, because Basenjis are not the only door dashers on the planet, but definitely worth emphasizing the importance. House design can help a lot here. The only single door exit from my house is the enclosed backyard. There is a small vestibule at the front door, and the exit to the garage is of course enclosed unless the garage door is open. That said, none of my dogs was actively trying to get out. It's easier to avoid a careless mistake if the dog is taught that going out any door requires permission, and if anyone dog sitting keeps this requirement consistent.

  • @lmerrick such a tough topic. The only person I trust to look after my Basenjis is my sister. I don’t think I would ever consider boarding them with anyone. But, I completely understand how inconvenient that can be. I wish I had an answer but I really don’t

  • elbrantE elbrant moved this topic from Announcements & Help on

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