Lovely dogs, all three of them - I'm beginning to think B's don't really care about Christmas trees one way or the other - Shaye usually liked the velvet tree skirt best, and slept on it.
Happy Birthday Oakley
Perhaps a Cheeseburger is in order for today!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Oakley! Send pics!
Oh yes, cheeseburger and fries! Just kidding. Pamper Oakley and both of you enjoy the day.
Happy Bday Oakley!!!!
Happy Birthday, Oakley!
Got out early from work so we could take a nice long hike at the preserve. Picked up some green beams, zucchini and a sweet potato as treats with his evening kibble. Any suggestions on how bs like them prepared best? He will Aldo have a scoop of vanilla ice cream before bed ( his favorite)
Got two new hurtta coatsโฆ
Needless to say, I spoil him! But I love to do it -
Mine love veggie's steamed and the sweet potato either cooked in the over or micro, skinned before feeding
Happy B-day Oakley
Happy bday. I have one of those posts for today too.
Happy Birthday to Oakley!
Microwaved and chopped is the way mine love green beans, sweet potatoes, most any vegetable.
Awww, Oakley has a wonderful home for sure. Happy birthday Oakley!