Thank you for posting this clip. I wish more of this could be shown , Staffies get a very bad press over here and are blamed by the media for all sorts of horrors!
Yes, I'm glad to hear differing opinions! We're keeping our options open but leaning toward a purebred waterdog of some sort. I'm sure I'll be back later with questions about how to integrate a new puppy in to a home life ruled by a cat (and with an African basenji in the mix)... :)
How come the invisible dogs are so much better behaved than real ones? When I run my invisible dog for agility (aka walking the course), he always qualifies. Well, except when I was running my invisible Jet the try-ing.
Ms. Rita Jean:
I have yet to locate the off switch on any Basenji and I've been around them since I was a baby. When you find it, you will let us all know, right?