Basenjis on Craigslist
wrote on 2 Aug 2011, 20:09 last edited by
Out of curiosity, I searched basenjis on Craigslist and was amazed at what I found and sadly, some of their owners are selling these dogs and appear to have little knowledge about them. Here are some of the links. One I believe says a basenji/terrier mix, but it appears to be purebred basenji to me.
I sure hope more of the forum reads this and a home will be found before the current owners dump them at the pound or something…..What a shame.
wrote on 2 Aug 2011, 20:37 last edited by
I know, that's why I thought I would post them here. I feel so badly for those poor dogs.
wrote on 2 Aug 2011, 22:43 last edited by
dmarie, have you sent this to BRAT rescue? And I agree that Black and White looks like a PBred to me
wrote on 2 Aug 2011, 22:46 last edited by
Thanks for posting this. Do contact BRAT as well, sigh. Those dogs need to fall into "soft" hands.
wrote on 2 Aug 2011, 23:13 last edited by
If any of these are still intact, they need to be rescued ASAP since breeding season is coming!
wrote on 2 Aug 2011, 23:15 last edited by
Sigh, I hope they aren't used to make more "pets". Groan! I will send out a prayer for them all.
wrote on 3 Aug 2011, 02:38 last edited by
Sharron and other rescue folks - I totally admire you. I can't even look at these links - my heart breaks for these dear souls.
wrote on 3 Aug 2011, 03:49 last edited by
You know, I hadn't thought to contact BRAT, however, I will do that and forward the links to them.
wrote on 3 Aug 2011, 13:51 last edited by
Thank you dmarie, please, contact BRAT when you see these types of ads. They might already know about the dog, but in case they don't…..
Fran, I also dispare about so many more b's seeming to be needing homes now. Sigh. -
wrote on 3 Aug 2011, 18:44 last edited by
This is the season for rescues…
the rain will start up and people won't want to walk their dogs.. nor house-train them... and they will get tired of the not-so-little-puppy.
Sad sad sad -
wrote on 3 Aug 2011, 19:14 last edited by
I did hear back from BRAT. They knew of 3 out of the 4 basenjis. 3 have been contacted and the one they didn't know about was going to be contacted today. Hopefully there will be a good outcome for all.
wrote on 4 Aug 2011, 14:46 last edited by
It rains here soooo much, but I squeeze in a walk as early as 5 am and sometimes not until 9 pm just to make sure my doggies get their walk in. When I hear about people that are moving somewhere that doesn't allow pets, it makes me crazy. Seriously, you take on the responsibility of caring for a pet so you find somewhere where they can live with you. And don't talk to me about not having time- I have a husband, three children, 2 dogs, 1 cat, and a full time college course load. And yes, everyone gets fed, walked, cleaned, homework done, and I still get just enough time to sleep. Sorry for the rant, but I live on a Navy Base and I see families leave their pets tied up in their backyards, stick them in the garage, or leave them behind when they move all the time- which is how we ended up the cat :(
wrote on 4 Aug 2011, 15:09 last edited by
Yes, its seems to be the way, just leave something if its not convient. My family was Navy, 30 and as I am 60 old, you know that was a ways back. We took our ****er to Hawaii 2 times. Yes, expensive, but part of the family. Wish folks were more responsible, sigh, but times seem to be changing.
what was deleted is spanial, co*ker…laugh.