Basenji Proofing Christmas
I guess it IS a bit odd. I actually also have decorations – like a Santa sitting at a writing desk, with soft suit and fuzzy beard -- sitting right on the floor and they never bother any of it.
The first year we had Jazz she DID kill one Santa - I had a stuffed Santa, Mrs. Claus, and snowman on the stairs, and she ate Santa :-( , so for the past four Christmas' it's just been Mrs. Claus and the Snowman on the stairs, LOL.
Other than that, they seem to respect the Christmas stuff. I haven't a clue as to why. -
I guess it IS a bit odd. I actually also have decorations – like a Santa sitting at a writing desk, with soft suit and fuzzy beard -- sitting right on the floor and they never bother any of it.
The first year we had Jazz she DID kill one Santa - I had a stuffed Santa, Mrs. Claus, and snowman on the stairs, and she ate Santa :-( , so for the past four Christmas' it's just been Mrs. Claus and the Snowman on the stairs, LOL.
Other than that, they seem to respect the Christmas stuff. I haven't a clue as to why.Too funny.
I think some B's are simply more respectful than others. I leave a lot of stuff out that Kananga could get into, but he doesn't touch a thing. I even left a garbage bag filled with, well… garbage, out for an evening because I forgot to bring it with me when I left. Never touched it.
So far we are doing somewhat Ok..Otis did kill one of my older Santa's, well ripped the beard off of him, and that was in the box it was stored in. I decided not to put him out for the dogs to ruin while we are unpacking the boxes and deciding what to put up and not..Otis stole it, ran in to our bedroom and proceeded to rip the beard off.
Since my younger son is 4 yrs old now I promised them last year that they could put up the train that goes around the tree..even though now in retrospect I know it is not a good we have it up much to Lukas and Sofia's happiness and Otis too. He runs behind the train around and around the tree, so ornaments are flying off, the three other dogs just sit in front of the tree and watch funny..and yes he drinks the water too.
I once had a friend hang his tree from the ceiling so his new kitten couldn't get to the ornaments, it worked great but looked odd in the livingroom.
Tosca leaves the tree and ornaments alone, thankfully, but my problem is wrapping paper. Tosca unfortunately sees any paper products as food, so once there are wrapped presents under the tree, she will go and eat some paper off any time no one is looking. I hate walking out of the room, only to hear a ripping noise and her running away a minute later…sooo annoying :P Plus she actually eats it, instead of just shredding it like most basenjis seem to, so that isn't good either. Anyone have suggestions on how to keep her away?
Tosca leaves the tree and ornaments alone, thankfully, but my problem is wrapping paper. Tosca unfortunately sees any paper products as food, so once there are wrapped presents under the tree, she will go and eat some paper off any time no one is looking. I hate walking out of the room, only to hear a ripping noise and her running away a minute later…sooo annoying :P Plus she actually eats it, instead of just shredding it like most basenjis seem to, so that isn't good either. Anyone have suggestions on how to keep her away?
Yup, gifts go up, up and away…. that is one thing that I never left to chance, gifts were on a table, high up... so not to chance the "paper attack"
Nemo hasn't bothered my tree ever. We were a little concerned about Zoni so we left out the toy train we usually put under the tree. We put it up a week or so ago and she didn't even seem to notice it. And somewhat ironically as I started to write this post I heard the jingle-jangle of the tree and rushed to see Zoni pulling the tulle off of the tree. Ah, life with a basenji…what else would I expect. :rolleyes:
Wow, I can't even leave my coat on the chair let alone put up a Christmas tree and not have it stripped bare. Abbey does a driveby snatch off the lower branches during her B500's. If I had 20 foot ceilings I could just hang the tree up and not have to worry about it. I had a rat terrier years ago that undecorated the tree and tried to drag it into the kitchen while I was at work.
Timely topic - my tree (fresh one) is going up at the end of the week.
My first beastie totally ignored the tree and presents. My second would chew on the plug for the lights until I managed to stuff it higher in the tree and would knock low hanging ornaments by accident (he was rather feisty). My third mostly ignored the tree though did try to drink water from it. And now Gossy - who loves shiny moving things and tearing into paper and loves running around furniture - well I'm thinking no presents under the tree until Christmas morning, no ornaments on low branches, and maybe I'll have to put the xpen around the tree as well (at least when no one is home) and I think I'll even put the Christmas creche on a higher shelf (don't want her chewing on the baby Jesus's head or a sheep). -
You're very lucky you can put the tree up. I do not dare do that with my dogs, 1 yr. and 1 1/2 yrs. I have no doubt Shaye would scale the baby gate, and they both would love munching on the branches, pulling all the decorations off, and their B-500's would no doubt result in them running full out into it, knocking it over. Since my ornaments are mainly dated ones, from the first year we were together all the way through, and baby's first year, second year type ones. This year my decorations are more than counter high. Maybe next year. We did get a small fiber optic tree and bought a 2009 ornament on it, which is a small puppy with a wreath around its head and a "09" gold tag around its neck. It sits on a bar chest Shaye can't get onto - yet.
We have had our tree up a week so far not much trouble at least nothing deliberate. Zoeys curly tail caught hold of the ribbon and lights as she walked under the tree and was dragged with her as she walked away. Now they are just above tail lvl and no problem again.
She-Ra could care less about the tree unless it's time to go walk and she wants our attention. We put the ornaments on about 3/4th of the way down, but really she doesn't seem to care about any of them.
The garland we've hung over one of our blinds? That's another story. :)
Every year we have a christmas tree, the Basenji's won't do anyting with it..
Only our cat is crazy with it..
He is crazy about the blanket beneath the tree and when he is playing with Chafuko he likes to run under the tree.. hoping Chafuko will follow him but Chafuko won't do that.. hahaha Poor Spaiky :DWe do have a problem with firework.. they like it very much (Spaiky included)
We walk them a few hours before the firework start and after that we make sure nobody will open a door without taking care no animal can go with them.
We once walk them a few hours after the firework started and the want to play it.. yodeling running towards the sounds.. (yes we had them on the leash so we could turn back to the safety of our home)When the firework starts, me and my mom will go up to the wheelhouse and my dad and Kas will go outside to play with some firework :rolleyes:
The dogs and Spaiky jump on the couch to look at the colorfull sky…
With now and then some big Yodels.. and playing.. -
This thread makes me appreciate being Jewish.
I just have to watch to make sure the dogs and cats don't upset the menorah for an hour each night. (and tonight is the last night) :)
Katie is quite cute though, she will stand up and put her feet on the counter and watch while we light it. She looks like a little kid when she does it.