I think that is a well said Voodoo, and it will work I think.
(I don't like Cesar at all, because his vision of correction is totally opposite of our vision of using dog bodylanguages and kalming signs)
Our Buana is more lazy, but strict. He has to know what is going on and is a bit more adult like.
Chaffie is very playful, when he does someting naughty or better said, he wants to go do simething naughty he wiggles that tail and will be yodeling… he won't come to the point of doing the naughty thing because we all, including Buana are totally keep laughing and that is more fun than doing the bad thing haha
On those points they are totally different but on all the other points they are exactly the same!
They just know how to live as a family and they just do
If they would keep irritating eachother, as the family dad or mom, you would tell then no right, just the same as with kids.
So also that is trainable, when they know where they stand, they know how to live a great life.