So sticking up for eachother is way wrong when you are on this forum? I never knew that to be the case.
There are other dog owners on this forum that has 6 or more dogs and I think if they were to take in more dogs, they would not be questioned as to where they would keep them or how in the world do you have enough time for all of them..
Vicki asked for advice as to how to bring these two rescue Eskis into her home, not whether she should/could or the like.
That being said.. WHy the whole
It is great to know that you would not question Vicki, but we don't know her, we don't know her situation and even if we did, we still might question her, depending on the situation. Recently we met someone, worked with them on several occasions, thought they were okay, and later they murdered someone (allegedly) we were on NBC dateline in regard to it! We would not hesitate to question, in order to provoke thought, and to get more of through understanding on the subject. It is unfortunate you find that objectionable.
was brought into converstation is absurd..We don't know Vicki, we are not supposed to know eachother ( unless you do because of geographics), it is a forum, where you meet people for advice, fun antics and great pictures…
I think, even if I don't know Vicki, if she were to all of a sudden hurt somebody, she would leave her beloved pets and fosters alone...
Vicki sorry if I felt like standing up for you and you didn't want that..
ComicDog, the "poster" you are refering to is Basenjimamma, you may use my name next makes for an easier read.