Lost Black/White Male in Marietta, Georgia
wrote on 29 Nov 2011, 16:43 last edited by
Lost Basenji in Marietta, Georgia. Pass along if you know anyone in that vicinity.
Spot is a black & white, intact male, age approx. A year to year and a half. Has only been with his new owners a short period of time, so unfamiliar with the area.
Lost on Nov 25 near the intersection of SHALLOWFORD RD AND SANDY PLAINS Rd in Marietta, Georgia. He was wearing a collar and dragging a leash. Phone number on ID tag (mine) is 404-587-1776. I will answer this day and night.
Amy Johnson
kisa.ballyhoo@gmail.com -
wrote on 30 Nov 2011, 00:26 last edited by
Robyn, is this one of your b's?
wrote on 30 Nov 2011, 15:40 last edited by
No, it's not one of mine. I had never heard of the owner until I got an email from her requesting help.
wrote on 30 Nov 2011, 16:49 last edited by
The breeder is Kim Byrd
wrote on 30 Nov 2011, 17:07 last edited by
Oh, I hope Spot is found soon! I also emailed Kim Byrd just so she knows, though she's probably already have been told about this.
wrote on 30 Nov 2011, 20:29 last edited by
There is a page on the Cobb County Animal Control website where one can report a lost animal:
wrote on 30 Nov 2011, 20:54 last edited by
I looked on their website and there is supposedly 3 Basenjis there, a brindle/white female adult, #538065-Cage 310, a brindle/white pup female pup-named Pearl, #537270-Cage 833-this one is listed on Petfinder and looks like a Boxer/Shepherd mix, and a grey/white female adult-named Cookie, #537561-Cage 4-this one is listed on Petfinder and is actually a black/white 10 month old Mix. I assume the ones with names are owner surrenders. I have no idea if these dogs are still there or if the first brindle/white adult dog I listed is a Basenji!
For some reason I was having problems getting the pictures to come up-here is the picture of the brindle/white female mix adult-#530865 http://p2c.cobbcounty.org/p2c/Animal.aspx
wrote on 30 Nov 2011, 21:06 last edited by
One can also report a lost animal to the Humane Society of Cobb County:
wrote on 4 Dec 2011, 16:12 last edited by
I just saw a post on Facebook that Spot has been found!
wrote on 4 Dec 2011, 19:51 last edited by
Thats awesome news.. I wonder how, where they found him…
wrote on 4 Dec 2011, 22:20 last edited by
I just saw a post on Facebook that Spot has been found!
SO GLAD he's safe and back home. Do you have anymore details? Who found him? Is he okay?
wrote on 5 Dec 2011, 00:36 last edited by
He was found by his owner not too far from home, but he was in a fight with something that tore him up pretty bad. He is spending tonight at the emergency vet in town and then will have surgery in the morning to repair his eye which he may lose from the fight.
wrote on 5 Dec 2011, 22:09 last edited by
Hi Everyone,
Below is a message from Amy, Spot's very incredibly strong mom. She worked diligently searching for Spot. She now has a long road to recovery with him. Keep up your prayers for both of them. Thank you.
NatalieHello Everyone! I wanted to thank everybody again for their concern, time, prayers, and plain old hard work that went into finding Spot. I still cannot believe he is back in our lives and the nightmare is over. He is having surgery today to remove his right eye, which was damaged beyond repair in a fight with some kind of large animal. He spent the night at Cobb Emergency, and will have his surgery within the hour at Tritt Animal Hosptial. Will post pictures of Spot in recovery as soon as we get the little booger back, which should be tomorrow according to Dr. Beard.
wrote on 6 Dec 2011, 15:58 last edited by
Oh, poor Spot! I am so glad he was found and will be okay. What a brave boy! Please keep us posted on his recovery.
wrote on 6 Dec 2011, 16:22 last edited by
Healing thoughts to Spot…..
wrote on 6 Dec 2011, 17:54 last edited by
Thankfully Spot is alive. Very unfortunate he lost his eye but he will do fine with one. I had a Basenji lose sight in one eye and I didn't see a difference in her activity at all.
wrote on 6 Dec 2011, 20:51 last edited by
Wow, don't know how I missed this but so glad they have him back.
wrote on 7 Dec 2011, 19:56 last edited by
Hi All, I haven't spoken to Amy since my last post, but she did say I could repost her facebook updates on the forum. Below are her most recent two posts about Spot. Amy and Spot need our prayers for their recovery. Again, I'll say she is a strong and wonderful Basenji mom. She never gave up hope or effort to find him. So Glad he's back.
Today: Mr. Spot is still in the hospital for further hydration and some more x-rays, but apparently he's up and about and eating. And the staff person I spoke to this morning at the vet says, "He's just amazing!" Can't wait until tomorrow. :)
Yesterday: Corey, the latest news is that Spot's vet now thinks he may have also/instead been hit by a car?? We were supposed to get him back today, but she wants to do some additional ex-rays to see if his nose is broken (lots of swelling-I thought it might be broken, too), and she said he's still a little dehydrated despite all the fluids he'd been given at Cobb Emergency. Sigh. I miss my little baby, but am glad to have him taken such thorough care of. Better safe than sorry. I guess I'll have the rest of the story tomorrow or Thursday.
does it matter who the breeder was? wow! @tanza:
The breeder is Kim Byrd