Tail wagging
Sahara always comes up to me with her tail going crazy with waging when I come home from anywhere. I have always thought this was natural. She also lowers her head and ears are also down. She is such a sweetie!!!
Nala kind of wags her whole butt, but the tail does wiggle too. This only happens when she is expremely happy to see someone. Her ears are in what we refer to as "The flying nun" position at the same time.
Our male only wags his tale for certain people…and it is just a really short burst of wags. Ivy NEVER wags her tail, unless she is inviting play with other dogs. Blondie wags all the time :) Bella wags occasionally, but usually towards other dogs...Luna wags all the time!
I see the entire body wag from my guy Gibby..the tail does wag if he is REALLY happy to see someone but not for everyone. It's kind of funny how they can control that aspect of emotion…he's the same with a "barooo." Some people he greets with one and others he just investigates. I learn more about him all the time by paying attention to his signals!
Kate and Fiber rarely wag; they're the SERIOUS types, Tex wags and "Baroooos", Dude sometimes wags, usually at one of the other dogs or when he's chasing the laser light, Lela and Arrow wag all the time whenever they see us, and Amina wags her tail, her whole body and leaps joyfully all over anyone brave enough to enter the back yard with her, doing backflips as necessary. The old man, Dino, has always been very reserved. His version of tail wagging was to uncurl and re-curl his tail twice. Now that he's almost 15 his tail is almost always straight. Guess it takes too much energy to keep it curled!
Neither Marco Polo nor Taj wag. Marco's only been with me year, but I raised Taj from an 8 week old pup. Ellie will occasionally wag in a very restrained manner when I come home – I really have to watch closely to see those two or three faint wiggles.
The only time I saw Ellie wag vigorously was upon my return when my B crew stayed with a friend while I made an unexpected week-long trip out of town. She wagged, cavorted, flung herself back-down on the ground and continued wagging while I rubbed her belly. That is also the day that she made her one and only "roo" at me -- it was very brief and very soft, but extremely touching to me. She makes a wide variety of other sounds all the time but that one little "roo" was so precious.
That's interesting, I had no idea that some B's didn't wag. My girl wags every time we come home get up from the couch or talk to her. It's a very tightly curled tail that jiggles back and forth very quickly. It's pretty funny. I have yet to see her tail uncurled even when she's sleeping.
Both of my girls are tail waggers and yodelers. They are very demonstrative about their feelings. I am always greeted with vigorous wagging and a loud yodel from Rally and Rio fills me in on the whole day with series of yodels, burrs, and I don't even know how to describe them sounds. Nicky on the other hand will occasionally give me a dink dink of his tail but only really wags it when he is trying to entice the girls to play with him or he is waiting for his turn at the lure. Nicky also does not yodel and rarely vocalizes at all.