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My dog snuck out the front door off leash tonight.

Moved Basenji Training
  • @tanza I feel like if I continue this conversation with you, the mods will step in, and I don't want to loose this site as a resource. I will consult my breeder about further advice regarding outdoor activities with my dog. I appreciate your concern for rogue, and I can relate to your adoration for the breed. I hope we can put this behind us in the future.

  • Hi there! I have a couple of ideas that might help. For the garbage, if you can get a taller can like the type in cafeterias with a rounded lid and a flap door in the top part, that solves that. Boots can go in a box by the door; maybe a wooden box or something with a lid, or tall enough that she can't see them. Shoes in general can go in a plastic box under the bed or in the closet.
    If you get a pressure gate, they're adjustable to fit the doorway and low enough for people to step over. Sometimes dogs are content to look outside and not necessarily go out. Maybe Rogue though everyone was going to go, so followed them out.
    It's been my experience that a harness while in the house doesn't work. My dog chewed right through her first harness in a matter of 30 minutes. When I came back in, she was sitting right next to it, like "thanks for the weird chew toy but don't put it on me". So that's something I'm still dealing with too. I want to have something on her at all times with a reflector and tags. My neighbors opened my back gate once and didn't close it. I'm putting a spring on it so it closes itself. Cinny was out in the front yard when I noticed, but she came back when I called her even though she usually doesn't. She needs training and I haven't been successful with that yet. I might try bacon. Try whatever Rogue's favorite is. I'm going to get a book so I'm consistent. Otherwise I get distracted when I'm trying to teach her and we just end up playing.
    So, those are my thoughts. Tall kitchen garbage can with a lid/flap; shoes and boots inside boxes, a gate that people can step over but will let Rogue know that's the barrier. Maybe screen doors with springs so they close themselves. It's like with little kids - if they can't see it or reach it they can't get into it. They really have no concept of the danger outside. And most of all, she really, really wants to please you. You are her person and she loves you too.

  • So very sorry. I seldom log in and reply on any post because I find many regular contributors to be brutally honest. But that said, I am very very sorry and I understand your issue. My husband was on board with getting a basenji, but i later learned for mostly the wrong reasons. No barking, little shedding, intelligient etc. Those are great traits and my princess Piper possesses them all. She was such a terribly difficult puppy to train I thought we were surely going to end up in divorce over this dog. He loves her - but only recently (3 years in) has gained the same level of protectiveness over her. So my advice is to stick with it. Being mad at others for having less vested interest is wasted energy. Love Rogue, protect Rogue, you will figure out what works and the good thing is that you already have good eyes on all the dangers. My Piper does not like cold, rain, water etc and she can be a pain - but she is my darling and I get it. Training can't be understated - but avoiding the need to scold works much better from my experience. So finding options for shoes, garbage etc will help. We have a tall closing trash can that she has never gotten into - also stainless steel so it is heavy. The other advice is make sure even in the cold that you are getting Rogue outside and walking and running off energy. A tired Basenji has a happy owner. Routine is also key. Piper knows we walk a mile at 9 am and a mile at 4 pm every day and sometimes I sneak in an extra mile at noon. She will go out for our walk in the cold as long as it is not pouring rain. But the snow sends her into an energy rush and she is hysterical! We have snow rarely in my state so it is a fun distraction when it occurs. If it is at all feasible you could consider a new living arrangement - but I am not certain that is a reasonable option.
    Make peace with your family, protect Rogue and enjoy your pup. The one time Piper got out and was gone for 24 hours it was totally my fault (I underestimated her). It happens and I did not sleep that night. We built a fence around our backyard after that.

  • I think every Basenji we've had has gotten out. One forced his way out a second story window, climbed onto the roof, and jumped off. Another zipped past me when I opened the garage door literally a crack and she went after a cat. And one literally took off as the garage door was closing, slid on his side to get under it, and then took off. Then there was the one who darted through the slats on a deck and jumped 15 feet in pursuit of a cat. He also got out when the maintenance man opened the door to our temporary apartment without knocking. And oh, the one who jumped the fence in the park with a partner in crime and ended up at a Mercedes dealership.

    All of these ended up without incidence. A neighbor collected the one who jumped off the roof -- at 16 BTW -- and came over, range our bell, and told us she had our dog. And we were ???????. LOL The one out the garage chased the cat into our neighbor's house where I collected her. And the one who skidded out the garage door ran around the road which circled our neighborhood -- with me shortly behind in a car being directed by everyone on the street -- until he came back home where he waited for me in the driveway.

    The point being it's virtually impossible to ensure these guys don't get out 100% of the time. This is why it's best to practice recall before you need it. And if in doubt remember that running in the opposite direction and starting a game of chase is a good way to have them come back pronto.

  • @roguecoyote - That is a good plan RogueCoyote, talking to your breeder is best.. for sure.

  • We made a lot of changes in our home when we got our Basenji , we have a heavy wood trash container that can not be knocked over, we have 4 dog gates in our house, one about four feet from the front door which keeps him from making mad dashes out the door. We keep all small breakable things out of reach, cause he will break what he can get to. Having our basenji is like having a never ending 2 or 3 year old child , but that is just what you do when you cherish something. You take care of it as best you can.

  • @RogueCoyote I'm glad you clarified a few things for us. It's early days and I'm sure you will find solutions that work for you. Rogue will settle down and get used to your routine, and in turn you and your family will become accustomed to looking out for her. Yes, as DonC says, it isn't unusual for a Basenji to slip out the door. A short lapse in attention is all it takes, although some will look for the opportunity and others are never a problem. It's encouraging that she didn't take off. When one of ours got out at the farm, they headed to the barn to eat horse poop! At least that was more attractive than the road.

    People on this forum will be a good resource as you settle into Basenji ownership, and believe me when I say we all want you to be successful. Enjoy your girl, try not to worry too much, and all our best wishes and support are yours when you need it.

  • Hi, Yes, basenjis are fascinating, aren't they? And that's why we love them. I am writing to comment about basenjis and inclement weather/snow. We must never forget that on the whole they are very adaptable. We lived in Stockholm for 12 years. That is where I got my first two basenjis. In November and December and part of January, the sun rises at 9 AM and sets of 3 PM in Stockholm. Further north, the days are even shorter. Sweden is home to many basenjis. I can assure you that the dogs adapt to the dark AND the cold, with the appropriate outerwear, just as they adapt to hours and hours of sunshine in the summer. They may not look like a hearty breed, but they are. I have Swedish friends who take mile-long hikes in the hills and in the woods with their basenjis. these dogs are tireless if there enjoying what they're doing. I've never known a basenji that didn't enjoy snow. Rain is something else altogether. However there too, one cannot generalize. Two of my basenjis went out in the rain to do their business. The third one= no way!

    I guess my point is that we can't generalize about all basenjis doing X and never doing Y. I also think that with a little bit of patience from their guardians ( I live in Boulder; that's what were supposed to call ourselves :-), they can be taught just about anything. Note that I said "just about". :-)

    Good luck, roguecoyote

  • Wow. Such a difficult place to be when you don't have full cooperation of others within the house hold. So sorry...

  • You know how when you get so upset you can't think straight? Yeah. We started locking the door. I talked to the breeder who said I need to keep her off leash in the house. Honestly not what I was expecting to hear. So, mom is still adamant about not having a gate on the front door, but I'm just going to hold on to her when company is leaving, and rogue can just say goodbye from the couch. I started working sit-stays with her almost exclusively now, so hopefully that will translate into a threshold sit-stay over the next few weeks. The breeder's going to give me some tips on doing sit-stays, but i've seen a million videos, so we should be ok.

  • I take rogue out when ever the weather gets over 31 degrees. Even then, she starts shivering after a few minutes outside. We made her a coat out of an old flese jacket, and we're using Pawz dog shoes, but I I've been told that its harder for a pup to regulate their temperature. I'm sure by next year we'll be a lot more active, and things are supposed to start warming up by next week. By next month, we'll have some really good weather so she'll be able to spend more time out doors.

    I'm also thinking that I need to take her out and just carry her around outside so she can get at least some of the benefits of being out without having to run around in a field of what is in elbow deep snow for her.

  • @roguecoyote I am so pleased you are in contact with Debbie - no better person than Rogue's breeder to help you through the initial hard spots. And don't worry, I'm sure you won't lose the Forum as a resource when you need advice.

    I pick up Kito when anyone leaves the garden - because of Lockdown they can't come into the house but he has a tendency to follow them to the gate and would love to slip out between their legs. Just pick Rogue up and give her as extra cuddle.

    Sit-stays are very useful and so is re-call. Just make all the training FUN for Rogue and she will pick things up in no time.

    Putting a jacket or a sweater on her is good too. My adults all had Barbour Jackets made for them from off-cuts of a jacket a friend made for her husband. She will feel the cold badly, but as you so wisely say - warm weather is on its way. Just remember she is a baby yet and don't overdo the outdoors bit until she is bigger.

    I have a sling for Kito. Mku used it too. It goes over my shoulders and the puppy is attached to the inside of it by the collar so it can't fall (or clamber !) out. The pouch the pup rides in has a drawstring so you can close it for extra security. The puppy rides in that on our walks in the woods. I can't deprive Mku of his daily squirrel hunt and all sort of people stop and admire Kito, riding in his sling. It all helps to socialise him and he sees lots of other strange shaped critters - dogs AND horses along with squirrels.

    Good luck !

  • @roguecoyote - That is great that you are working with Rogue for sit/stay! That is perfect. Include your Mom in your training so that she is part of working with Rogue. It would be great for all 3 of you and fun! You will be fine, especially that you have a great breeder that will help you too! Take care and enjoy your wonderful bundle of joy!

  • Is Rogue chipped yet? She should be when she is old enough for all the above reasons! Also, do you keep a collar on her in the house? If so, you might want to consider one with reflective strips for twilight and evening walks and possible "escapes". Also make sure she gets lots of sniffing time on her walks so she can learn the familiar sniffs of her neighborhood so she can find her way home. Basenjis are SO stinkin' smart....Binti learned to open the lever handle on the front door, so I have to keep the dead bolt on all the time!!!! (She hasn't worked THAT out yet!) Maybe your Mom would consider a dead bolt added to the door so that the act of opening that reminds everyone to look out for the potential escapee.

  • We have a deadbolt. We just aren't big on locking the door most of the time, but that's recently changed. :)

    I have a baby collar on her right now, but we have a thick military style collar coming in the mail. When we get it (and when it fits her) we'll be putting a military style identification patch on it. That will come off indoors though, so I could certainly put an auxiliary reflective collar on her as well. I could put velcro reflective strips on her harness as well.

    She's not quite big enough to wear the harness yet.


  • @roguecoyote Don't burden the poor wee thing with too heavy a collar - I used a simple light weight 'grab' collar on the boys when the girls started to come into season. As the season progressed, of course, they were segregated to a kennel in the orchard, far from the girls in the house !!

    All I needed to do was grab hold of whoever, at need. Try just a lightweight in the house - and @tanza has the right of it - involve your mother in the training and make it fun for all three of you.

  • @zande Oh yeah, That heavy stuff is only going to be for structured walks and some training sessions. I want to get her in the habit of being extra focused when wearing it. Also, the harness looks heavy, but its actually made of very light material. A lot of people attach canteens or supply packs to their dogs but I'm aware that extra weight isn't good for the breed, so I'll be keeping it very light.

  • @roguecoyote Her 'working clothes', in effect ! Exactly what I do - only I insisted on obedience when they are wearing a light weight show-lead and collar !

    I have been horrified by heavy weight pulling competitions is some countries !

  • First, the pic of her in the too big (for now) vest is adorable!!

    @roguecoyote said in My dog snuck out the front door off leash tonight.:

    but I'm aware that extra weight isn't good for the breed,

    I think that the issue with the added weight is related to her age. Once she is fully grown (12-18 months?) she should be able to carry some supplies: a baggy of kibble, a typical water bottle.... Things you might want on hand if you were going to go for a hike in the woods. Just let her grow up a bit first so that her muscles and bones are strong enough.

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