I wish I could walk home and just stick him in the bath. But he rides in the back with towels and blankets that I wash. By the time I get home he is ALMOST clean. Thank goodness for cat like cleaning and short hair!
Great pictures folks :D I think the phrase 'Chow Hounds' really applies.
In the month with us Leo has learned that he gets no food while we are eating. So he lays on the rug under the table making sure we don't drop anything. If there is food on the table with no-one around that is fair game, my Naan the other night was a target.
He will 'surf' the counters as in this first week picture, but now if we see him he knows OFF is coming so he pretends that he stretching with a 'What!, Who Me?' look.
[image: attachment_p_76914_0_leokitchenw.jpg]