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Where does your B sleep?

Basenji Talk
  • Nala is under the covers as close as she can get to any human. Her preference is: Daddy, Mommy, Natalie, Logan. She grows into a Great Dane when she's under there somehow…

  • sami sleeps as close to me as possible-needs to be touched!!

  • I bought a cheap wicker dog bed at Ikea. I put two pillows with (fake)silk pillow cases in there. Max loves it.

  • At about 9 each night you can find buddi in bed, patiently waiting for someone to lift the covers so he can curl up for the night. He loves sleeping in the bend of my knees or between Brian's legs with his head laying on his stomach. It gets on Brian's nerves becayuse he can't move or it will get Buddi up and moving around. The things we do for our beloved Basenji's…:p

  • We are making progress with Duke at home. Duke has a bed in a tent crate upstairs, but we have not put him in his crate for the last couple weeks because he has been laying and falling asleep in my son's bed during our ritual "reading before lights out". So . . . we just let him sleep with my son. No problems . . . Last night for the first time, I was exhausted with the Thanksgiving family/dinner work. By 9 pm I finally crashed - Duke followed me. I was too tired to put him in bed. I was challenged atleast 3 times at the edge of the bed. I had to physically and gently slide him over. His 4 legs were stiff out into my back. There was no room to move unless I hit the floor. How do you all do it? I mean being compromised all night by your B's in bed. Guess I'm not a sound sleeper. I believe I can trust him out of his bed/crate at night in my son's room. He has come a long way since bringing him home at 12 weeks old - he is 10 mos old now. Don't know why, but I thought I'd share this tid-bit of information with you because it is a milestone here. :)

  • It is funny that you say that about how we handle our B's sleeping in bed with us. Cali is such a wild sleeper and I will admit it can be challenging because she hogs up most of the bed and is constantly changing positions. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and she is laying on her back with her paws straight up in the air:D It makes me laugh to see her sleeping like that. She has the nerve to get agitated if I try and push her over because she is taking up so much of the bed. There are some nights that I make her sleep in her kennel when she gets too fiesty. She likes to play in the bed before she settles down and goes to sleep. She also trys to nudge the pillow from under my head when she wants to play instead of go to sleep. :)

  • Rosey, too, sleeps in bed with me. She always sleeps under the covers, and will paw at the blankets until she can scoop under or I lift up the edge for her. For years she would sleep between my knees, and (luckily) for the past year or two she's moved off to the side of my king size bed. Once she finds her spot, she never moves. And Rosey never growls at me, but she will growl at the cat and Trevor the Boston if they tread too close to her. She loves to sleep, just like me!

  • When we first got Alani we let her sleep in our room (with the door shut, of course) but she was very restless and everytime she'd get up to find something to do it would wake us up because we were afraid of what she was doing. She would jump up in our bed and we'd put her back down. Eventually we ended up letting her sleep up there because then at least we weren't worried about what she was doing and she'd sleep the whole night through. Unfortunately, she would have to sleep in the bend of MY legs and I move a lot in my sleep and would wake up everytime, move her over and then fall back asleep (this wasn't working either). Then we decided to get a doggie bed (I was also worried because she LOVES ripping out stuffing). The lady at the store said it would be a good idea to put it on the bed first to get her used to it. When I brought it home I laid her in it when it was time for bed and she's never tried sleeping anywhere else since.

  • Lucy sleeps at our moms feet also under the covers never on top, she usually falls asleep on the couch downstairs then comes up stairs for the real sleep lol

  • Pharaoh started out sleeping in his crate at night since he could not be trusted to stay in my room w/o getting into something until he was a few years old. Then he'd push me out of my twin sized bed when he did sleep with me. When I moved into my first apartment, the first piece of furniture I bought was a bigger bed…and even then, it wasn't big enough for the two of us!! Instead of a two person bed, it became a 1 basenji and 1/2 a person bed! Of course, after the cat joined us, I was no longer able to fit in the bed and the two of them took a vote to leave me the last remaining one inch of one side of the!!

  • Mine LOVES to sleep in his crate with his blankies next to our bed (in the corner) i basically have to tear him away in the morning

  • Farrah sleeps under the covers in the middle

  • Senji spent the first 6 years of his life sleeping in his crate in the living room, covered with a blankent. One year, I got a Christmas tree that was too big, and I had to put it in the spot where his crate was. So I started letting him sleep on the couch. He likes to be covered by a blanket. Sometimes he still goes to the spot where his crate used to be and lays down under the chair that is there now. He only comes into my bedroom to sleep when I'm sick. It's almost like he knows that I'm vulnerable and he's protecting me. If I'm taking a nap on the couch, he'll curl up behind my knees.

  • Well since we changed the sheets and clankets on our bed and the old ones are waiting to be washed, they are in a pile in the corner of the room. i tried to wash them today and Jack cried! lol. well im washing them now, hes outside, i hope hes not tramatized!! lol

  • Callie has to be in her crate when we are gone, so I sleep on the sofa, and she sleeps with me, or on her bed beside me, with her blanky covering her up. She still has to go potty at 3 in the morning, so we can't move to the bed yet! It is upstairs, and hubby has to go to bed earlier than I do, and she wakes him up. Hopefully, when she is a bit older, she can hold it until he gets up at 5.

  • My little 3 year old Keba sleeps between my down pillows at the head of my bed under her fuzzy blanket. It's kind of like sleeping between two down comforters. She sure is warm in there!!

  • Farrah had been able to sleep all night without having to get up since she was about 4 months old. aside from her and our min pin trading places from the top of the bed to the bottom they don't hardly move. we don't give them any food or treats after 7 pm. i think that helps. they are like toasters in keeping us warm. no need for electric blankets.

  • So far, Bruiser sleeps in his kennel until around 4 AM, He then has to go use the restroom and gets to sleep in the bed with me because I will not go back to sleep with him crying in his kennel. Like many others' basenjis, he enjoys laying on the blanket in between my feet and legs. My theory is that they do this because the leg mountains protect them from the gremlins.

  • @lift2live:

    Like many others' basenjis, he enjoys laying on the blanket in between my feet and legs. My theory is that they do this because the leg mountains protect them from the gremlins.

    Both of my dogs must love the mountains, because that is how they spend their cuddle time with me in the evenings.:p

  • My Jojo sleeps in her bed in our bedroom. During the day she may nap on the sofa, guestroom bed or her bed. The power went off for a few minuets last night so the alarm clock was blinking but never fear, Jojo is here…she went around to my husband's side of the bed and woke him up. She needed to go out. Great alarm clock!!

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