Edinburgh Sabbatical
wrote on 31 Mar 2010, 18:49 last edited by
Hello All!!
I wanted to poke my head in and say hi. Been away from the forums, because it's a bit hard being around with out a B. ;( However, in less than 3 weeks time Lycia will be coming home to Edinburgh and I'm beyond thrilled. Her step mum Janneke has been absolutely amazing and I know it's going to be a difficult transition for all of us. That being said, I would absolutely love to finally meet up with some Scottish Basenji ppl - and perhaps even the English ones too as we will be in Norwich in July!
Anyway just wanted throw that out there. Best to you all!!
-Lauren -
wrote on 31 Mar 2010, 19:13 last edited by
Why don't you come to the Basenji talk on 11th April? Details are on the forum somewhere. It's not far from Edinburgh and there will be loads of Scottish B folk there (and some Bs too) :)
wrote on 31 Mar 2010, 19:15 last edited by
More info here.
wrote on 31 Mar 2010, 20:01 last edited by
Welcome back Lauren:D
I bet you can't wait to have Lycia back, though I'm sure Janneke & Tillo will really miss her:(
You could come along to the Scottish Kennel Club show in May at Ingliston on the 23rd of May as it is right on your doorstep:D
wrote on 31 Mar 2010, 21:20 last edited by
Welcome back Lauren. Your lovely little girl will be so happy to see you again. Don't forget to post pics of your reunion.
wrote on 31 Mar 2010, 23:25 last edited by
Ahhhhh!! So unlucky on both dates!! I'm leaving for the continent on the 11th and I have a field biology course on the 23rd of May. What a bummer!!! I will make it to something to be sure.
wrote on 31 Mar 2010, 23:49 last edited by
And some pics of Edinburgh would be nice. it's such a beautiful place!
wrote on 1 Apr 2010, 09:36 last edited by
Ahhhhh!! So unlucky on both dates!! I'm leaving for the continent on the 11th and I have a field biology course on the 23rd of May. What a bummer!!! I will make it to something to be sure.
That's a shame though I'm sure we will see you somewhere at some point:D
wrote on 1 Apr 2010, 10:06 last edited by
Great to hear that your getting reunited with Lycia soon - hope you have got her some coats to cope with the Scottish "summer" - yesterday in Biggar we had about 7" of snow!
wrote on 1 Apr 2010, 14:49 last edited by
Yes, she definitely has a "closet".. It's one of the reasons I have to go back - to get all her doggie things in Switzerland and Paris. :D The things we do!
Edinburgh was absolutely angry the past few days!! Fortunately the property has a large backyard with tree coverage for those days that are wet.
I will certainly be taking photographs in Edinburgh with Lycia, they should provide quite the dramatic backdrop.
Lauren, how exciting. I bet you can't wait. We missed you on here, but I understand why you have been laying low..
Good luck on the pick up and take lots of pictures. -
wrote on 10 Apr 2010, 00:32 last edited by
Leaving in a matter of hours to start my journey to Europe, and Amsterdam to see Lycia!!! So excited I could just burst. :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wrote on 10 Apr 2010, 00:34 last edited by
Leaving in a matter of hours to start my journey to Europe, and Amsterdam to see Lycia!!! So excited I could just burst. :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet you are excited…been a long time, she will be thrilled to see her Mom....
wrote on 10 Apr 2010, 00:48 last edited by
Thanks Pat.
Though I am keeping a realistic outlook on this.I know I'll be taking her away from her pack which she is really bonded to. I don't expect her to be accepting me with great enthusiasm at first. Still, I'll be ecstatic for the both of us.
wrote on 10 Apr 2010, 08:32 last edited by
Aww Lauren I'm sure she will greet you with great excitement, Basenji's never forget!!
Have a safe trip:D -
wrote on 20 Apr 2010, 12:47 last edited by
Goodness me! We are already back !
Lycia and I are ready for B meet ups as soon as possible! =) Since uni is practically out, our schedule is quite flexible and we would love to get to know you all!
wrote on 20 Apr 2010, 13:22 last edited by
Great news Lauren - good to have another Basenji in Scotland!
wrote on 20 Apr 2010, 16:39 last edited by
Oh Lauren, how wonderful you will finally be reunited with Lycia. I am sure all will go fine.
wrote on 20 Apr 2010, 19:25 last edited by
We will all need to try and organise something for sure:D
I am free most weekends:D
wrote on 20 Apr 2010, 20:51 last edited by
oh yes! How do ppl feel about the weekend of the 1st or the 8th ?