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Raw food

Basenji Feeding
  • oops…couple of mistakes....

    dry food is by TASTE OF THE WILD
    raw frozen by NATURE'S VARIETY

  • Raw food is great for them. Mine get raw sometimes and kibble other times there are lots of books on raw feeding.

  • I have never fed raw before until we got our Toller. He gets raw chicken in the morning and then he gets kibble at night. Every once in a while I throw the B's a chicken neck they like it!

  • I give Buddy some raw everyday. It's frozen, usually duck made by a local company here called Primal. I mix it with cooked chicken thigh and some New Zealand venison green tripe or lamb tripe, Sometimes some Evo wet too.

  • I feed Kipawa a mix of kibble and raw. His kibble is Taste of The Wild buffalo. To that, I add small bits of raw steak (he`s spoiled, so usually good cuts), broccoli, peas, sweet potato and yam. I eat pro-biotic yogurt daily, and he gets a couple of spoonfuls of that. The only fruit he will eat is apple. For a laugh, we point a banana at him - he scrunches up his nose and runs away. :)

  • I have been thinking about feeding raw for a while. Spencer is also spoiled and has been less and less willing to take the kibble. He gets Wellness Senior Super-5. I usually mix it with cooked chicken or turkey breast and fresh veggies, like broccoli, carrots, peas, green beans and potatoes. He picks out the kibble and spits it on the floor. Occasionally, he gets Muttloaf or Kitchen Sink Stew, made with a tasty mix of dog-friendly leftovers. I eat more nutritiously because of Spencer; otherwise, I might skip the veggies and go for the pizza. :)

  • Raw is excellent as long as you can keep up with it. I have used it in the past, and the B's loved it. However, I am so busy I cannot be there all the time, on time, to feed them as they need the raw. So I have switched back to a 'baked raw' kibble. They really like it and it's a lot easier on me. They get chicken necks once in a while also, but I have to be really careful because I have one that will just wolf it down without chewing. But there are many good raw foods out there.

  • My Basenjis are raw fed although I have experimented with complete foods. They seldom need veterinary attention and live to good ages (Jewel is currently 17 and a half). They eat raw and cooked vegetables and biscuit and have some supplementation. I can reccomend raw feedingto anybody whatever the breed.

  • I switched my basenjis to Chicken-veggies-bones raw food that i got from a local meat shop. They claim it has 20% veggies. My B's are just LOVING it. I havent started raw and cooked vegPetables or biscuits yet but do add pumpkin superblend and omega 3 oils to it. I have noticed that they both used to drink A LOT of water before it but now their water intake has gone down a lot. I was told that is a good thing.

    Which vegetables and biscuits are good to add to their diet?

    Also my 11yr old female and 3yr old male both weight 25lb and it was suggested i feed them no more than 1/2lb (1/4 in the morning and 1/4 at night) per day. Is that correct?

    I was also told to switch to Omega 3 oils for humans rather than buying one for dogs?

    I love my babies and want nothing but the best for them…sooo...whatever it takes i will do...any other suggestions for their diet are much appreciated.

  • Raw food is good food! :) I've been raw feeding my dogs for about ten years or so now. I've been giving them "anything" I can find. As long as it's RAW (not cooked or prepared in any way), it's okay to give just about anything. I try to avoid feeding weight bearing bones of large herbivores. Like knuckles, femurs and so on with excessive chewers. :)

  • Raw is great in my opinion, and not only for the food itself, but most importantly for the mental stimulation it gives the dogs, especially if you can feed them larger pieces of meat and bones, so they have to 'work' to eat it, use all their teeth, think a bit as to how best start of eating something…
    Vegies are not needed. Won't hurt them if they like to eat them, and they can be a real treat if you mix them with some fish, raw eggs and (cottage)cheese, but they don't need them in a good raw diet.
    I have fed my dogs raw for a couple of years, but am now back to feeding dry food. It's just so much easier. Don't have to run around from shop to shop to get all the meat, spend hours dividing everything into portions, don't need 2 extra freezers anymore...
    But I still give them an occasional mouse, small rabbit, guinea pig... if I have some left after feeding the reptiles, and they love those. Have been thinking about breeding some more of those and feeding them more often to the dogs, but that will be a lot of work, so haven't started that yet (or even decided if I want to do it).

  • It's a good idea to add veggies if you are feeding raw. The commercial raw diets probably have them. In the wild, a predator would be eating stomach and intestine contents of the prey, so getting veggies and grain that way. There can be unintended consequences to changing to raw, however. My friend who breeds Pyrenees had never had a problem with her dogs and her farm animals, but after she started feeding raw chicken the dogs decided to get their own fresh, and began killing chickens they had previously ignored. Guess it all smelled the same to them!

  • @eeeefarm:

    In the wild, a predator would be eating stomach and intestine contents of the prey, so getting veggies and grain that way.

    All our dogs (and our raccoon dogs) always have emptied the stomach by shaking it before eating it with all prey bigger then a mouse or small rat.
    I don't know how the commercial raw diets are in the USA, but over here, most don't include any veggies or grains or so. And feeding a commercial complete raw food, isn't really considered feeding raw over here, but more like something between feeding dry food and raw food. If you say you are feeding raw over here, it means that you are feeding real pieces of meat and bones, together with intestines and such. For most people, that comes down to feeding mostly chicken-carcasses with then every day another type of meat, bones and intestines. And then there are now more and more people who are thinking raw isn't good enough anymore, and are feeding a 'natural raw' diet. And that is giving whole prey like chickens, rabbits, hares, mouse, deadborn farm animals…

  • Interesting differences in approach. Whatever works I guess, if it keeps your dog healthy. Around here coyotes don't leave much of the carcass and seem to devour stomach contents, at least judging by the little that is left behind. I don't feed raw myself, but dehydrated which has been reconstituted with water. Has the advantage of being convenient and easy to store, and I don't like kibble, which is far more processed. Bones can cause problems. Chipped teeth, constipation, etc. But dogs are scavengers and will make do with whatever they find. That's how they evolved to being dogs, after all. :)

  • I believe in raw, have fed fully then partly raw for about 16 yrs. Now I cannot. Arwen has an autoimmune problem, which is the only reason I would not advise raw, and cara, no matter how small the amt I start her on, gets diarrhea. But I absolutely believe done right, raw is the best.

  • It's kind of a 'big thing' over here and most that feed raw are very passionate about it. I don't care that much really. Most important reason why I fed raw was the extra mental stimulation the dogs got. But it is like you said, dogs are scavengers and will eat everything that seems edible to them and will do well on it. A good dry food isn't bad for a dog. Sure it is processed and contains grains or other rather useless ingredients to keep it all together, but it also contains everything that a dog need. It's a save option that is really easy. When giving raw (not the commercial stuff, as that is almost as easy as dry food) you need to make sure that they get everything they need in the right quantities. Not that hard, but I've seen quite a few people who did it wrong. And especially when doing it wrong with a pup, it can harm the dogs. Same as with giving them bones. Some bones are suited to give to dogs, others are not (to hard, will splinter). Feeding raw is something you have to learn and wich you best start doing with the help of someone who knows what he is doing.

  • Raw is raw whether fed from a packet or on the hoof. It just seems more natural to feed 'on the hoof' but some people don't have access toi that.

  • Oh, but I agree with you Patty. Just wanted to tell that that isn't the case anymore for a lot of people over here. They really are divided in seperate camps. The ones who feed commercial raw diets, the ones who make the diets themself and the ones who feed whole prey, and a lot are pretty fanatic about it.

    But it all doesn't matter that much. Just feed your dog what you like and what he likes. Like I said, I'm feeding dryfood again now for the biggest part. I like how easy that is and Voodoo just dives into his foodbowl when I present it, so I guess he doesn't mind eating kibble. He is healthy and looks good, so we are both happy with it.

  • I am thinking about switching my B, Kiora, to Raw. My beautiful mixed breed baby, Ananda, had to be put to sleep on Saturday. She had what was likely bone marrow cancer. I never thought a dog of mine would get cancer because for many years I have fed them high quality, grain free, kibble. Although I did feed Ananda very bad food (Purina, Iams…etc) for the first 3 years of her life before I became educated about dog foods. Now I am kind of feeling like my efforts were insufficient.

    So I would like to switch Kiora onto a raw, or mostly raw, diet. I do have a few concerns/questions:

    I have read when buying raw it is more ecomonical to purchase in bulk, however I do not have the space to store the quanities that I was reading (30 lb boxes). Buying another freezer is not an option. Is it really outrageous to buy meat that is not in bulk? I would be willing to spend 50 or maybe 60 dollars a month...can I feed one 22 lb basenji raw on that budget?

    Time is another potential constraint. I am reading that it takes more time and effort to feed raw. Most of the time I can take a few extra minutes to feed her but being a college student who also works, some days I just want to crash on the couch and can't even prepare myself food. Would it be fine to feed her food I've prepared for her most of the week but then feed her some pre-packaged raw mixed with a little kibble a couple times a week?

    I am also concerned about the bones. I know raw bones don't splinter but Kiora is such a chow hound I am worried she will choke on a bone in her zeal. Is it o.k to grind up the meat in a food processor so that the bone is mixed in finely with the rest of the meat? What about for a larger animal? Give her bones so big she can't possibly choke?

    I hope it is appropriate to ask these questions here. I was going to start my own thread but this seemed to be the thread designated for questions/comments on raw.

  • Hi. We have an option of buying either 10lb bulk or 50lb. You do save a little bit of $ money buying 50lb but we dont have a seperate freezer either. We have two Bs and it cost us $60/month….thats not bad at all. Not worried about the bones...they are crushed with meat and the veggies.
    And it doesnt take much time...we have 1lb bricks. We leave one in the fridge overnight to thaw...and just feed them in the morning:)

    We have noticed a great difference in our babies since switching to raw food

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