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Miles: A Rescue

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  • BDawg, I will keep your story of Miles in mind when I get my rescue dog Cody later in May. I'll learn from your experience!

    I love the poem. It is so true of rescue people like my friend who found Cody.

  • So Daddy left yesterday for a business trip… which usually means the kids think the teacher's left the room.

    So I'm in the shower and I hear this bumping around. I peek my head out only to find Miles has ingeniously propped the bathroom trash can open with the empty toilet paper roll he found inside. He's having a free-for-all with the contents and the more I scold him, the faster he runs!! Little devil! He ears turned back like horns as he knew he was up to no good!! Shame on him! I swear, Daddy goes away and he turns into a Gremlin! ;)

    Took the kids on a run when we got home on the splitter; they actually did pretty well. Hopefully Miles will be too tired to get into the trash the rest of the night!! :)

  • The latest pic of the kids… I think they've bonded pretty well... :)

  • So here are a few random facts about Miles…

    1. He is an opportunist. He will wait for THE second you aren't looking and then immediately bolt for something he knows he's not supposed to have-- like the trash. Or counter-surf. And really waits for the second you walk out of the room or the very second he thinks the coast is clear to dash and get whatever.

    2. When he's not up to no good, he sits with his back to you like a little lion guarding the gates. He is motionless while he stands guard.

    3. He enjoys q-tips and long walks on the sidewalk.

    4. He doesn't mind getting his paws a little dirty.

    5. One of his favorite things is hitting the door stops... booooiiiiiinnnnnnggggg!

    6. His head is too big to fit through the railing on the balcony. He has to live vicariously through Lexi's eyes.

    7. He will try anything to get to sleep under the covers with you.

    8. He gets hip hiccups sometimes.

    9. He WILL talk for chicken jerkey.

    10. He is a handsome little devil who is either really good or really bad. There is no grey for him. An exquisite extreme, I know.

    He is my beautiful disaster!! :) I love him!

  • And just as a flash back… Here is the before/after photos...

    Miles - The day we saved him from the pound.

    And Miles three months later…

  • @BDawg1005:

    And just as a flash back… Here is the before/after photos...

    Miles - The day we saved him from the pound.

    And Miles three months later…

    We're all smiles in Mechanicsburg B. Fantastic! What a good looking handsome Boy! Super job!:)

  • BDawg sounds like you have REALLY gotten to know little Miles & have certainly bonded. What a great job you've done with him…hooray :D

  • I'm so glad that you and Miles have found each other. Miles has become the handsome prince he was meant to be.

  • Yesterday I found an empty bag with just a nose hole in it. Then I remembered that in that bag were 6 fun size candy bars. I searched the house and couldn't find a single wrapper or a trace of crumbs anywhere. I figured my husband must have put them in the pantry and that Miles got the bag thinking it smelled good. But I called Miles over and sniffed his breath… GUILTY! He was so chocolatey!!

    The next day... out came a Reese's peanut butter cup And hubby said you could read his poo today. Gross, I know, but sometimes you gotta laugh... :)

    I tell you- he is QUITE the opportunist!!

  • Most of the time you just have to laugh…. even when you are trying to correct them.... you have to hide that grin that is trying to get out!

  • God, 1 of mine ate a whole See's chocolate bar. There was just a few pieces of wrapper on the couch. Damn I must of left too close to the edge of the counter. That rascal Ringo!

  • EEEEWWW readable poop!! LOL LOL :D :D :D

    Thank goodness wrappery poop is all that happened & he didn't get sick from the chocolate.

  • Okay, so this might be the grossest thing Miles has done to date…
    This morning I'm asleep and still in the bed when Miles at 5am comes romping in and jumps on the bed. He had apparently been eating shortly before this. To get under the covers, his new trick is to lick your nose. So I get this huge tongue across my face. Uhhhh. I didn't let him in, so next I got the two-toe-tap. But I guess he got a little too excited and then he puked on me. AHHHH!!!! What a way to wake up!!

  • Ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

  • @BDawg1005:

    Okay, so this might be the grossest thing Miles has done to date…
    This morning I'm asleep and still in the bed when Miles at 5am comes romping in and jumps on the bed. He had apparently been eating shortly before this. To get under the covers, his new trick is to lick your nose. So I get this huge tongue across my face. Uhhhh. I didn't let him in, so next I got the two-toe-tap. But I guess he got a little too excited and then he puked on me. AHHHH!!!! What a way to wake up!!

    Ohhhh… you have been truly initiated to the world of basenjidom :)

  • Thought I'd post some recent pics of the Ham. He's sporting his new Christmas collar (from - tell Anne we sent you!)

  • Spats over dishes..I know about that.
    I just always put Codys food down on the left side, and Shastas on the right.
    Always, they get treats this way, and if they aren't in the right place, they don't get the chow.
    Watch, make sure they are where YOU want them to be and just be consistant.
    It worked for me.

  • That's King Ham to you!

  • @BDawg1005:

    That's King Ham to you!

    Yes, indeed! Beautiful boy!

  • I must say, Miles looks great, didn't you rescue him? He looks wonderful!!!!

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