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Possible Pancreatitis?

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Hugs and prayers going your way from me.

  • That is so scary - hope Nicki is better soon, and that you can get a correct diagnosis - vets who will not listen are an embarrassment to their calling. We are all praying for Nicki - and for you.

  • Have dealt with pancreatitis, and it is scary.

    I hope you do 2 things… file a formal written complaint with the vet practice about the vet, and demand a full refund from them.

  • @tanza:

    If it were me, I would send the ER bill to the sub

    I concur! Perhaps this would get your regular vet very careful about who they take on locum for their practise!

    Saying prayers for Nicky's speedy recovery.

  • I just wanted to add to the well wishes for you and poor Nicky. Spencer had a bout of acute pancreatitis last year, at 13, so I know how scary it can be. He was one sick little B, but rebounded with good treatment. I hope your Nicky responds the same and is back home with you soon. Spencer and I send positive thoughts your way.

  • I do hope that Nicky will be home again soon and on the way to full recovery.

    I agree with Debra that the vet should be reported and so perhaps save other dogs from not getting proper treatment.

    Healing thoughts to Nicky.

  • I'm so sorry Anne! Really hoping Nicky recovers quickly. There's nothing worse then a vet who does not listen! It's terrible and I've been through it. Please keep us updated.

  • Thanks so much everyone! Ownedbyspencer, thanks for your info, that is very encouraging.
    I got a call today after the ultrasound and it is severe pancreatitis, the vet said she is stable but will need 4 or 5 more days in ICU with IV meds. Then it will depend on whether she can digest food or not. I went over around 1:30 to visit her, thinking they would take me back to her kennel and I would like down with her, when out they brought my dog, up and about, IV all wrapped with hard plastic and a cone on. Seems she feels better, chewed off 1 IV and ate part of her chart! They brought about a half cup of canned food and she scarfed it down, then I held her, walked her several times and then held her some more. She is obviously still sick but soooo much better than last night, I was afraid she would not make it through the night. The vet came out and we talked a long time, she was impressed that she had eaten and not vomited, and now said "another couple of days" most likely. My Nicky is one tough little dog! The downside is that by the time she acts sick, she is REALLY sick. I am so thankful for such kind and knowledgeable vets and the care they give. Like the Mastercard ad, Priceless!

    As for the 'sub', you can believe I will tell my vet about this! The bill was actually minimal and I did come away with a basic lab profile so the ER vet only had to do the advanced labs. And even my regular vet would probably have sent me to the specialist for ICU care so we wound up where we needed to be.
    Thanks to everyone for the good vibes, prayers, I know they have helped. I hope we will have her home by the weekend.

  • Oh Anne I am so happy to hear you got to visit and see improvement. Here it is 2 am nearly and I am logging on JUST to see if you updated. Now I can go to bed happier. (((hugs)))

  • Glad to hear she is improving :)

    Good luck on her road to recovery…

  • oh Anne..I am so happy to read how well Nicky seems to be doing..praying it goes up from here..and that it goes Nicky can be home with you again.

  • Praying Nicky makes a full recovery! B's are tough buggers, and they tolerate a lot before you know they're sick. Glad you finally got a diagnosis.

  • Glad to hear that Nicky is doing better! It's an excellent sign that she not only wants food, but is keeping it down. I hope she's back home soon. :)

  • I'm delighted to get your news. I hope she continues to improve and will soon be back to full health.

  • When I called this AM at 6 to check on her, they said she had rested well till 4 am, then 'became very vocal' and restless. She had kept all food down so when her internist made rounds this morning, they decided she could recover at home, quietly. We got a call at 10 am to come and get her. Fever pretty much gone, still just wants to sleep and that's OK! On Hill's I/D canned food, no treats except lean chicken, rice or plain pasta. We can manage that! Will have to change everyone's eating as I can't leave kibble down all day now, but I think we can handle change.
    She has been sleeping all afternoon, just got her up for a bit of water, took out to pee, she came back in and had a nice long drink and went back to her couch. We are all so at peace with her here at home. A hospital is a wonderful place when you need to be there, and not so much when you don't!
    Nicky has not yodeled or howled or screamed since we have had her for 11 years, I wish I had heard her 'being vocal'!

    Thanks again to everyone for all the kind comments and thoughts and prayers, they have really helped us and one tough little basenji girl as well!

  • :D happy dance..I am doing a happy dance..:D.

    I could not be any happier for y'all…

  • That is great news….

  • i'm so glad she's home and ahead on the recovery schedule. did you explain to those people that she's used to sleeping on a bed not in a kennel and that she was expressing her displeasure with her accomidations?

  • @MacPack:

    When I called this AM at 6 to check on her, they said she had rested well till 4 am, then 'became very vocal' and restless. She had kept all food down so when her internist made rounds this morning, they decided she could recover at home, quietly. We got a call at 10 am to come and get her. Fever pretty much gone, still just wants to sleep and that's OK! On Hill's I/D canned food, no treats except lean chicken, rice or plain pasta. We can manage that! Will have to change everyone's eating as I can't leave kibble down all day now, but I think we can handle change.
    She has been sleeping all afternoon, just got her up for a bit of water, took out to pee, she came back in and had a nice long drink and went back to her couch. We are all so at peace with her here at home. A hospital is a wonderful place when you need to be there, and not so much when you don't!
    Nicky has not yodeled or howled or screamed since we have had her for 11 years, I wish I had heard her 'being vocal'!

    Thanks again to everyone for all the kind comments and thoughts and prayers, they have really helped us and one tough little basenji girl as well!

    I think that feeding all dogs on a schedule is a better way then free feeding… you always know who is eating what and when... Yes, it will be an adjustment but remember for those that are in good health.. they will eat.. but you might find at first that they don't because they are used to eating whenever.

  • I had been pondering a feeding change away from 'free feed'. I put down a half cup for each dog, Nicky eats in the evening, Ed eats usually in the morning. Sometimes the bowl is empty all day and they eat when I put out the kibble. If they have a hungry day and eat it all, I give more, but not 'double'. Some days they hardly eat at all.
    Tonight I mixed a half cup of food with about 2 Tbsp of canned and the boys scarfed it, then got a couple of bites of chicken and broccoli after our dinner. Nicky will be used to eating this canned stuff twice a day, so even when she is better we will already have the habit.

    It's gotta be, and I'm fine with it!

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