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My New Home

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  • This weekend was quite an exciting weekend. Saturday evening, some nice people came to meet me and my siblings. After talking and cuddling with all 5 of us, they chose me as the best to come home and live with him. I said goodbye to my former family, and went home to start my life with my new family.
    It was a long car ride (2 hours!), and I was very sleepy when I got home. My new parents fed me, took me outside to go potty, and then let me sleep with them! I've never slept in a real people bed before, so that was quite a treat!
    5 times during the night I had to wake my new people up to take me outside. Mommy grumbled and said "Daddy, its your dog. You have to take him out." But I didn't mind going outside with Daddy; he's a lot of fun!
    We woke up Sunday morning and went to the vet after breakfast. The vet looked at me, poked me in uncomfortable places, and said I looked great. He stuck me with the medicine needle and sent us home. After the vet, we went shopping. I now have: a small traveling carrier from Grandma that is my current crate for crate training, a large crate to be used when I outgrow the little one, my very own food and water dishes (no more sharing with brother and sister), every toy I could ever imagine, a leash, a collar, two humans and my very own cat to play with!
    After shopping, Mommy & Daddy took me to the park to play. Since I'm so little and can't run very fast, they let me play without a leash in a big open field. Then, we went home, ate dinner and went to sleep. For 2 hours at a time, (I got bored with sleeping so much and had to climb all over my humans' faces to wake them up so they'd take me outside and play with me and wait for me to go potty. This is my new favorite game!)
    Monday morning, Daddy had to go to work, so Mommy took care of me all day. She took me to the store again to buy more toys (she can't resist my puppy dog face. She's like putty in my hands. She even bought me the fluffy cow I was eyeing.), and then took me to the park again. We played chase for an hour (I want to do lure coursing someday, so I made sure to impress her!), and I showed her she won't be able to let me play off-leash for much longer. I'm too tricky… I'm already learning how to fake her out when we play chase. I pretend I'm tired & don't want to chase her anymore, and once she relaxes, I move in for the kill. When I catch her, she falls on the ground with me in her arms and lets me smother her with my fatal puppy breath!
    Monday afternoon, we picked Daddy up from work and went straight back to the park to show him everything I'd learned. We showed him how I can almost tolerate a collar and leash if Mommy holds it JUST RIGHT and lets me walk her. We also showed him how to play chase because I love to chase your shoes when you run away from me.
    After playing all day, I was EXHAUSTED. I've never run and played so much in my whole little life! I slept for several hours, and I never woke up, even when my parents moved me from my crate to their bed.
    I finally woke up and wanted to play some more. My new cat, Spooky, loves to play chase. She knows I can't leave the bed or the floor without human help, so she'll run past me, then jump where I can't go. She likes to sit around until I notice her, let me run up to her, and then run away right before I get her. She's so funny; I love playing with her, and her tail is tasty when I manage to catch it!
    Today we've been relaxing; my worry-wort parents don't want to overdo it with playing too much too soon. We've been resting, and since its been drizzly, sticking to short jaunts outside to go potty. I did get bored and play a nasty trick on Mommy though. She decided she wants to teach me "No bite". I kept trying to bite her hand, and she kept pulling it away and replacing it with a toy. Finally, she got frustrated and stood up 6 inches from the bed so she could still play, but I couldn't reach her to bite her. Even though she had taken me outside to pee not even 5 minutes before, I mustered up all my concentration, squatted down & peed right there on her bed!! Heehee. She picked me up, took me to Daddy and said "You're dog peed just to be a jerk. Take him outside!" She was so mad, but I could tell she was trying not to laugh. She knows it was a joke, and she can't help but be in love with my cutey wrinkles. Plus it was only a tiny amount of piddle. She even let me sleep bundled in her clean laundry after she took the sheets off the bed to clean them.
    I'm having a lot of fun in my new home, and I love my new humans so much!
    -Booger, red and white male

    I have a zillion new toys, but I sometimes like my own foot the best.

    Mmmm… newspaper.... tasty.

    Me sleeping in laundry because all the blankets were being washed.

    I LOVE to sleep in my new crate on top of Daddy's old sweatshirt and my new cow toy.

  • What a wonderful welcoming home story. And I might add that you are one cute little pup. Need more pics though, lol

  • Ohhh - how adorable! Did you name him Booger? LOL!! Great story! How proud you and Booger's daddy must be! I'm grinning ear to ear. Congrats and have fun with your puppy's antics. He'll get you - soon as you look away . . . every time! Your New Home story is so positive. Your little furbaby has perfect parents. ;)

  • Other than pooping, sleeping is my favorite pastime.

  • Great pics and a cute little pup, have fun!:D

  • what a cutie! congrats and keep the pics coming!

  • There it goes again!
    Did you hear it?
    That familiar "tick tock"
    You know the one that happens everytime you see those puppy faces and the puppy fever kicks in?!
    Yup, I've got it BAD! :D :)

    Great story! Great pictures! Thank-you for sharing your wrinkly, fuzzy, curly tailed bundle of joy! :)

  • Awww! He's so cute! He looks so little! Where did you get him?

  • All I can say is MORE MORE MORE… he is too adorable. and I love his writings. he will surely grow up to be a great wordweaver!!


  • OMG, those additional pics are wonderful!!!

  • He is such a cutie, sure I'm getting another basenji puppy next year :D

  • OMG! Great story and pictures - you are awfully cute!!

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