Your Advice Multiples
wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 00:28 last edited by
We met a 3 month old B Boy today, and he got along very well with our 11 month old B Girl. We are very close to agggreeing to bring him into our pac. After reading up on the internet our concern is…Is it too soon to introduce a second B into the family. Would we be making a mistake even though they got along famously with our girl being so young and their ages so close.
Thanks for the advice.
wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 00:33 last edited by
Sounds like a good match to me…. I think that the ages are great as they can continue to grow up together..... Remember, however... double the trouble...gggg
wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 00:46 last edited by
thanks for the feedback we appreciate it..
wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 00:51 last edited by
I advise against it….oh, are talking multiple dogs! I mistakenly thought I was on my 'multiple kids' forum ;) I think two are a tiny bit easier than one, because they always have each long as they get along...
wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 00:55 last edited by
Very Funny, thx
wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 01:26 last edited by
Two (or more) who get along make life easier on you. They have each other for play, and keep each other company when you're not there so you don't feel guilty if you are working an extra day or long hours. I think they are happier with a pack of their own kind. If you were owned and cared for by giant creatures, no matter how kind and loving, you would likely loved to have another human for company.
It sounds like a perfect match to me. Though…once in your home, they may have squabbles for a few days or weeks till pecking order is worked out so be prepared for that minor "oh no did we do the right thing getting this second dog" period.
wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 01:49 last edited by
we have always tried to have 2….and no matter how much they like u,i think they like having their own 'kind' around!!!!
wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 02:50 last edited by
Is your current dog pretty much the dog you want? In other words, is she a joy for you to live with (most days anyway)? If she's at a good place in her training, and the humans want another dog, go for it. If, on the other hand, she's a holy terror to live with, now is not the time to add another. New pups will always learn the bad things in less than 1/2 the time it takes to learn the good behaviors. There's some sort of mathmatical equation that gives more weight to the worst of the behaviors, but I don't really remember the entire thing.
wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 02:53 last edited by
We loved having one but found that two is soooo much better. We got both from BRAT and they are both males. One is the boss and the other one doesnt care a bit about that, but he wont lay down and get walked all over either. They love each other. When we take one to the vet for a short visit the other is VERY upset.. and we can usually count on a "mess" to clean up, he is so distraught… sure hope they both live a long time but the same amount of time. ... they will be soooo lost without each other. Yes, two is much better than one. :)
wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 14:58 last edited by
Is your current dog pretty much the dog you want? In other words, is she a joy for you to live with (most days anyway)? If she's at a good place in her training, and the humans want another dog, go for it. If, on the other hand, she's a holy terror to live with, now is not the time to add another.
I completely agree with this.
And one other thing with raising multiple puppies is that they really need to be socialized separately from one another so they do not get too dependent on having the other one around. It's not fun having dogs who freak out when they can't be with each other.
wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 15:21 last edited by
Lesco, where are you getting your pups from?