Michelle, I am so very sorry. 😞 I know it is hard, but try to not focus on their screw up. They didn't hurt HER, they stressed you. Focus on how much loved that dear dog was and that you gave her a fantastic last day. I wish caring could ease your hurt, but it doesn't– but know you are, in fact, cared for. Thank you for sharing her with us. ((hugs))
Cody's fanconi results
Just wonderful! its so good for you to know. Kudos!
GREAT news! It's best that you know.
Thanks! We're so happy… ok, I'm happy, he still thinks I'm crazy.
Congrats on the great results!!
Brilliant news for you and Cody
That's wonderful news!
great news!
Brilliant news:D
Huge hugs for Cody and you, and congrats. Awesome news..
How awesome for you and Cody!