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Soooooo disappointed…

Breeder Talk
  • As Pat says some people are good at pulling the wool over your eyes if they want to. It's very upsetting to have the dogs back but remember it could have been worse!

    I don't think there is ever a fool proof way to ensure good homes but it is important I think to keep in touch with the new owners - sometimes things get too bad before you're aware.

    I feel for you in having these experiences and for your beloved Basenjis.

  • @tanza:

    Honestly, in the end it is really a crap shoot…. because sometimes people are really good at telling you what you want to hear.

    I have a close friend and neighbour who is in another breed, and she says the same. Sometimes the "ideal" home doesn't work out and the one you felt was a bit "iffy" ends up to be the perfect placement. You just never know….

  • Exactly, all we can do is do the best we can and hope for the best. I had one puppy returned after 6 years because he didn't get along with the mix they purchased (which was more like they didn't understand the noise and rough play) and now had a toddler along with expecting twins and didn't want to spend the time watching the toddler, teach the toddler how to respect the dog or get a behavorist to help with the adjustment. Easier to call the breeder and give back the dog…. But the kicker is after they did that, they had the nerve to call and ask were the dog was placed and could they go and visit cause they missed him and the their mix bitch did too. You all can guess what my answer was..... a big fat NO!

  • Can't say much because my experience is nill, but I wanted to offer my support and hugs. I can imagine how incredibly emotional painful it is to have your pups returned to you. We are here for you!

  • @saba:

    Then last night I get an email saying that one of the girls in a pet home needs to come back to me ASAP, as the owner is seriously ill. No problems at all with her coming back, I completely understand this, Im just gutted for the owner as I know how much Gilah meant to her… Just now I have received an email from her owner, she is so upset, I read her email and its full of grief, and I just feel so sorry for her, she was a very much loved member of her family... Life can be very cruel sometimes...


    is there any hope of Gilah's owner recovering? How awful to be going through a severe illness AND have to give up your pup.

    As to the other owners, sigh. I wish I knew what to say. Is there a chance the peeing pup is coming into season? And goodness, how hard is it to close the bedroom door?

  • Speaking from a rescue standpoint, BRAT treasures the responsible breeders who take back dogs of their breeding.

    Placing puppies with great homes can be very difficult. I placed almost all of the Wimauma Floria basenjis. There were 34 very young ones in the first group. I received over 200 applications for them. Thank goodness I was lucky enough to select good matches for them. It's been over a year since those placements were made. We try to keep in touch with each our adopters. Only one of these pups came back into rescue, and it was within the last month. I am thankful for the wonderful, loving homes these basenjis are in.

    debbi j.

  • oooh Saba, what frustrating chain of events..I am very happy, like yourself, that they all got returned to you an ddidn't get dumped. Sending my hugs and thoughst, I know you will find them all good homes, and I hope this doesn't discourage you too much.

  • Again I agree with all the support you have seen here… regardless if you ever breed another litter... know that you are totally respected that you care for the ones you did breed... and honestly... in the 4 litters that I bred, I got 4 pups back in total... but you know what... the ones that I placed are in homes I would die for... so to have those 4 come back are way over shadowed by that wonderful homes the rest have been placed in.... so don't as we say "throw out the baby with the bath water"... next time you know a bit more when talking to possible homes... not to say they will be perfect... but in the end, it evens out. And if you decide not to breed, then that is OK too.

  • My hat is off to you for taking back 3 pups all at once. I really feel for the owner who is ill, that is heartbreaking for human and dog. Hopefully they will be happy with you for awhile and you will find wonderful homes for them all.

  • Oh wow…

    Im overwhelmed with the amount of support from everyone. I will be back later to answer this thread, Im unable to see the keyboard atm, and I seem to have something in both my eyes...

  • It does suck, but you are doing what is right by your dogs.
    Sometimes, being a breeder can be craploads of hard work and be quite sucky.
    People lie to get what they want.
    Unfortunately, we may not know what people want and we are looking for the good in people when placing our dogs.

    When my Mom was in her car accident she had recently gotten 2 dogs back… those came over to me to place, along with 3 more to place.
    I already had 4 dogs of my own at the time.
    I worked through it and put dogs in homes that were perfect for them, even though I did not get to show them any more. Life happens and you work around it.

    I had two dogs [18 month old r/w girl and 2.5yo b/w male] returned in June… within a week of each other. These families have incredible life circumstances and I thanked them dearly for bringing me the dogs. I still am looking ot place the girl in a great home. I got lucky and the boy is one that I had originally wanted to show but didn't have the space... now he gets to move overseas. It works for me and the dog. Just not my original plans.

    Remember, it could have been worse had you not been notified and they been turned over to a shelter. You got VERY LUCKY. So did your dogs! Best of luck finding them their forever homes.

  • @khanis:

    Remember, it could have been worse had you not been notified and they been turned over to a shelter. You got VERY LUCKY. So did your dogs! Best of luck finding them their forever homes.

    A breeder friend of mine made an emergency trip to Florida a few years ago when she found out someone was trying to give away…..or even of her dogs that she had thought was doing well. The person didn't have the decency to contact her, but someone who knew both parties did. The story ended happily. She retrieved the dog and subsequently placed him with someone who treasures him, but it was a near thing!

  • @eeeefarm:

    Sometimes the "ideal" home doesn't work out and the one you felt was a bit "iffy" ends up to be the perfect placement. You just never know….


    Placing puppies with great homes can be very difficult. I placed almost all of the Wimauma Floria basenjis.
    debbi j.

    COUGH COUGH. ROFLMAO. Ahem. Oh heck I don't care, going to say it.

    I nearly got axed from the list for complaining about how long they wanted to keep Cara. From "iffy" to perfect indeed, right Ms J?

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    COUGH COUGH. ROFLMAO. Ahem. Oh heck I don't care, going to say it.

    I nearly got axed from the list for complaining about how long they wanted to keep Cara. From "iffy" to perfect indeed, right Ms J?

    Debra, you are oh, so right. You almost got axed from the list of potential adopters. Plus it didn't help that I initially had you mixed up with someone else. Your persistence paid off in the end. One of the things I love about placing our rescues is that I sometimes end up with lifelong friends.

    debbi J,

  • @eeeefarm:

    That's a terrible run of bad luck. Hopefully there will be a bright turnaround for you soon. As you say, it's bad enough for the people, but the confusion the dogs must be feeling breaks my heart. My last two Basenjis came to me at 2 and 3 years, respectively, and I must say, I think for the first 6 months or so they felt they were only "visiting". I think we sometimes underestimate how long it takes for a dog to feel truly at home with a new family.

    I think that I have been lucky in that both the 2 that have come back, have actually settled into our routine really quickly, but what must be going on in their heads, Im not sure…

  • Ok Im ready to come back in here now…

    I just need to fill you in, now... Gilah was supposed to come back to me yesterday, but after a few twists and turns, for the moment at least, she will be staying with the owners Mum, while the owner recovers from some pretty nasty issues she is dealing with... Am I happy with this arrangement ??? Yes, I think I am... I think issues will remain in this family unit, but for now I believe that Gilah staying with her owner is in the best interests of both of them...

    I just want to thank everyone for their support... I wasnt in a very happy place, just very disappointed, angry, upset about the whole issue, and to be able to come in here and have a good vent about it, was just the tonic that I needed :o, so a HUGE thank you to everyone who responded...

    Now I will start to answer some questions...

    This post was supposed to be above the above one, if that makes sense ;)...

  • @moetmum:

    Hugs to you, the downside of breeding I'm afraid. You have been unlucky.

    I would be reluctant to sell to show homes, they are pets first and foremost not to be discarded if they don't win. I hope our precious puppies have forever homes.

    Thank you Moetmum, no more of my babies will grace the showrings, other than what I keep… Once bitten, twice shy, Ive learnt that lesson very hard...

  • @tanza:

    Saba, sorry for the bad luck, but it happens… and as many of us have said to people that want to breed, you need to be able and aware that you could at some point wind up with all the pups... (if you are responsible)...

    Obviously you are responsible.... for which I am sure your pups appreciate as they always have a home if needed.

    Yep I brought these babies into the world, so I feel responsible for them for life…

  • @vickilb:

    I am so glad the owners returned your pups to you!!!!

    I, myself, couldn't even consider breeding. I would want to keep them all!!!!
    It takes a special kind of person to breed and be considerate to the breed.

    Maybe you were destined to have a house full of bs!!!!:)

    Yes Im VERY glad, beyond glad that they were returned to me, and not left at a pound somewhere… Thank DoG for that... My house is being over run by B's, but I love it !!!

  • @Kipawa:

    I have to pitch in here - your situation upsets me. Other than the person that got sick, did the owners just expect that the show basenjis they got from you were programmed by you and wouldn't need any further training? A puppy that pees on a bed can be trained not to do that, but it takes time and patience. As for the biting dog, things can be done there as well. It just sounds to me like these people were smitten with the idea of showing a dog, and then realized that there is work to be done, whether you show a basenji or not.

    Kipawa, I have been trying to work out what exactly went wrong ??? I thought I had vetted these people thoroughly, and, I believed, (with the help of the sires owner), that the 2 placed in show homes, were able to be competitive enough. What happened as to why they just didnt cut it, who knows. I believe now, (aint hindsight great !!!), the boy was just not winning enough for a VERY competitive owner, so return him, and at the last count, she now has the original B, who isnt doing an aweful lot of winning, and about 3 Shelties now… Im watching their show careers with interest, cos I think they will be returned, if they dont start to win soon... I dont for 1 minute believe the dog was biting the other B, I believe that was the excuse to get rid of him. Hes not been a problem here at all...

    The peeing on the bed excuse absolutely maddened me, I couldnt believe it. Ummmmmmm, hello, ever heard of closing the bedroom door, and teaching the dog housetraining :mad:...

    I also dont think a B was the right dog for either of these owners... Hindsight again... Very sad, and makes the comprehensive questionnaire I had them both fill out, as well as phone calls, totally useless cos they both just gave me the 'correct' answers ???????????

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