Never leave a child alone with a dog!!
I saw that the other day..too funny..
What a good dog..I bet it tickled to have that marker draw on you.. -
:D Looks like the Dog is enjoying it
I was not aware that Bull Terriers were ever confused with Pit Bulls since they are two different breeds. Of course one of the things that brought more awareness to the Bull Terrier was portrayal of the Spuds McKenzie dog character created by a marketing team to promote Bud Lite during the 1980's around the time of the super bowl.
Rita, thanks for always adding to a thread. May I kindly suggest that punctuation may make your comments easier to read and enjoy.
Hope those were washable markers, the theatrical oils don't wash off, they wear off…..after a LONG time!!! Been there, done that with my long passed Snorkie. One of my favorite memories of small kid and favored dog/brother.