Pippin is here…now ..pictures..:)

  • Houston

    …he is being picked up from the breeder by my brother today, they will play all day tomorrow and on friday they will board the plane together for the long flight to us here in Houston..
    Needless to say we are so excited and waiting with huge anticipation. Toys have been bought, torn up by my other three dogs, rebought and locked up in Pippin's crate..food is here, he has a bed waiting for him as well as two kiddos and two very excited dog brothers and one sister too, all we need now is Pippin.

    This picture is from a few days ago...

    isn't he adorable?

  • What a darling…. and he is related to my C-Me....

  • Houston

    I know..:)

  • so cute,

    On saturday we want a lot of pictures haha 😃

    Right now at least e year to I can have my own and it feels very long haha 😃

    Good luck with the little cutie 🙂

  • Exciting :D. Can't wait to see pics of Pippin in his new home!

    Tanza, Pippin is also related to my Masai (same grandpa - Gandalf) and I think there will be more related among us :).

  • I so know that crazy anticipation. Wishing you many many happy years together.

  • He certainly is gorgeous, Petra. I love his little face 🙂

  • First Basenji's

    Yay! I was just about to ask how much longer until Pippin arrives 🙂
    I'm so excited for you!

  • Houston

    Tanza, Pippin is also related to my Masai (same grandpa - Gandalf) and I think there will be more related among us .

    I just got a picture from Linda of my brother with Gandalf (Pippin's grandfather) in his lap..so funny..

  • Pippin is so cute!! Their little wrinkled faces just melt your heart, don't they? So happy for you and for Pippin!

  • Gandalf, what a good name

  • Gandalf was very handsome 🙂

  • Good luck, we are hopefully picking up Gambit over Presidents day weekend. We will be coursing our two boys in Cat spring TX the weekend before that and back down again at the end of March for more coursing, maybe we can get the puppies together for some play then.

  • Houston

    Lisa I would love that..lets work it out.

    Shelley..one of the reasons Pippin was named Pippin…'cause his granddad is Gandalf...:)

    Spoke with my brother a few minutes ago and if he doesn't end up keeping him he will be here soon. My brother has fallen in love with him, although he did say.."damn, that boy moves fast, and he is into everything.." hehehe..he would probably love to have one one day.

  • Has he put Pippin in the Sherpa yet? What did he think of it????

  • Houston

    Has he put Pippin in the Sherpa yet? What did he think of it?

    he tried using it on the way home from Linda…NOT popular...but she has had him in it a few times and my brother will play with it tomorrow, they have all day together so he can hopefully get more used to it..I told him to feed him in it..

  • @Basenjimamma:

    [QUOTEHas he put Pippin in the Sherpa yet? What did he think of it????]

    he tried using it on the way home from Linda…NOT popular...but she has had him in it a few times and my brother will play with it tomorrow, they have all day together so he can hopefully get more used to it..I told him to feed him in it..

    Nice thing about the plane is that even it he is in it and he puts it in his lap.. he will still be nice and close to the Pippin… When we picked up C-Me, I just had the Sherpa on my lap in the car, not zipped up and after about 15 minutes she just went to sleep.... We did the same with Franie and Trip, they were not thrilled at first either, but by the time we got to the airport they were pretty well exhausted and all three slept all the way home.

  • Houston

    Tanza, thank you for that tip, I will tell him…I am pretty sure I will speak with him five thousand times tomorrow...

  • I am so excited for you!!! Can't wait to see pictures

  • I think I may have to leave the board til summer… all these incredibly cute puppies are making me salivate! OMG is it cute? OMG! Can't wait for more pics!

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