i have to say i've been reading your threads and i just wanted to say i've been really impressed with your openness and learning curve. so many people get defensive and i think that's easy to do when confronted with less than stellar comments about a puppy that they are/planning on bringing home. the advice you've been given here, however, is spot on from caring breeders that have been in the breed for many, many years. however, i think every here also knows it's so easy to quickly fall in love with a basenji puppy, even from just looking at the pictures. but one of the biggest problems with basenjis is that many of the health problems (fanconi, pra) that plague this breed don't show up until the dogs are older. late-onset health problems for many breeds mean 4 or 6; however in our breed a "healthy" dog starting to show signs of fanconi or pra at 10 (or later) is not uncommon. everyone here wants to see you bring home the best possible puppy for your home so that you can enjoy your puppy for many, many healthy years to come. Good luck in whatever you decide.+1 on this. And I'm very sorry for the stuff that you've gone thru with your dad and can appreciate you wanting and needing a companion as a result.
But please, read what lvoss has said right above. And then please read the other threads on this board from people with heart ache dealing with Fanconi afflicted dogs or even dogs that have come back "probably affected" and they are in waiting and worrying mode as to when their dog might show symptoms.
If your pup comes back "probably affected", stop for a minute. You've been through enough…with your father, with having to give up your other dog, with your dog who had kidney failure. You owe it to yourself to have a "healthy companion" and to start out with one with that can develop this horrible disease is doing a disservice to YOU and your chance to heal and move forward with some happiness. Here is your chance to slow down now that you have more information...while you wait for the results of the fanconi marker test on your pup.
Plane tickets can be changed for little or no money (and I've had plenty of success negotiating for $0 when there is supposed to be a fee) and can be done so the tickets are good for a me, I do it all the time. Please don't let your plane ticket be the deciding factor on taking a dog that may have health problems later on down the road.
The one thing that is bothering me is what my sister told me. This pup has a home now… If I say no then he doesn't. I am waiting for th test result, and I have talked with candyce for awhile now, and no offense to you guys, you have not. I really truly believe that she does have a good head on her shoulder. She might not be a top breeder, but she does care for these animals. Maybe not in your eyes I don't know. If you guys really want to, talk to her... idk
Im sorry for butting in here. Im new to the website and to the breed and i dont even own my basenji yet.
But i breed dogs, and i have bought and sold a few over the years and i can honestly say that you need to really sit down and think about this.
You have been through hell recently with your father and your dog, im sure most people on here couldn't even begin to understand what its like, but if you get a dog (of any breed, not just a basenji!) that is not health tested you are setting yourself up for more potential heartache. Is it really worth it?
Yes, he has a home now if you have him. But at what cost to you?? Im sorry, but sometimes you have to be selfish. You wouldnt keep buying dogs from shops and puppy farmers (not sure what you call them in america???) just because they have no home, would you?? It is not your responsibility to home this puppy, and maybe if the breeder was stuck with a litter of puppies they cant sell they might rethink their breeding practices… That is the only way these health problems can be controlled!
You have been given some great advice. I dont mean to be rude, but it seems like you rushed into getting this puppy without researching breeders properly, you do NOT have to buy the puppy if you are not 100% certain. Phone the breeder, tell her that for personal reasons you cant have the pup if you dont want to have the health testing discussion, and do some research for some GOOD breeders around you. Im sure people on here would be more than willing to help you find a nice, healthy basenji puppy.
Im sure you could cancel/change the flight, but even if not, i would not let the cost of a plane ticket cause me a lot of unnecessary problems in the future...
Cutiepie - I applaud you for wanting to help this pup (but that pup will always have a home unless put to sleep; to say it won't is playing on emotions). However, really give this extra thought (yes plane tickets are expensive but …). Your "breeder" tried to help save these dogs (and she should be commended for that) but she is not experienced with basenjis, she admitted it. Ask her if she will refund part or all of your money if your pup develops fanconi's or other genetic problem; also ask her if she will cover all or part of the tests for these diseases (you can have them done at your local vet). Also research Fanconi's and other genetic diseases (it won't take long on the internet) and consider what you will do if your pup develops the symptoms. Then make your final decision.
Remember now everyone here wants the best for the breed and for you. -
As hard as it is to decide NOT to get a puppy right now (not to mention time and money spent), it would be waaay harder to deal with Fanconi years later (not to mention time and money spent).
Sorry to say… I got my Bella from a petstore. She was a gift from my husband for my B-day. I would not trade her for the world, but I also would not buy from petshoppes or BYB's now that I know what I know about them. I love Bella dearly and she is really a good girl, but she also has a luxating patella that I know will get worse as she ages. This would not have happened with a responsible breeder. Also, I have the decision to make about DNA testing for fanconi... I am torn between having it done and possibly knowing she will have fanconi in the future (this would tear me up inside and I would worry constantly). So, since I am not DNA testing at this time, I strip test every month. I just wish so much I had more resources BEFORE we purchased her. I wish I would have had this wonderful group of people to talk to prior to getting a puppy! Bella is my first dog and she has taught me so much about Basenjis and dogs in general. The Basenji Slaves on this forum have taught me so much about the breed and breeding issues, they have much insight and experience that I value. So IMO if you want to "rescue" a pup, then check out some young Basenjis on Petfinder or a Basenji rescue group. I am talking from the other side here and still agree with previous posts about BYBs. And I definitely do NOT think they are saying any of this to be mean. We just want what is best for you…
Bellabasenji:…. As hard as maybe finding out that she could be affected... it is just as likely that she might be clear or a carrier. I know that it is hard... but really would be worth it... Remember also, anyone strip testing should test 3 to 4 days in a row as when they first start spilling, sometimes it will show up one day and not the next....
Take a deep breath, do the DNA test.... we are all here to support you, good/bad/whatever.....
Sorry to say… I got my Bella from a petstore. She was a gift from my husband for my B-day. I would not trade her for the world, but I also would not buy from petshoppes or BYB's now that I know what I know about them. I love Bella dearly and she is really a good girl, but she also has a luxating patella that I know will get worse as she ages. This would not have happened with a responsible breeder.
If Bella is who I think she is, she has an almost identical pedigree to the sire of the puppy Cuttiepie is looking at.
If you guys know any tri males for a reasonable price let me know.
Sorry to say… I got my Bella from a petstore. She was a gift from my husband for my B-day. I would not trade her for the world, but I also would not buy from petshoppes or BYB's now that I know what I know about them. I love Bella dearly and she is really a good girl, but she also has a luxating patella that I know will get worse as she ages. This would not have happened with a responsible breeder. Also, I have the decision to make about DNA testing for fanconi... I am torn between having it done and possibly knowing she will have fanconi in the future (this would tear me up inside and I would worry constantly). So, since I am not DNA testing at this time, I strip test every month. I just wish so much I had more resources BEFORE we purchased her. I wish I would have had this wonderful group of people to talk to prior to getting a puppy! Bella is my first dog and she has taught me so much about Basenjis and dogs in general. The Basenji Slaves on this forum have taught me so much about the breed and breeding issues, they have much insight and experience that I value. So IMO if you want to "rescue" a pup, then check out some young Basenjis on Petfinder or a Basenji rescue group. I am talking from the other side here and still agree with previous posts about BYBs. And I definitely do NOT think they are saying any of this to be mean. We just want what is best for you…
I second that. I too have a petstore B. I am lucky that dash has been healthy but I have learned a lot from this forum.
If you guys know any tri males for a reasonable price let me know.
What do you consider reasonable? Price is subjective… and most responsible breeders try to price their pups fairly, but you have to consider what it cost them to even breed that litter...
What is a normal cost?
What is a normal cost?
Again it is different for different parts of the country. My pups are 950.00 with 100.00 refunded with proof of spay/neuter. But prices are usually higher in California… however that is about the normal price out here. I know many breeders in the Mid-West that are anywhere from 650.00 to 850.00... and that to me is pretty reasonable. Remember, you get what you pay for... and in the end spend less from a responsible breeder....
All that said usually by now breeders have placed or have reservations for their pups. Usually responsible breeders do not even bred without a reservation list before breeding, instead of waiting till after the pups to advertise for homes. Look at it this way, responsible breeder do NOT let people pick a pup.. they take into consideration what someone would like, but in the end they match the puppy with the family. No exceptions. Remember the breeder has raised the litter therefore know the temperaments of the pups and have watch them since birth... they have gotten to know the homes/family where a pup is wanted... then they match the best fit of puppy to family.
Confirmed…the numbers on the pedigree are ACA, not CKC.
So is that better? Also if found a breeder named tammie wade. She is selling b's for 400 to 500, fanconi tested.
So is that better?
Also if found a breeder named tammie wade. She is selling b's for 400 to 500, fanconi tested.
Your best bet to find a responsible, ethical breeder is through the Basenji Club Of America.
The BCOA breeder's list
Well said, I am in the same position as you with a petstore dog that I did not know better about until after I got her. Now I would never buy from anything but a reputible responsible breeder. I too wish I would have had this forum before we got Zahra.
Sorry to say… I got my Bella from a petstore. She was a gift from my husband for my B-day. I would not trade her for the world, but I also would not buy from petshoppes or BYB's now that I know what I know about them. I love Bella dearly and she is really a good girl, but she also has a luxating patella that I know will get worse as she ages. This would not have happened with a responsible breeder. Also, I have the decision to make about DNA testing for fanconi... I am torn between having it done and possibly knowing she will have fanconi in the future (this would tear me up inside and I would worry constantly). So, since I am not DNA testing at this time, I strip test every month. I just wish so much I had more resources BEFORE we purchased her. I wish I would have had this wonderful group of people to talk to prior to getting a puppy! Bella is my first dog and she has taught me so much about Basenjis and dogs in general. The Basenji Slaves on this forum have taught me so much about the breed and breeding issues, they have much insight and experience that I value. So IMO if you want to "rescue" a pup, then check out some young Basenjis on Petfinder or a Basenji rescue group. I am talking from the other side here and still agree with previous posts about BYBs. And I definitely do NOT think they are saying any of this to be mean. We just want what is best for you…
No, ACA is not better. And yes, that is where Bella's father is registered! WL's Alex (tri-color) is her SIRE. Is this pup she is looking at from one of the WL lines? If so, then I know the luxating patella is in the line, and rumor has it… so is fanconi.:( Bella's mother is KKDK Jammin Jo (red & white).
Oh, and BTW my baby cost $900.00 as well. Even though she was pet store… they jack the prices up because they think the "puppy bug" will "infect people who see the little cuties!!!:mad: So I get a dog who has a sketchy background and health history and unfortunately supported the puppy mill and BYB industry.:mad::mad::mad: I wish I had known then... But I do love her dearly.