Mate viewing crossing the bridge…
I'm very sorry. I had 2 Basenjis that lived together for most of their lives. When I had to put Ringo to sleep because of a tumor I left Nika at home. I brought Ringo home and let Nika see and smell him. She seemed OK with doing that. Your 2 sound like they have a closer bond so that may not work for you. I think taking Ginger might be a good idea.
I'm so sorry. When my beagle, Zachary, was suffering from cancer, I was planning to bring Nemo along when we were going to put him to sleep. This crossed my mind from Patricia McConnell's "The Other End of the Leash" where she tells a very moving story about putting one of her dogs to sleep in the presence of her other dogs. In my case, Zachary, passed away at home before we could do that. I had Nemo come over and let him investigate on his own. I'm not sure if it really helped Nemo understand what happened or not, but I'd like to think so. Best wishes in whatever you decide to do.
I do think it may help Ginger - when we lost our BG, she passed in our arms in the backyard. All the other dogs were still in their crates in our room. I brought them down one at a time and let them say good-bye. Her brother Tex sniffed all around her, especially her face, and then just stood guard over her. We finally had to pick him up. They were best buddies as well as being brother and sister.
So sorry to hear this, we never have them long enough.
I am so sorry…please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers...((hugs))...
You all are so wonderful.
I helped Fred to go meet Jesus today… the vet did an autopsy right after, and he said he had full blown stomach cancer that had spread to the pancreas and liver. So all that I had done was all I could do.I had been writing about some of the trials and meds on the "Basenji Puppy Matters" "Basenji Puppy Feeding" "Should I be concerned?" post. We have been dealing with it since July/August.
I was his mom for 10 months, a BRAT rescue, and he will be missed.
BTW - I did take Ginger, who is always high strung at the vet's office, even after a long walk beforehand. She was pacing the whole time, until the time, and she hung around for a little while, and stopped whining. Then she wanted to leave, and she never looked back, like she usually does, when he is in there getting tested. She didn't let out a peep in the car on the way home, came in, looked around once, and is now sleeping on the couch.
He was a beautiful B. What a great picture to remember him by.
Sorry for your loss… and in January when I lost OJ and Mickii within 1 week, that left Kristii as an only dog... considering she was born at our home, she had never ever been withount another Basenji in the house... She too has never looked back... and has quite enjoyed being the center of attention... and honestly that blew our minds.... but we are grateful
So sorry for the loss of Fred, what a handsome Basenji.
I'm so sorry, but I'm also so happy to hear that you loved and cared for him even if it was only for a short time.
I'm so sorry for your loss and at the same time so thankful that you gave Fred a loving home even if it was for such a short time. Thanks for the follow up on taking Ginger with you. I'll be facing that decision myself. Hugs to you and Ginger.
Everyone - you are all so kind!
I wrote about it here… -
That was beautiful and heart warming to read about how you got Fred and Ginger.
I am so sorry for your loss, the only consolation to have is that your time with Fred was good and that he is finally dancing again…
How is Ginger taking him not being there?