Well done L'Ox - he must have been a very good boy! Only of mine is mad about toys and still has his first puppy ones (6 years ago!) - the others end up detsroying theirs.
Regardless of how she looks - the fact is that having 2 bitches together is frequently a disaster - it will work until it doesn't.
In a young puppy standing toeing out is not so bad because as they develop they will have more spring of rib and the feet will correct to front. Toeing in this badly at 2 will only get worse - judges that are hard core sighthound judges will put her to the end of the line with that much toeing in. (Pat Craig Trotter comes to mind)
I like the neck shape better on this one - but again from the picture we are looking at just parts - how the dog uses what they have is the main thing and we can't tell that from a picture.
Take your bitch out - learn what it's all about so that when you develope an eye not for what is available but for some lines that you like - you can find a nice male to join your house.
Yep, same here…...monkey madness.:D
SAME here! Wierd….the only toy that Ivy never shredded with a blue monkey with brown arms and legs...I'll have to see if I can find it somewhere around here.