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Nike p/u M. Vick again

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  • I never called you that… That's ridiculous

  • If its not CUNT, then what does see you next tues mean?

  • I'm going out of town until Tuesday and will be unable to continue this bull**** back and forth with you

  • I find it very hard to believe that anyone who participates in a "dog rescue" forum would support Vick.
    From the official investigation report. "The Aug. 28, 2008 report describes how Vick and two associates, Purnell Peace and Quanis Phillips, "thought it was funny to watch the pit bull dogs belonging to Bad Newz Kennels injure or kill the other dogs." The report also states that in mid-April of last year, Vick, Peace and Phillips executed approximately six dogs by hanging and drowning. The hanging deaths occurred "by placing a nylon cord over a 2x4 that was nailed to two trees located next to the big shed." The men drowned the others "by putting the dogs' heads in a five-gallon bucket of water."

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    For anyone who thinks this pond scum should be "forgiven"… that he paid for his crime.. he never showed any remorse. He mouthed words to get a job.

    That just made my stomach churn….I wrote them an email as well. Boycott Nike!

  • @BaNHANerZzz:

    Good thing Nike isn't a store then huh… It's a brand, and u obviously believe that your perfect and don't make mistakes because u have never done anything to be sorry for or be forgiven for. He went to FEDERAL prison, not time out in the corner. And if you all wanna be so ritious with tour pseudo Christian beliefs... Adultry (woods) is a specific law from god... Dog fighting even for money however is not

    WELL…. regarding your ridiculous comments:

    1. You're incorrect. Nike does have stores.,store_locator
    2. When have I said I was perfect? That must only be your interpretation of me. Thank you!
    3. My beliefs are not psuedo Christian. They are from the school of common sense.
    4. If you read your bible, outside of the Ten Commandments (which I think you are referring to as law) I believe you will find that there are many areas indicating not harming life.
    5. If you don't think what MV did was wrong, I feel sorry for any dogs you own.

  • @BaNHANerZzz:

    I'm going out of town until Tuesday and will be unable to continue this bull**** back and forth with you

    Well, I am personally hoping you are gone CUNA -
    See You Never Again.

  • @BaNHANerZzz:

    Good thing Nike isn't a store then huh… It's a brand, and u obviously believe that your perfect and don't make mistakes because u have never done anything to be sorry for or be forgiven for. And if you all wanna be so ritious with tour pseudo Christian beliefs... Adultry (woods) is a specific law from god... Dog fighting even for money however is not

    1. You need anger management.
    2. The word is righteous, just so you know.
    3. I am not Christian. That you drag any religion into it is pretty bizarre.
    3. It is adultery, not adultry. And comparing 2 adults breaking marriage vows to vile animal abuse is really warped.
    4. Abusing animals is wrong. Humane treatment of animals is required in the bible. But again, it has NOTHING to do with religion.
    5. You need anger management.


    INow until you have something remotely to do with the topic to state, go play post fact checker somewhere else. Because I was only implying that Nike could give 2 ****s about a boycott

    1. You still need anger management.
    2. It was on topic.
    3. If you are impressively uneducated enough about business to believe that ANY company doesn't mind bad publicity and that the monetary hit doesn't matter, you might want to take a few classes and learn.
    4. Your potty mouth is unnecessary. As my mother said, intelligent people can find words that aren't crude to express their thoughts. People use crude words when they have nothing worth saying but hope for shock value.
    5. You need anger management and class. Sadly I don't think you can learn class.


    no reason to run your mouth off.
    And your ignorance is blindingly obvious if you prove my point with your own words… You stated you don't wish to share your opinion on the matter of vick which you admitted to not caring about the subject or Nike.... THE TOPIC OF THE THREAD!!! therefore why post on it if u have no opinion or bearing in the matter. If who I made the comments to felt the need to comment back they would, they don't need you to speak for them, but you take it upon yourself to do so... Speak for you.... And you alone, so go post something on your Martha Stewart board instead

    1. You need anger management. I am hoping your nearly incoherent rant is because you are so mad, not because you also need to learn English. However, the image of you sitting at the keyboard, spittle flowing down your enraged face, is fairly entertaining. Don't short out the keyboard.
    2. Anyone can post on any thread. You aren't the thread police. In fact, your posts PROVE that anyone can post on any thread.
    3. You would benefit more from Martha Stewart as I am sure she has some hobbies you could take up to help calm and control your potty mouth and spewing.
    4. You need anger management, class and possibly a writing class.


    ..took it upon your self to undermine part of my post that had little to do
    with the overall post…
    (Whoop) forum police stop voicing opinion now!
    but I found it would probably be uncouth to say something like, why does your b/f or husband allow you so much time out of the kitchen and bedroom to fritter away time in this manner
    See you next Tuesday

    1. You need anger management.
    2. Again, anyone can "take it on" to undermine any post, particularly when they are so EASY to undermine, like yours.
    3. YOU are the one trying to be the forum police, lol. That you fail to see the hypocrisy is a bit amusing (but not as amusing as the impotent spittle flow).
    4. Thank you for the husband thing and the See YOU. LOL copying and saving so if they remove it, I can share with others who might for one moment question the evaluation that you lack any class and are one ugly piece of work.
    5. Did I mention you need anger management?


    It wasn't meant to be out of line it's just there seems to bee this holier than thou attitude toward this man, who has paid his price for his actions, and that's all I meant. "his" dogs were actually hardly his dogs at all, they were kept many states away when he lived in Atlanta
    watch any video interview or public speaking he puts on at schools around the country, not forced, of his own free will, and you can easily tell it's not the same man he was.
    And stated the majority of peoples moral code in the us is Christian and it is specifically written as a major, your going to hell forever sin of adultry, in tiger woods case, as opposed to vick. Not saying it's logical or right it's just fact.

    Now this is the one that shows a lot more than you can possibly imagine.
    1. You still need anger management.
    2. I am absolutely holier than Michael Vicks. Just as I am holier than a pedophile, racist, bigot, homophobic etc. Get over it. Oh wait… let's get back to that hypocrisy issue you have. YOU judge people for judging Vicks. LOL.
    3. Whether some believe in Christianity, whether you are right that adultery (you really need to learn to spell that word since you seem so fixated on it) means going to hell, you might want to do a poll. I am pretty sure you'd be amazed to find that more people consider animal abuse worse than adultery. But again, you might want to take your own advice about a new board. Go to a religious one where your continued rant about Christianity is appropriate. Has nothing to do with this.
    4. A new man? ROFLMAO, yeah I will give you that JAIL may have changed him. But he gives talks because he needs to improve his image. And frankly, I don't care if he genuinely feels sorry. You cannot be HUMAN and do what he did. Your post literally made my stomach turn. Do you even REALIZE that you said they weren't REALLY HIS DOGS because he didn't care for them personally? Do you even REALIZE that you pretty blatantly indicated that because of that, it was almost okay? SO I guess if you pick a dog off the street, abusing it is less horrible than your OWN dog? You need more help than anger management. I doubt any service has enough dedicated professionals to help you, though.

  • @BaNHANerZzz:

    It wasn't meant to be out of line it's just there seems to bee this holier than thou attitude toward this man, who has paid his price for his actions, and that's all I meant. "his" dogs were actually hardly his dogs at all, they were kept many states away when he lived in Atlanta, under others "care" or lack there of and fought, and yes it's his fault and yes he is to blame but, watch any video interview or public speaking he puts on at schools around the country, not forced, of his own free will, and you can easily tell it's not the
    same man he was. And Im not a Nike supporter of any kind and don't like corporate greed in the least I'm just saying all the little jimmys and janes in the world not buying stuff cuz that won't matter. And stated the majority of peoples moral code in the us is Christian and it is specifically written as a major, your going to hell forever sin of adultry, in tiger woods case, as opposed to vick. Not saying it's logical or right it's just fact. And yes I to find it a horrible thing what he did, but believe he has changed

    Is he a personal friend of yours? Your posts seem to be rabidly defending him, and I can't really think of a good reason why that would be. A simpler response to the thread would have been, "I feel that he has paid his debt to society and has truly changed. I also don't feel that boycotting such a large corporation would have much of an impact." Your reactions to this thread just seem unreasonably heated. Your previous posts in other threads have not had this ranting style, so I'm just wondering what the real reason behind it is.

  • BaNHANerZzz.
    Deb is right on. You need to rethink your whole idea of this subject.

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