Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Debra! Ours was a few weeks ago. It's a delight when you take that first mouthful. Myself, I am a stuffing girl. Oh, and it has to have good gravy on it. Just give me a bowl of stuffing with gravy and I'll sit on the floor in a corner and be really peaceful for an hour or so (depending on the size of the bowl of stuffing and gravy I get). And though we never have them at any other time of year, darn those brussel sprouts are good!
I'm confused. Was that you, Fran, or did Kipawa get hold of the keyboard? Sounds like a Basenji kind of thing…...sitting on the floor scarfing down dressing from a bowl. :)
Happy gluttony day!! =) J/K. We had a lovely two hours at the park and I'm about to truss up a chicken. No turkey here for the humans – but the dogs will get raw pieces. They really enjoy it!
Hope everyone had a peaceful Tgiving. I like turkey, but only with homemade cranberry sauce. I was going to just do a turkey breast as there are only 2 humans here today, but a whole turkey was about 1/2 the price, so that's what I did here.
MMMMM… homemade Cranberry sauce.. I try different ones all the time when they are in season.... And like you agilebasenji, a whole turkey is cheaper... and last for many meals... especially that turkey sandwich the next day with turkey, stuffing (like you need that with the bread for the sandwich...ggg) cranberry sauce and coleslaw..... yum........
I'm confused. Was that you, Fran, or did Kipawa get hold of the keyboard? Sounds like a Basenji kind of thing…...sitting on the floor scarfing down dressing from a bowl. :)
Ummmm… no.... that was me, kinda. :) Scarfing is allowed in our home. :) That is why taking 2 long walks a day with Kipawa is beneficial. ;)
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you down south! I am with Kipawa….I could care less about the turkey and go straight for the stuffing!! But mine would have to have cranberry sauce on top and I too could eat a whole bowl in a corner if given the opportunity!
Maybe this is a Canadian kind of thing? I would be resource guarding my bowl. :)
LOL I like the turkey skin. The rest you can have. In fact, dressing, squash casserole, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce– I love ALL the side items, but turkey? LOL so I told Leora next year, lets just do a chicken which we REALLY like.
LOL Fran, I always say that you Canadians have the right idea celebrating in Oct before it gets really cold. A friend told me yesterday that I wasn't thinking right-- they need it in Sept to avoid cold and she already had snow, thank you very much.
LOL I like the turkey skin. The rest you can have. In fact, dressing, squash casserole, sweet potato casserole, cranberry sauce– I love ALL the side items, but turkey? LOL so I told Leora next year, lets just do a chicken which we REALLY like.
LOL Fran, I always say that you Canadians have the right idea celebrating in Oct before it gets really cold. A friend told me yesterday that I wasn't thinking right-- they need it in Sept to avoid cold and she already had snow, thank you very much.
Debra, some areas in Canada can even have snow in October. I'm glad we live on the west (wet) coast, which has proved to be very wet this month. We can get some snow here, but it usually does not last very long. As for skin (turkey, chicken, etc) I have never liked the sliminess of it. Perhaps if it is nicely browned…. oh well, you and I would do great together at a turkey meal - me and my stuffing and you and your skin, each of us in separate corners.
We usually get snow every Halloween. Or close enough to it. This year it was late, around mid November. Though right now it is above zero and all of our snow is melting. Which of course the B's don't mind as long as their feet don't get wet while going outside. Thursday I get my knee operation and am hoping that the weather is nice so I don't have to travel to and from the hospital in -40! I am reading this thread thinking I can't wait for Christmas now so that I can eat some stuffing and cranberries!
LOL Fran, skin has to be nice and crispy to eat. :) But we'd fight over dressing! We had 3 varieties– traditional, one with extra herbs and then one with oysters. My daughter has always refused oysters in dressing, but since we bought ready made at Harry's Market I got a pan of each. She tried it, agreed best she had ever had.