my Tayda gets it a little on the back of her ears…. is it seasonal?
It's called 'Pattern baldness'. Here some info right of the internet:
_What is pattern baldness?
With this condition there is gradual, symmetric thinning and loss of hair (alopecia) that usually begins by 6 to 9 months of age and progresses slowly until the affected areas are completely bald. Areas of hair loss are not itchy but may become darkened and scaly over time.
There are 3 different patterns of baldness that occur. In the most common syndrome, dachshunds and other breeds (mostly female animals) experience hair loss around the temples, underneath the neck, and on the chest, abdomen and back of the thighs. In dachshunds with pinnal alopecia (mostly male), the hair is gradually lost from both ears. Saddle alopecia occurs in American water spaniels and Portuguese water dogs, with hair loss underneath the neck, on the back of the thighs, and on the tail.
How is pattern baldness inherited?
What breeds are affected by pattern baldness?
Dachshunds are most commonly affected, and the condition is also seen in Boston terriers, Chihuahuas, greyhounds, Italian greyhounds, Manchester terriers, and whippets. Saddle alopecia occurs in American water spaniels and Portuguese water dogs
For many breeds and many disorders, the studies to determine the mode of inheritance or the frequency in the breed have not been carried out, or are inconclusive. We have listed breeds for which there is a consensus among those investigating in this field and among veterinary practitioners, that the condition is significant in this breed.
What does pattern baldness mean to your dog & you?
Aside from the areas of hair loss, your dog's coat will be normal. There is usually no discomfort associated with this condition.
How is pattern baldness diagnosed?
The condition is diagnosed through clinical examination and ruling out other causes of hair loss.
How is pattern baldness treated?
There is no treatment to reverse the hair loss.
Breeding advice
It is preferable not to breed affected dogs. Recognition of this problem by breed clubs of American water spaniels and Portuguese water dogs has already reduced the frequency of saddle alopecia.
Scott, D.W., Miller, W.H., Griffin, C.E. 1995. Muller and Kirk's Small Animal Dermatology. p. 777 W.B. Saunders Co., Toronto.
Copyright 1998 Canine Inherited Disorders Database. All rights reserved.
Revised: October 30, 2001.
This database is funded jointly by the Sir James Dunn Animal Welfare Centre at the Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island, and the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association._
It's not really seasonal, more something that's 'always there', but shows up under certain conditions. I asked the proff. and he said that 'they' don't really know what those conditions are but it could be (lack of) light, temperature or the dry heat from heat sources in the winter etc.