Lurker now member
Welcome..nice to have you onboard. Link looks like a sweetheart, I love his name by the way.
I wish I had any ideas on the lack of elimination( in the yard) issues..but I only have will pay off.
My dogs now have the luxury of a 2 acre backyard, so we have no issues in that department. -
Glad you found us. I have a 9 mo old puppy here, and we work on routine for peeing/pooping..
She heads toward the front door, I take her out and when she goes, I give her lots of praise.
It does work. -
Welcome, I too have a dog that prefers (insists rather) going potty on a walk instead of in our yard. Many say it is a basenji thing, due to their desire to keep their area clean. Others say they learn it by having the luxury of going on walks regularly. I think it is a combination of both.
Link is a handsome man, do you think he may be pitbull x basenji?
Your picture of Link in the tree reminds me of a picture I have of my boy Dude, in a tree while hiking :)
Glad to have you here!
Thanks everyone. I think Dude and Link would get along great. We go on a hike every weekend, and he loves it. Especially chasing lizards (he can spot a 3 inch lizard on a log from 30 feet away).
Wow love the dog in tree pics! Both quite handsome dogs!
I so love my 6 ft chain link fence. But when I got Sayblee I actually bought a hot wire to put at the top if she ever tried scaling it. She didn't. It sat in storage about 7 yrs and I threw it out. With my luck Cara will try. I put down pea gravel along one side of the house to stop digging. The fence is buried 4 inches and has stakes, but I hate digging.
LOL on the pee. I am there. I tried to teach Cara to potty on command with treats. She actually would get in "pooping position" and then RUN to me for the treat without ever going. I had to eliminate the treat. But I can tell you what I did wrong. I said "GOOD POOPY" as she got in position. Of course, I should have waited til she actually went. Oh well, she goes pretty much on command now but no treats, just praise.
boy, that potty on command is an awesome " perk"… both my rescues came 'trained" to go on command. it sure is NICE. but they dont ever bm in our yard... only in tall grass up the road. so we do lots of walking too. :)
ps i love elimination talk... LOL . -
Link is about 18" at the shoulder and 30 pounds. He is a very strong dog for size, so the whole pitbull x basenji may not be far from truth. My neighbors are convinced he is what happens when you cross a pit and chihuahua (I really hope not). I've also thought about red heeler mix. At the dog park everyone asks if he is a basenji, and his trainer says absolutely some kind of sighthound mix.
On a side note, discovered this week during Balloon Fiesta that he is terrified of hot air balloons. Unfortunately the balloons have been going directly over my place the last couple of days. This has actually led to him peeing in the yard much more than usual and then running back inside to hide from the "sky monsters".
I attached a pic to help you see his relative size. He is very sad in that pic because I left outside alone for a few minutes.