wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 00:59 last edited by
Awww, I am so happy for you! And remember - we want pics as soon as you get a moment ;)
wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 02:08 last edited by
Have a ball picking her up…
Remember we EXPECT pics tonight :D ;)...
wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 02:41 last edited by
Have a ball picking her up…
Remember we EXPECT pics tonight :D ;)...
lol. unfortuntly you will all have to wait :p i dont have the internet at home but ill be able to jump on works net when i get back and post plenty. im sure by then i will have lots of stories to tell LOL and maybe even some questions :)
2hours til im on my way to get her :D
wrote on 30 Jul 2010, 08:04 last edited by
How exciting!! You're in for a wild ride.. ;) Enjoy it! Can't wait to see pics of her!
wrote on 3 Aug 2010, 23:49 last edited by
Well.. what an interesting week so far LOL
Shes a ball of energy, but once we wear her out shes out like a light LOL "a tired basenji is a happy basenji" - yep im so living by that! lol
she cried the whole drive home and then she settled in nicely at home. We ended up letting her sleep in our bed and she hasnt had any accidents yet! (onto the toilet training! but she usually lets us know she needs to go anyhow) now she sleeps in the bed at the start of the night but after a sleep and a toilet break she doesnt mind being put in the crate beside the bed, so we are slowly doing that (although im quiet happy having her sleep in the bed he he) but its good for her to learn both. I also feed her in her crate etc so she likes her crate. When she yawns she makes the cutest noises :) oh and did i mention - im so in love hehehe (my partner is too!)
She loves playing tag (tag her and then you run and she chases ya then u change direction and "tag" her again and let her chase ya and catch ya) also loves sticks - obsessed with sticks! she'll grab one and it will entertain her for a good little while! She likes to head shake things when she plays and she runs too fast for her back legs ha ha ha.
No troubles so far. Have started to leave her alone for a little while during the day just so she doesnt get any seperation anxiety stuff happenin cos sometimes no one will be home - groceries! study or work! etc but she'll never be by herself for more than 2 hrs - 3hrs (shes got her own run set up in the backyard). she cried the first time we done it for the first two days (first day for 30mins alone time and second day for an hour) third day for 2 hrs (had to go bury one of my ratties that passed away :( that morning - she had cancer) . so yea she grizzles for a little while but then settles in and goes about torturing all our sticks and sleeps :)
So - so far so good. I look forward to her vaccinations being complete so i can take her out to the horses and introduce her to them (plus theres lots of area to run and play out there and my best mate brings her dogs out so good for socilisation too). Also cant wait to start puppy preschool and then go onto doing dog sports and agility through TOADS (Townsville Obediancy Agility Dog Sports LOL) with my mate and her dogs.
So yep. Theres a short summary anyhow :)
wrote on 4 Aug 2010, 06:26 last edited by
Wheres the pics :(:(:(:(:(
Glad that she certainly sounds like she is fitting in very well… I hope she will give you years of fun, happiness, trouble, issues etc, etc, as they all seem too !!!
wrote on 4 Aug 2010, 06:42 last edited by
lol i promise piccies tomorrow :) i left my camera at home or they would be up lol believe it or not - i havent taken many though! as we've been having so much fun playing that i only remember to when she sleeps! LOL
wrote on 4 Aug 2010, 23:00 last edited by
Ok. some photos. these are from my phone as i cant find my camera cord ?? i have much nicer photos on there so when i locate it ill share :)
first photo is of my partner, Brooks with Hope fast asleep after one of her play sessions.
2nd photo she is starting to tire after a game.
3rd photo fast asleep.
4th photo in her bed waiting for dinner (im off making it).
5th photo in her bed waiting for dinner.
wrote on 5 Aug 2010, 21:46 last edited by
They are good pictures. She is such a pretty baby.
wrote on 6 Aug 2010, 00:51 last edited by
Ohhhhhhhhhhh she looks sooo, sooo sweet ;).
Done anything naughty yet :p !!!
She has just a hint of a dreamsmile in the third picture.
Cute puppy. -
wrote on 7 Aug 2010, 13:25 last edited by
She's so very cute, it's great once you can get out and about and realy tire them out.
I like her bed but i bet she makes short work of it ;)
We bought Malaika a lovely soft basket, needless to say she just has vet bed now :D
I loved reading about when you brought her home. -
wrote on 10 Aug 2010, 02:39 last edited by
Hope is going great. Ive taught her to sit and come :)
She got microchipped yesterday so she got to see her two sisters, she done very well and i was quiet suprised - she rather play with the maltese ****zu lol
the other half finally got his boat - so we've been letting her play in it. (attached some photos) LOL
OH and i have dubbed her our little Mogwai. - she can be a little gremlin when she wants to be but we wouldnt have her any other way :)
Also added some pics of them fast asleep together hahaha. aww. :)