I am very sorry about what happened to you. Unfortunately, it is an all too common experience for me. Other than L'Ox who is only 11 weeks old, I don't have a dog that hasn't been attacked by another dog while out on a walk.
When I have only one dog, I pick them up and put them on my shoulders immediately since in my experience, "my dog is friendly" really means, "my dog is a rude, bully" and that though that may be okay with other dogs it isn't going to fly with the basenjis.
Every time we have been attacked, the owner acts as if it is an utter surprise and tries to make it no big deal. Again, IME, it is a big deal even if the physical injuries are not great. My dogs have nightmares after the attacks, increase the amount of space they need to feel comfortable around other dogs, and just act traumatized.
So remember to carry some yummy treats for the next couple weeks and give Maya lots of positive reinforcement when she sees other dogs. With mine it is off leash dogs that make them tense so I work alot with rewarding them for spotting them and then focusing on me.
I think you make a good point there! Some owners just dont understand the difference between friendly and rude.
I tend to walk Maya with Riley (lab) and Delilah (pug) so it was not very nice for her today as usually she has the others for back up! Riley is very protective of his girls and certainly would have put an end to the attack today. He is about the size of a bullmastiff and weighs 7 stone, so there's not many dogs that would mess with him Maya very much looks up to him as well, he's like her big brother. So i will make sure to take him along next time i walk her, for moral support for Maya if nothing else! I think she is fine, we continued our walk for another half an hour or so after the vicious dog left and she was running around exploring so im hoping its forgotten and wont be a problem. She certainly didnt act traumatised when i picked her up when the dog was attacking her I think she was pissed off at him attacking her, then REALLY pissed off cos he was jumping up at her mum (me!) and she probably thought, attacking me, even though he was trying to get Maya. She was squealing at him and having a real tantrum, she's so fiesty!